NEW HEART FOR BEN – After waiting in the hospital about two months a new heart became available and it was implanted successfully a week ago Friday. He is still being kept sedated and they had to go back in to stop some leaking blood. Much prayer will be needed as they give the medications designed to prevent rejection. / His son Logan has now had two of his weekly chemo treatments to try and reduce his brainstem tumor.
CONDOLENCES CARDS – We are grateful for the cards and emails that continue to come in remembering the loss of my son John. – Ethel continues to improve from her surgery for an intestinal blockage that took place a few days after John’s passing. She has not been able to return to work yet. Thank you for your prayers on the families behalf.
A COUPLE REDICULOUS ITEMS – It is amazing what is news worthy and what people are trying to do in their concern for the worlds end, etc. One announcement in the news last week informed us that it will take 7.6 billion years for the world to come to an end as it speeds further away from the sun. / Then, in preparations for some terrible disaster and in an effort to save the world, there is a seed vault storage space 400 feet underground somewhere near the North Pole. Seeds are being gathered from around the world and stored to eventually restore the world after some deadly disaster or to protect from the disappearance of plants that are in danger of extinction. (NBC, Tues, Feb. 23, 2008) / Money, time and energy would be better spent to inform people of their lostness because of their fallen natures and how to get right with God before they enter an eternal hell. Man is continually making an effort to save a world that is under judgment because of the fall rather than acknowledging his need to find forgiveness of sin before he stands before the Creator God.
POLITICS IN THE LIGHT OF THE PSALMS – I find politics interesting and we wonder how the 2008 election is going to turn out, while expressing our fears and concerns if this one or that one should get into office. In reality, as Christians, we know that God is in control for all out concerns politically. Psalm 47-48 tells us, “For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with understanding. God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” I will continue to express myself politically, having that right as a citizen of these United States of America but I will not fear the outcome. We have a privilege in this great land of ours that many around the world do not have and we should so participate and voice our opinions. Still, we know that the outcome is in God’s hands. Praise the Lord! Enjoy the skirmish but don’t fear the end results. Those who read their Bibles have a different perspective of the fray.
A TIP FOR S.S. TEACHERS – As a junior age boy my Sunday School teacher was Mrs. Hunter. She not only taught us the Bible each Sunday, she also planned occasional outings for her class, usually along with the junior girls class. Her husband owned a small coalmine in Oregon. She would take us to visit the mine and a picnic that would also include some hiking through the forest and over the rocks. She cared enough for her class, and their coming to know Christ, that she made the extra effort to plan beyond the class time itself. We loved our S.S. teacher. / My son Gary, I believe when he was a high school junior, asked to teach the junior age boys. It was an interesting situation. The lady teaching the boys and girls but decided she couldn’t handle both so she asked her husband to take the junior boys to teach. He tried but couldn’t handle them either. (Both were dedicated and faithful teachers.) That was when Gary asked if he could teach them. I talked to the S.S. Superintendent and he agreed to give it a temporary try to see how Gary did. He did well and he had the boy’s attention. You might ask how a high school student was able to manage wiggly, noisy junior boys when an experienced teacher and her husband could not. The answer is quite simple and a solution to an effective class ministry for others. He spent extra time with his boys. He took them out on Saturdays for a coke. He’d take them down to the river to skip rocks and other simple events letting them know he cared for them. When it came time for us to end out ministry at Williston, N.D. those boys came to Gary and told him they weren’t going to attend S.S. any more since he wasn’t going to be the teacher anymore. That was not his desired effect in leaving but it does help us realize the kind of impact he had on their lives. (I may have shared some of this before but it is worth repeating.)
A WAY NOT TO RAISE CHURCH FUNDS – We receive a church paper from a Methodist Church near us that Betty attended before she was saved and became a Baptist. (This is the same church I mentioned previously that conducts euchre parties.) The church is getting ready for it’s spring “Mulch Sale.” They also plan to sell flowers and plants for Easter or Mother’s Day. This church is not alone in these and similar sales and fundraisers. Whenever I read or see these things my mind goes to the scriptural event when Christ threw the moneychangers out of the temple. I have been convinced from the beginning of my church experience that there is only one way to support the local church. That is through our tithes and offerings, it is the Biblical way and it works. God always provides for His places of worship and ministries by freewill, faith giving. Years ago when we were at Welch Road Baptist Church an elderly couple were going to sell their place and move away. The lady asked if our people would sponsor a food booth at their sale to help provide funds for the church. It did not agree to that but I didn’t want to offend the elderly couple and they did need to have refreshments available to aid in their sale. What to do? I asked people in the church to help the elderly couple provide the needed refreshments for their moving sale, which they did but not to gain funds for the church. God takes care of His own His way, not the world’s way.
SNOWED IN – A series of storms came through our area this weekend. We were well warned ahead of time and the grocery stores were busy getting pantries filled. They started ou telling us we would have 6-10 inches of snow along with blowing and drifting. We ended up with 20 inches. Our five acres are beautiful covered in the white snow and the trees weighted with snow are a sight to see. As pretty as it is, we have a long drive way and there was no way to drive oshape to shovel snow. Thankfully I was finally able to find someone to come clear it out for us at a reasonable price. It is kind of a helpless feeling to not be able to get out if you might need to with a medical emergency. Makes you wonder about days gone by when they couldn’t run to the store every day and have medical help as available as we do. We are indeed fortunate, even when bad weather comes.
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