GOOD FRIDAY – I attended Good Friday services at our church Friday evening. The service lasted just an hour and clearly portrayed the purpose of the service to reveal the cross and Christ’s death on behalf of our sins. As much as I enjoyed the service and fellowship with other believers who were remembering the blessed event, I am still from the old school and have a problem with the timing. In years gone by evangelicals did not hold Good Friday services, only those that had followed the Catholic Church calendar and their practices of the past. Relating to the timing Matthew 12:40 says, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” I have difficulty getting three nights and three days from Friday until Sunday morning when Christ arose from the grave. I know the typical explanation of Jewish counting of any part of the three days and three nights even though the actual times had not transpired. I guess I am too much of a literalist to buy into that nor does my addition fit into that timing. There are those who have had the ability to search out the matter, coming up with an understanding of a different day for Christ’s death that fits the verse mentioned above. Most, these days, have decided it is easier to go with the trend and maintain a Good Friday Service. I am not trying to create problems, I just wanting to keep the record straight so no questions are raised as to the validity of the Scriptures in the light of our practices. When the Bible says that Christ would be “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” that is exactly how it actually happened. Whatever calendar we follow, it does not invalidate the validity of the Scriptures. Enough said!
QUESTION OF FOODS AND DAYS – This week I was reading Romans 14 again. As I did I recalled the debates and discussions of the past when Christians talked about which day of the week we should worship and whether we should eat pork or not. I remember as a teenager living with friends during my junior year in high school. A visitor was coming to the home and great care was being taken to not serve pork for the meal since the lady was a Seventh Day Adventists and they believed it was wrong to eat pork. If I understand correctly Jews were not allowed to eat pork, as it was an unclean meat and so forbidden in the Old Testament Scriptures. Along the same lines Jews were to keep the Sabbath Day, which was Saturday. Jews today still keep a Saturday Sabbath as do Seventh Day Adventists and a few Seventh Day Baptists. When you read Romans 14 the Apostle Paul was dealing with such problems when he wrote, “RECEIVE one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.” (Vs. 1) Then in Vs. 3, “Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him that does not eat judge him who eats’ for God has received him.” Then verses 5 & 6 deals with observing different days. What I find interesting is that I don’t hear much discussion about these issues these days. Some younger Christians have probably never even known these matters to be issues. I think it partly depends on where you live as to whether you run into these discussions. I have lived in enough different places now that I have run into all the various religions that raise discussions but I realize many have not. Still we need to read this chapter and to be familiar with how we are to react to these issues when they come up. God has given us great liberty and we need to be understanding of others who are weak in faith and not cause them to stumble. At the same time we need to be guarded in that we do not find ourselves condoning false teachings. It makes a great study.
MORE ON DEPUTATION – Last week I spoke about deputation. Though I may be repetitive of other occasions, wanting to be helpful to the many missionaries on my mailing list I want to add an additional thought. The ministry of deputation never ends for missionaries. Even when full support is obtained there are always losses when churches get into trouble and drop their missionary support. The same happens with individuals who support missionaries when changes come in their circumstances and they cannot continue support. Consequently this is an unending effort through prayer letters and required travel. As a home missionary I don’t ever remember taking a vacation just for the sake of needing a vacation. There were always speaking engagements along the way to report to supporting churches and to give the challenge of missions in new churches. It was not just the matter of support, it was a desire to preach and teach, sharing the need to witness and share the gospel with a lost world. God’s people were always gracious with us in opening their doors and hearts to us. That common bond in Christ is priceless and we can seldom travel without finding someone who knows us.
A FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY – We were recently contacted about participating in one of our churches 40th anniversary. With the Lord’s help in 1967 we slid in on the ice and snow on Thanksgiving Day in Williston, ND. They had Thanksgiving dinner waiting for us when we arrived. God gave us a great work in Williston, starting with the 3 or 4 families that had asked for our help. The attendance was in the eighties when we departed in 1970, having led them through the process of calling their first regular pastor. Sadly we are not able to be with them on April 13th. I just don’t feel up to that long drive alone and I cannot leave Betty alone for the time it would take to make the round trip. They have gone through their ups and downs during the preceding years but are now building back up. There is only one person in the church that was there when we were there as so many have moved on to other places. Pray for this church, Calvary Baptist and their pastor B. J. Hampton, as they have this special celebration.
COUNCIL MEETING – This months annual Council meeting of Baptist Church Planters is the first meeting I have not attended since the mission was founded with the exception of one year when we were out west on deputation. It didn’t feel quite right not going but that is life and the changes that come our way.. Please remember Baptist Church Planters in your prayers and their efforts to start new churches across the nation. As sad as it was when B.M.N.A. closed I cannot help but believe God used that to start the new mission and the new ministries that have opened up. Just the new approach that puts a percentage of missionaries on the Council was a great step forward that many thought couldn’t be successfully done. Praise the Lord!
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