Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 2008 #3

REPORT ON BETTY – Betty had an MRI several weeks ago and a bone scan last week. When we saw the oncologist this Wednesday he said that her cancer was out of control. Friday she was to start a new chemo just approved by the FDA to see if it will turn things around but she was sick to her stomach all night and we had to cancel. I have rescheduled it for Tuesday. They haven’t told us of the potential side effects of this one yet but I suppose they will when we go in. Please pray for her, as it has been a long and discouraging battle.

MORE OIL – So much has been said by people fearing oil shortages. There is news coming out now that should relieve some of those fears if authorities will just take advantage of the opportunities. We started a church in North Dakota. Most of our people worked in the oil drilling industry. Though that has been a few years I often wondered why many wells were capped off rather than being used. There is some new news about their finding more oil in that area under a large lake and they are finding ways to drill outside the lake and then angled back into the reservoir under the lake. Environment issues were preventing drilling in the lake. Another item, my son Gary found a new item that you might find interesting to read about “seeping oil” that indicates there is far more oil around the world than first thought. If you are interested in learning about the growing amount of oil that contradicts the diminishing supply go to you will find it interesting reading. I’d heard some things along these lines before. The thought that comes to my mind is that when God created this old world He provided adequate resources to take care of the growing population if we but learn about and take advantage of His provisions. Could this be an answer to the present oil prices reaching up to nearly $113.00 a barrel? This is something to think about.

ELEMENTARY MASSAGES – Can you believe this? Fox News reported on 4/15/08 of a school that has provided a room for elementary children to go and give massages to one another. I didn’t catch the item in time to write down where this school was located but I suppose if someone wanted to know bad enough where it is they could check with Fox to find out. That is quite an addition to elementary curriculum that we might pray doesn’t catch on. There are too many schools failing to properly teach English and math without adding something of this sort. I’ve been thinking about going to a massage therapist myself to see if it would help the neuropathy caused by my diabetes but I haven’t quite gotten up my courage to give it a try yet. Guess I wasn’t given the right incentive for that sort of thing when I was in grade school. (Smile)

A REVEALING AD – A TV ad I hear repeatedly certainly reveals the worldview today. It made such an impression on me that I don’t even remember the product it advertises and I really don’t want to know. Here it is, “I want if all, I want it all and I want it now.” This is a greedy world and so many are seeking all they can get and they want it immediately. People are hell bound with all their greed and immorality, demanding attitudes and practices rushing to an eternal damnation. I recall a friend years ago when we were driving together from Camas, Washington to Woodburn and Silverton, Oregon. We would be driving the speed limit on curving roads, and cars would go speeding past us and he would say, “Rush on fool, hell is only half full!” People are rushing to a terrible end and not even aware they are doing so.

THE POPE’S WEEK – President Bush’s official welcome of the Pope was a moving event with all the pomp and circumstance, hymns and music, instrumental and vocal. All the news this week has been dominated by the Pope with much fanfare, speeches, masses and crowds of people, many of whom traveled some distance to be able to see the Pope. The repeated apology for the pedophile acts of priests was long overdue and a welcome appeal. Pope Benedict apparently is quite an intellectual and seems to be a humble spirit, up to a point. The messages of love, peace and forgiveness are also welcome words in the face of all the bad news that fills our airways day after day. Even knowing the Pope’s opposition to abortion in the face of millions of murdered babies is refreshing as we observe the continual stance of Obama and Hillary’s defense of the practice. Having said all this, these events do not nullify the many differences of Roman Catholicism’s doctrinal and historic inaccuracies or the many the church has martyred among believers over the centuries. Something that always strikes me is the contrast between all the adoration of the Pope and the Apostle Peter whom the Popes claim to follow. Recalling the “man lame from his mother’s womb” in Acts 3 when Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Compare that with all the expensive and colorful robes, crowns, etc. that was on display this week. Or, in Revelation 22 when John saw wondrous things the angel had shown him, John “fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he (the angel) said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, … Worship God.” Compare that with people bowing before the Pope and kissing his hand or ring. Even a mighty angel of God would not accept worship from man that belonged alone to God Almighty, yet the Pope accepts veneration from individuals and the gathered crowds. SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!

IMMIGRATION & OPPORTUNITY – I am opposed to the mass of illegal immigration from Mexico and elsewhere, believing they should follow the legal process of entering the country. At the same time I was reminded by the writings of Dr. Charles Woods this week of the opportunity that immigration affords us as Christians. We get so caught up in the political arguments relating to illegal immigration that we forget our responsibility to point lost souls to our Savior and the blessing of eternal life to all who will receive Him. In my mission challenges in numerous churches over the years I have made the point that with the dwindling of missionaries going abroad, God is bringing the masses to us in these United States that we might evangelize the world from right here at home. Baptist Church Planters is putting forth a real effort to reach Hispanics and to start churches through ministry to them. I would encourage you to check out this web sight: that David Whitcher has established as our mission representative to the Hispanics. He is doing a great job and you might email him and ask to receive his prayer letters at Churches should be considering starting classes that teach Spanish so that our people can seek opportunities to witness to Hispanics. When I first moved to Ohio you seldom saw any Hispanics, now we see them all around us. We need to get back to the business of reaching the lost for Christ.

