Thursday, July 7, 2011

QUILT – THANKS: I have a patchwork quilt on my bed. I got this out of a missionary cupboard some time ago. Ladies of the church had made it to help their missionaries. As I lay there in my bed I remember getting a lot things from these cupboards over the years. I even started these cupboards in churches that I had started to help other missionaries. As I lay under that quilt I got to thinking back through the years of God’s people making my ministry possible. There were love offerings, gifts for speaking in the churches and faithful monthly support, some of which continues today helping me in retirement. God’s people have been very gracious to me. A passage that comes to mind is I Timothy 6:17-19, “the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life.” You have given and shared with me and you certainly share in any fruit that has been borne. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

SALVATION: A young man that has been attending the church the past few months received Christ a couple weeks ago. I have so enjoyed visiting and sharing with him. Praise the Lord!

TAYLORS: My granddaughter Christen and family have finished their four-year term in Brazil and are home now. We have been doing some sightseeing with them this week before they start reporting to their supporting churches. Pray they will be safe in their travels and that they will regain lost support.

NASA: NASA was one of the places we went to. I’d been there years ago and I was surprised that they had a lot of kids things to play that had nothing to do with what NASA is all about. We did see something about the moon and planets. I guess the kids things draws in families.

FATHER’S DAY: Many this month are celebrating their fathers. Fathers are special people, having a great input in the lives of their children. My father was a hard working man and I never knew him to be without work, even during the Great Depression when so many were out of work. He always managed to find something to do. I remember him coming home and laying on the living room floor for an hour or so and going out to work again. Though my father had godly parents those principles never showed through in his life. Any spiritual impact in my life had to come from my grandparents on both sides. I asked my dad one day if he had ever received Christ as his Savior and he claimed to have done so when he was young but I never saw any indication of it. I will have to wait and see in glory.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

BAPTISM – I was baptized following salvation as a junior aged boy at Brookings, Oregon. I was baptized a second time with my wife when she was saved, better understanding it’s meaning. Baptism should be the first act of obedience after being saved. Sadly, many Christians put it off and such should not be the case. Baptism identifies us with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and becomes our testimony of faith in Christ. If you profess to be a Christian you should be baptize and not put it off any longer. Through the years whenever I baptize someone I also required them to become members of the local church. It never made sense to me to be obedient in baptism and not be a member of Christ’s visible body, the church. I had people refuse baptism because I also required church membership. But half obedience didn’t make sense to me either.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT – I never imagined that my son-law would be my pastor. It is the first time in many years that I have had a pastor. He (Albert) is presently preaching an interesting series on Heaven. Did you ever think about having a job in heaven? Interesting!

GOOD NEWS CLUB – Patty will be starting this up in the school soon and I will go with her and try helping by listening to children say their verses and counsel those who respond to an invitation for salvation. It has been a long time since I have done this. Pray for boys and girls to be saved.

DOCTORING – I am getting established with new doctors, eye, heart, podiatrist and urologist. As a boy you had one doctor, now they all specialize. Yesterday I had an interesting experience as we were in the waiting room. An elderly man asked how old I was and then told me he was 98 years old. His 52 year old wife was with him. He told me he had been married 11 times and this was his 12th. He told me he had been a millionaire and lost it all on lawyers. He was an interesting character.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PREACHING – Retirement has given me time to evaluate my years as a preacher. I know there were far better preachers than I was but my heart was in it, doing it for glory of our Lord and the benefit of others. When my sons John and Gary went of to Bible College they told me they had difficulty getting use to other preachers after sitting under my preaching for so many years. John told me it was strange being taught things they had already been taught by me. That was all an encouragement to this old man’s heart.

TIME SPENT - I don’t have a lot of spare time here at Patty and Al’s. Not that I have a lot to do. Patty has a lot of running to do fixing up rental properties and I tag along. They have several rental properties preparing for future retirement and one was vacated this month and there was a lot of fixing up to do so I sit and watch, keeping her company. A family rented it last night so it wasn’t vacant long.

