WORTH READING – I have just finished reading “The Final Move Beyond Iraq” by Mike Evans and published by Front Line. It has been on the best sellers list, etc. The man has had contact with people high up in government in this country, Iraq, Israel and elsewhere. His insights as a Christian, into the problems in Iraq are amazing. An answer as to how to better deal with the problem through the use of the Kurds makes great sense but I don’t imagine it will ever happen. The reality he shares about the open borders with Iran that allow the situation to continue is frightening. If the Democrats win this up coming presidency and withdraw our troops, there is going to be one of the worst holocausts the world has ever seen. Though his words did not present the thought, it appears to me that we could be closer to the Great Tribulation than most people realize. It all makes us, as Christians realize our Lord’s coming is very near. Keep looking up.
INTELLECT & KNOWLEDGE – A thought that has come to me recently as I evaluate peoples lostness follows: As I observe and hear the world’s intellectuals, who have the wealth of today’s expanding knowledge, they don’t arrive at the right answers. The world’s wisdom doesn’t get people any closer to resolving the expanding problems that surround us. There is a reason for this, they don’t have the spiritual base to properly evaluate and deal with all the knowledge they have and they arrive at the wrong conclusions. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit (and the Trinity) within, they cannot possibly resolve the conditions that exist. Some examples: Our government is so politically divided between Republicans and Democrats that they can’t work together to solve the tremendous problems of the day. They seek to improve our educational system but destroy the moral values that would solve many of its problems. They can’t see the need or find a solution to protecting our borders or to deal with immigration or terrorists. Their divided concerns of the economy actually create the recession they fear and talk about. Multitudes seek solace from false religions that blind them to the truth and to thinking they have found peace while they are actually headed for an eternal hell. We have an energy crisis but can’t see the need to utilize our own available resources. It is an amazing reality, a mind-boggling fact that they bind their own capabilities.
A CRASH EFFORT NEEDED – During the Second World War I remember the crash effort undertaken to develop the nuclear bomb. The Germans were working on developing one, some of their scientists escaped and aided in our effort and through the exertion of a special drive or emphasis we were able to develop it before the Germans did. We then used it to destroy two Japanese cities that brought the war to an end. For all of Barack Obama’s Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s accusations against America for doing so, thousands of American lives were saved in so doing. Further, the unleashing of atomic or nuclear energy opened the door to a new form of energy that we have only partially utilized and limited due to environmentalists fear mongers. If under emergency circumstances the above was accomplished, why doesn’t our government put forth a crash effort to resolve the present oil crisis? They tell us about hydrogen energy potentials. There are the hybrid cars that are presently too expensive to make their use practical for the general population, etc. We need the extreme efforts to develop our own resources and to utilize what we presently know to end our dependence upon oil that is enriching our enemies. Think about the following and tell me why it happened. During the 1950’s Ford had a carburetor that produced better than twice the mileage of today’s cars but shelved it rather than installing it in cars. For some reason, Ford and our government, doesn’t really want to resolve the present energy crisis. More than likely it is greed and most certainly a lack of any real vision for the future or for our preservation as a nation.
PERSONAL ENCOURAGEMENT – I am encouraged by this humble effort of putting out these weekly “Musings.” Comments keep coming back to me of people enjoying them and reports of occasionally being used as illustrations in other sermons or teachings. At least they are stirring a little thought; mine if no one else’s. I would appreciate your sharing them with others and giving me new email addresses of those who might enjoy them to add to my list.
SIMPLE STUDIES – When B.M.N.A went down I purchased the rights to publish the “Simple Studies In Christian Essentials” that J. Irving Reese prepared for F.B.H. M. years earlier. When I sold out all that I bought from the mission, I reprinted it with a new cover. Many churches, especially Black churches now, use them for their new convert and members classes. There are eleven lessons: (1) Salvation, Or, ‘What It Means to Be Saved; (2) Prayer In the Life of A Christian; (3) How To Use the Bible; (4) The Ordinance of Baptism; (5) The Ordinance of Communion; (6) The Grace of Giving; (7) The Church; (8) Temptation, and How To Meet It; (9) Christian Separation; (10) The Work of A Christian; and (11) Aids To Christian Living. I’ve used them for years, as have many others who now may have forgotten about them. They retail for $2.75, much less than what many charge for similar sized booklets. I sold them at quantities prices varying down to $1.25 when buying 51 or more plus shipping. I am now going to cut back on the price to $1.00 plus shipping no matter how many are purchased. When they are gone I don’t know that I will republish them, wanting to cut back and clear things out. A suggestion for those who may want to do what I do, keep a supply on hand to give to people who come to your door, such as J.W.’s, Mormons, or just service people. It is a way to get God’s Work into people’s hands because the booklet is basically outlines of the above topics, just loaded with Scripture references.
FAMILY REPORT – Betty’s MRI report showed bone tumors on her back. Next week they are going to do a three-hour bone scan. / Ben’s new heart is working great. However, he is having real problems with nausea when eating and is still on a feeding tube. He won’t be able to go home until they resolve this eating problem. / Little Logan has done pretty well taking chemo by infusion and orally for his brain-stem tumor but has had some nausea. / Ethel has been having more intestinal problems, not the same as the surgery for a blockage during John’s funeral, but rather with diverticulitus of the colon. She was helping take care of Logan and Emma but can no longer do so and has not been able to go back to work. / Patty is also going through some problems and will have a surgical biopsy procedure Monday for a pre cancerous condition I don’t know how to spell. / Me, I haven’t said much about it, but I continue to have balance problems and what I call a fuzzy headedness that several doctors and an MRI have found no answers for. Our family needs much prayer!
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