April 2008 #2

VICTORY IN JESUS – In the last “Musings” I touched on the matter of clapping and shouting. Another event comes to mind. Shortly after taking the task of restoring the work of the church at Commercial Point I was called by the local pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church. They were about to close their doors and the pastor called to see if there might be some possibility of recommending the few remaining members attend our services. Before he could do so he had a question for me. I knew what he was going to ask and sure enough, the question was, “Do you teach eternal security?” I answered in the affirmative and his immediate response was, “I was afraid of that, I can’t recommend that our people attend your church.” It was just minutes after his call that I received another call from an elderly member of his church asking the same question. This dear Christian lady and her husband were hoping they could attend our church in the area where they lived. I laughed and told her that we did believe in and teach eternal security. I also asked she and her husband to visit our services and assured her that they would be welcome, adding that if she could accept the fact that I was a true believer in Christ believing in eternal security, I could believe that they were true Christians not believing in eternal security. She too laughed and decided to visit our services. They eventually joined out church, promising that they would not make this difference an issue. Anyway, after all that and getting back to my point, every time we sang “Victory In Jesus” her arm and hand would be extended and held there the whole time we sang it. No one else held their hand up and no one seemed to mind that she did. I knew she was simply expressing her faith and victory in Christ as her Savior. The practice has come from earlier days when she had been a part of the “Holiness Movement.”

AN OFFERING OF CANNED VEGETABLES – Strange things happen in churches. When I was at Rustic Hills Baptist Church in Colorado Springs an unusual woman started attending shortly after I had arrived as their missionary pastor. This was also before I had convinced the people to try using an offering box rather than pass the offering plates. When the offering plate was passed the woman put a can of vegetables in the plate. The usher could hardly believe his eyes and it about broke him up. I was told about this later and we wondered what that was all about. We didn’t know whether she didn’t have any money to give or if it was just one of those eccentric acts. She didn’t attend our services very many times and perhaps sought some other church that might fit her tastes. The three or so years that I pastored that work, before they were able to call a regular pastor, there was never a Sunday that we didn’t have visitors. It was a very unusual area with lots of people moving in, besides several military bases that changed their people around regularly.

HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND AS PARENTS – An elementary school in Reedsburg, Wisconsin schedules a “Wacky Week” on their calendar. One day was planned for a cross dressing day where boys were encouraged to wear girls clothes and the girls were to wear boys clothes. How would you react if your children attended that school? It has raised a lot of discussion in town and from a lot of outsiders as well. I don’t know if it would have raised as much fuss many years ago but today where we have so much promotion of homosexuality, cross gendering and people having surgical procedures to change their sex, it puts forth a wrong message. To me it seems like another occasion to try and disrupt Biblical premises when God created the order of men being men and women being women. God created us in His image to fulfill His purposes. To rebel and to promote something else eventually brings GodÂ’s judgment. Immorality brought the flood and Homosexuality brought judgment in Abraham and Lot’s day with fire and brimstone. With prayer and the Bible out of the schools and adding this kind of nonsense they are moving children’s thoughts in the wrong direction. My, how we need to pray for our nation! It is little wonder that so many Christian families are home schooling to protect their children from a liberal school system.

MC DONALDS – Over the years I have eaten a lot of McDonalds burgers and breakfast sandwiches but that has come to an end. Like the Ford Motor Company, McDonald has decided to promote the homosexual agenda. The American Family Association has sent out the following: “According to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner, McDonalds will aggressively promote the homosexual agenda.”… “The company gave an undisclosed amount of money to the NGLCC in return for being recognized as a major promoter of the homosexual agenda. In return, NGLCC placed Richard Ellis, vice president of communications of McDonald’s USA, on the NGLCC Board of Directors.”… “Ellis was quoted as saying: “I’m thrilled to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce team and ready to get to work. I share the NGLCC’s passion for business growth and development within the LGBT community, and I look forward to playing a role in moving those important initiatives forward.” With homosexuals being less than ten per-cent of our population I wonder why businesses will jeopardize their businesses by take up this these immoral causes.

GRANDSON BEN IS HOME – After nearly three months in the hospital and a heart transplant Ben left the hospital on Wednesday morning. Praise the Lord! It has been a long siege for him and the family. For those who may not know, my grandson is the music director of a church in Stayton, Oregon. How long before he can get back to his ministry I haven’t heard yet. Please continue to pray for him as he regains his stamina. / Ben’s little boy Logan is doing pretty well with his chemo treatments though he has had some nausea from it. They alternated between treatments by infusion and oral chemo. / Ethel, my daughter in law has not gone back to work yet but is doing much better. I do appreciate your prayers for them. / Ben and Meaghan bought an older home just before his heart put him in the hospital. The price was something they could afford and near the church where they minister but it had problems. There was no heating system and they were trying to heat with wood. With all the dampness in Oregon and a leaky roof a mold problem developed when they were away at the hospital in Portland so long. Their church is trying to help them correct those problems and for now they are staying with his mother. Pray they can get worked through these additional difficulties.