DIFFERENT AREA – Things are different here and I enjoy the palm trees and the flowering crepe myrtles. So many of the streets are divided by islands to separate the directions. Driving through our neighborhood there are boys playing basketball and smaller kids riding bikes. The heat doesn’t seem to slow them down. There were palms in California when I went to Western Union School years ago. I lived there for a time when I was small but I didn’t notice those things then.

BARKING DOGS – I hate barking dogs. Our neighbor has a dog that barks almost continually and it drives me nuts. You’d think it would bother them too but I never hear them getting after them. Any suggestions short of a gun??

THE MOSQUE - The plans to build a Mosque in New York is causing a lot of debate and little wonder being near ground zero where the building were destroyed by Muslims. Another slap in the face.

PRAISE THE LORD – the house has been sold. Thank you for praying. It is interesting how God works. We have been praying the Lord would sell the house and the family who bought it told Gary and Donna that they have been praying to find the right house. I’m told they are believers and will be looking for a new church. Wouldn’t it be something if they found Fellowship Baptist Church.

Monday, August 16, 2010

STUFF – I have mentioned “stuff” before. Many Americans have more “stuff” than they know what to do with it. Driving to and from church there is a place that rents or leases Pods. Three of these would be about the size of a large tractor-trailer. These are storage bins that can be placed at your house so you can fill them with “stuff” and then they will store them for you or deliver them to your next living place. It seems to me that when you get so much “stuff” that you need a storage bin it is time to get rid of some things. I wonder what God thinks of this kind of stewardship when there are so many needy around the world.

TEACHING – A good Sunday school teacher, especially in the teen and adult classes, should learn how to draw the class into discussion. It is not enough to just lecture the class, we need to get the class thinking and participating. I thing some teachers are afraid the students might ask a question they can’t answer. This shouldn’t be a problem, just admit you don’t know but you will find an answer for next week. No one has all the answers so be honest, admit it and find an answer.

VISITATION – Recently Al, Patty and I called on a couple ladies in a rest home and we had an enjoyable time. They were so appreciative of our call. A third lady came by and joined into the conversation. There are a lot of lonely people in this world that need a friendly call. Plan to make a call on someone this week. Just imagine how much our churches would grow if we all planned to make one call a week.

GROWTH – We have a family picture on the wall with eighteen people in it. If we were to take that picture today, we would have to add twenty-one to it. Isn’t it amazing how families grow? So it is with every family and we need to pray and labor to see that each one accepts Christ as their Savior so that we may be together for all eternity. Sadly, that is not the case and there are gaps in all of our families with unsaved members.

SCHOOL – Another week or two and school starts up again and plans are being made to start up the Good News Clubs again which is always a big undertaking. Pray for workers to help out in this great effort to win boys and girls for Christ. It takes a lot of work and planning.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

URGENT PRAYER NEEDED – My grandson Ben received his second heart transplant Monday night. Twelve hours later he will have a second surgery for a kidney transplant.

REMEMBERING BACK – Recently I have been recalling how I got started in ministry and I would like to share the details with you. I received Christ as a boy but without parental encouragement I got away from it. After marriage the Lord brought heavy conviction upon me and I began living for the Lord and sensing a deep need to serve Him. Without Bible college training I knew no church would accept me in ministry. Nor could I figure a way to go to college and care for a family of five. This meant I would have to start a church and learn as I labored.

MAKING CONTACTS – I called Dr. Robert Powell of Temple Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington He was leaving for the conference out east and said he would get off the train in Auburn for a few minutes, which he did. He gave me the names of three pastors I didn’t know and he got back on the train. I finally found the three men and learned they had rented a small store building in Federal Way, Washington without knowing where the next months rent would come from or who would take the task of starting a church. They had me speak in their three churches to get to know me and afterwards gave me the keys to the building and told me to go to work. They would continue to pay the rent through their churches. What a challenge for someone as ignorant and untrained as I was.

BIBLE STUDY – Some ladies from the church we attended were having a home Bible study in the area and some husbands had started attending as well. They rightly felt they shouldn’t be teaching men in the class and this gave me an opportunity at some contacts to help start a new church. God works in strange ways.