SPRING HAS FINALLY ARRIVED – Our daffodils are in full bloom and the buds are coming out on the trees and shrubs. I was ready for it. I donÂ’t know whether spring or fall is my most favored time of the year but I do know I don’t care for the cold winters. Some are fortunate enough to go south for the winter but that is not an option for us. We have lots of small branches to pick up before we will be able to crank the mower up.

Monday, April 7, 2008

April #1

NAME PROBLEMS – I took a package to UPS to ship and found things had changed. Where I use to fill out a shipping slip by hand you now have to use their computers. With a little help from the UPS clerk I finally got it done and the box being a bit heavy he carried it to the counter for me. He looked at the label and said, “Your shipping this for your wife?” I was a bit shocked, I had not mentioned my wife nor had I put her name on the label. Finally it dawned on me that the name “Leslie” registered female with him. Since ID is required I showed my drivers license and he apologized. I have the same problem with mail as it is often address “Ms Leslie Newell.” I was so named after my maternal grandfather who was “Leslie E. White.” So I ended up “Leslie George Newell” having my middle name give after me paternal grandfather. As a child I had a classmate named “Lester” that I did not like and I always hated it when people would call me “Lester.” I am not a “Lester,” I am a “Leslie.” I loved both my grandfathers and did not mind being named after them even though I had nothing to do with it. From time to time I meet a woman named “Leslie” and they are a bit surprised I have the same name. Please don’t call me Ms. or Lester. Like my grandfather I am usually called “Les” any more, it saves a bit of confusion.

SELECTIVE ART CLASS – The Fox News this week told of a school art class forbidding a drawing with the cross in it. For some reason they didnÂ’t reveal where the school was or else I missed that part. The teacher had even tried to get students to sign a document agreeing to not submit religious art. At the same time another student presented a drawing with demonic or satanic characters that was perfectly acceptable. I have news for that teacher, both the cross, demons and Satan are religious characters clearly portrayed in our Bibles. This simple goes to the devilish turns things have taken in our present day when evil is acceptable but morality and religion (at least not Christianity) is not. I think this teacher needs an advance course in education that might make her aware that satanic cults and atheistic groups gather to promote their vile

DENOMINATIONAL EXPENSES – This isn’t new but it was brought to my attention again recently. Denominational ties can be expensive. One small church of maybe 100 in attendance is required to pay annual dues of nearly $15,000.00 to their Conference plus another $2,300.00 plus to their district. Years ago I used to deliver mail from another denomination that sent out bills to their members that created some hard feelings among their members. How thankful I am for our Baptist heritage and the workings of free will offerings and biblical teachings relating to a tithe and giving according to God’s blessing on our lives. The current 2-3% giving of people in this country is shameful, giving as though God had not blessed them. A tithe is just the beginning of biblical giving that God richly blesses without denomination demands. It is also sad when churches belong to their associations or fellowships but fail to support them even with a small gift. God has always been gracious to us in the area of giving and providing our needs on a faith basis. When we honor God and give out of love for his gracious salvation, He cares for His own. I remember the struggle of learning to give but once that trusting relationship was started we found that God far out gave us over the years.

HAND CLAPPING – Previously in these “Musings” I have discussed the matter of hand clapping or applause for those who bring special music in church and my preference of a hearty “Amen” when we are blessed or in accord with those who so serve the Lord. I also know there are churches that clap to the music, something that really doesn’t appeal to me personally. We often hear of black churches that so involve themselves in their church music. Having said all of this, I was struck by this matter when re-reading Psalm 47:1-2, “OH, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! For the LORD Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth.” Here we have clapping and shouting both. Not in recognition of human service or to keep rhythm with the music but rather a recognition and acknowledgement of our “awesome” God and His Son Who will one day reign as King over “all the earth.” The day will come when all believers will joyfully “clap” and “shout” in recognition of our great God and Savior King. I can visualize the moment (and much longer) when believers will stand before our victorious and holy King applauding His presence and position of authority over all the earth. It will be a time when all lawlessness will be ended and corrupt governments will be brought under His rule. I am not sure how similar exercises might be portrayed today in church services. I wish I could visualize how this was practiced in Israel’s zenith. It is just something to think about.

CLOSED SESSION – Last month there was a “Special Closed Session” of the U.S. House of Representatives supposedly to discuss the pending security surveillance provisions. We didn’t hear much follow up about it in the news media. The reality is that much more was discussed about the coming collapse of the U.S. economy by September of this year and the steps needed to be taken because of possible consequences. There was also discussion about a possible merger with Canada and Mexico and the issuance of a new currency, “The Amero.” Members of the Congress were forbidden to reveal what was discussed. However some were so furious and concerned about the future of the nation that they have started leaking information. It is a frightening situation pointing more and more to the coming one world government prophesied in the Scriptures. Since the media has not reported on this you might want to go to the inter-net as I did and glean the information. Simply type in “Special Closed Session of U.S. House of Representatives” and you will find a lot of sights to search sharing the leaked information. How accurate all this is I don’t know but you may want to get your financial house in order and be looking up for the Savior’s return. Rejoice in the fact that God is in control.