PROPERTY - As the work grew we knew we needed a place of our own and I found five acres in the area with and old house on it which we bought and started a building on the opposite end of the land. It was a good thing, as the owner of the storefront did not want to renew the lease on the building. While working on the building we started holding Sunday morning services in a restaurant owned by a family of one of the children coming to our services. We eventually started holding meetings in our unfinished building.

ORDINATION – About three years into the project the new church decided to call for an ordination council for me. The council was well attended with pastors wanting to question me being an untrained pastor in their fellowship. The council went well and they unanimously recommend me for ordination.

Friday, July 23, 2010

THE MOVE – Going from Ohio to Texas was quite a move. Patty has done her best to make me feel at home. She has hung pictures I have taken over the years of nature such as Killdeer eggs, a large woods toadstool, ocean pictures & bittersweet berries. She & Al have treated me royally.

TEACHING – The past three Wednesdays I have taught the midweek Bible study in Galatians as the one who usually teaches it has not been able to. I enjoyed doing so even though my eyes make the words overlap making study a bit difficult.

FENCES – Everyone’s backyard here are fenced in with six-foot boards, something I have not seen before. Everyone wants their privacy I guess. Makes good business for lumberyards. Our neighbors dogs keep trying to break though their fence he apparently doesn't like being fenced in.

COMPANY – Al’s mom and dad visited last week and we had an enjoyable time together. Al took time off from work on Thursday and Friday to spend time with them. They are from Kentucky and returned home after dinner on Sunday.

GALATIANS 6:10 – “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” One of the reasons Christianity grew so rapidly in the beginning was the carrying out the spirit of this verse. Christians were known for doing good to others. Though they were persecuted they didn’t return evil for evil. It was their desire to show forth the love of Christ. Further, Christians suffered for their faith and often were in dire circumstances, needing help. Family should take care of family. May we in our day follow this instruction. If believers will do so they will find their efforts bearing much fruit.

DOCTORING – I am trying to get established with doctors here in Texas. Patty has been working on it for me and I saw a foot doctor yesterday and also filled out papers for an internist. I hate changing doctors after being established with some for so many years. This is one the prices you pay for moving, lots of paper work. It use to be we’d see a GP for everything and now today everyone specializes and you end up seeing half a dozen different doctors.

Well, keep looking up, the Lord is coming.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

RAPTURE – I have been thinking back to when I was four or five years old. I must have heard something about going to Heaven. I had gathered all my treasures (toys) and stacked them under the grand piano that my aunt played. I lived with my grandparents who manage a chain variety store. Granny, my grandfather’s mother, took care of me while they worked at the store. When I was asked why I had gathered my toys under the piano I told them I was getting ready to take them to Heaven with me. My point in sharing this with you is to tell you it is never too early to talk to your children about Heaven and how to get there. As parents and grandparents we need to share spiritual truths with our children, preparing for the day when they will accept Christ as their Savior. Simply explained, children are capable of understanding more than what we may think. Pray for wisdom that God will enable you to instill spiritual truths in the hearts of your children.

MOVE TO TEXAS – I never dreamed I would live in Texas but here I am, living with my daughter Patty and her husband Albert. Patty helped me with a huge garage sale getting rid of things in Ohio. The house is up for sale so please pray for a quick sale so I will be out from those expenses and concerns.

TEACHING – This Wednesday I had the opportunity to teach the midweek Bible study. Not many were there but I enjoyed the opportunity of sharing the truths of Galatians chapter five about the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. I have some difficulty with my vision as letters over lap each other, etc. but we got through it.

BEAUTY EVERYWHERE – No matter where you go in this wonderful county of ours there are beautiful things to enjoy. There are flowering trees and bushes all new to me here in Texas. Even in a fallen world God has given us beauty to enjoy. I can’t begin to imagine the beauty we will enjoy in millennial Kingdom and the new Heaven and Earth when God brings that all about. We long for the day.

BEREAN BAPTIST - I have already joined the church here as I believe Christians should belong to a local church to grow and serve through.