WORTH READING – I have just finished reading “The Final Move Beyond Iraq” by Mike Evans and published by Front Line. It has been on the best sellers list, etc. The man has had contact with people high up in government in this country, Iraq, Israel and elsewhere. His insights as a Christian, into the problems in Iraq are amazing. An answer as to how to better deal with the problem through the use of the Kurds makes great sense but I don’t imagine it will ever happen. The reality he shares about the open borders with Iran that allow the situation to continue is frightening. If the Democrats win this up coming presidency and withdraw our troops, there is going to be one of the worst holocausts the world has ever seen. Though his words did not present the thought, it appears to me that we could be closer to the Great Tribulation than most people realize. It all makes us, as Christians realize our Lord’s coming is very near. Keep looking up.
INTELLECT & KNOWLEDGE – A thought that has come to me recently as I evaluate peoples lostness follows: As I observe and hear the world’s intellectuals, who have the wealth of today’s expanding knowledge, they don’t arrive at the right answers. The world’s wisdom doesn’t get people any closer to resolving the expanding problems that surround us. There is a reason for this, they don’t have the spiritual base to properly evaluate and deal with all the knowledge they have and they arrive at the wrong conclusions. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit (and the Trinity) within, they cannot possibly resolve the conditions that exist. Some examples: Our government is so politically divided between Republicans and Democrats that they can’t work together to solve the tremendous problems of the day. They seek to improve our educational system but destroy the moral values that would solve many of its problems. They can’t see the need or find a solution to protecting our borders or to deal with immigration or terrorists. Their divided concerns of the economy actually create the recession they fear and talk about. Multitudes seek solace from false religions that blind them to the truth and to thinking they have found peace while they are actually headed for an eternal hell. We have an energy crisis but can’t see the need to utilize our own available resources. It is an amazing reality, a mind-boggling fact that they bind their own capabilities.
A CRASH EFFORT NEEDED – During the Second World War I remember the crash effort undertaken to develop the nuclear bomb. The Germans were working on developing one, some of their scientists escaped and aided in our effort and through the exertion of a special drive or emphasis we were able to develop it before the Germans did. We then used it to destroy two Japanese cities that brought the war to an end. For all of Barack Obama’s Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s accusations against America for doing so, thousands of American lives were saved in so doing. Further, the unleashing of atomic or nuclear energy opened the door to a new form of energy that we have only partially utilized and limited due to environmentalists fear mongers. If under emergency circumstances the above was accomplished, why doesn’t our government put forth a crash effort to resolve the present oil crisis? They tell us about hydrogen energy potentials. There are the hybrid cars that are presently too expensive to make their use practical for the general population, etc. We need the extreme efforts to develop our own resources and to utilize what we presently know to end our dependence upon oil that is enriching our enemies. Think about the following and tell me why it happened. During the 1950’s Ford had a carburetor that produced better than twice the mileage of today’s cars but shelved it rather than installing it in cars. For some reason, Ford and our government, doesn’t really want to resolve the present energy crisis. More than likely it is greed and most certainly a lack of any real vision for the future or for our preservation as a nation.
PERSONAL ENCOURAGEMENT – I am encouraged by this humble effort of putting out these weekly “Musings.” Comments keep coming back to me of people enjoying them and reports of occasionally being used as illustrations in other sermons or teachings. At least they are stirring a little thought; mine if no one else’s. I would appreciate your sharing them with others and giving me new email addresses of those who might enjoy them to add to my list.
SIMPLE STUDIES – When B.M.N.A went down I purchased the rights to publish the “Simple Studies In Christian Essentials” that J. Irving Reese prepared for F.B.H. M. years earlier. When I sold out all that I bought from the mission, I reprinted it with a new cover. Many churches, especially Black churches now, use them for their new convert and members classes. There are eleven lessons: (1) Salvation, Or, ‘What It Means to Be Saved; (2) Prayer In the Life of A Christian; (3) How To Use the Bible; (4) The Ordinance of Baptism; (5) The Ordinance of Communion; (6) The Grace of Giving; (7) The Church; (8) Temptation, and How To Meet It; (9) Christian Separation; (10) The Work of A Christian; and (11) Aids To Christian Living. I’ve used them for years, as have many others who now may have forgotten about them. They retail for $2.75, much less than what many charge for similar sized booklets. I sold them at quantities prices varying down to $1.25 when buying 51 or more plus shipping. I am now going to cut back on the price to $1.00 plus shipping no matter how many are purchased. When they are gone I don’t know that I will republish them, wanting to cut back and clear things out. A suggestion for those who may want to do what I do, keep a supply on hand to give to people who come to your door, such as J.W.’s, Mormons, or just service people. It is a way to get God’s Work into people’s hands because the booklet is basically outlines of the above topics, just loaded with Scripture references.
FAMILY REPORT – Betty’s MRI report showed bone tumors on her back. Next week they are going to do a three-hour bone scan. / Ben’s new heart is working great. However, he is having real problems with nausea when eating and is still on a feeding tube. He won’t be able to go home until they resolve this eating problem. / Little Logan has done pretty well taking chemo by infusion and orally for his brain-stem tumor but has had some nausea. / Ethel has been having more intestinal problems, not the same as the surgery for a blockage during John’s funeral, but rather with diverticulitus of the colon. She was helping take care of Logan and Emma but can no longer do so and has not been able to go back to work. / Patty is also going through some problems and will have a surgical biopsy procedure Monday for a pre cancerous condition I don’t know how to spell. / Me, I haven’t said much about it, but I continue to have balance problems and what I call a fuzzy headedness that several doctors and an MRI have found no answers for. Our family needs much prayer!
Monday, March 31, 2008
March 2008 #4
GOOD FRIDAY – I attended Good Friday services at our church Friday evening. The service lasted just an hour and clearly portrayed the purpose of the service to reveal the cross and Christ’s death on behalf of our sins. As much as I enjoyed the service and fellowship with other believers who were remembering the blessed event, I am still from the old school and have a problem with the timing. In years gone by evangelicals did not hold Good Friday services, only those that had followed the Catholic Church calendar and their practices of the past. Relating to the timing Matthew 12:40 says, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” I have difficulty getting three nights and three days from Friday until Sunday morning when Christ arose from the grave. I know the typical explanation of Jewish counting of any part of the three days and three nights even though the actual times had not transpired. I guess I am too much of a literalist to buy into that nor does my addition fit into that timing. There are those who have had the ability to search out the matter, coming up with an understanding of a different day for Christ’s death that fits the verse mentioned above. Most, these days, have decided it is easier to go with the trend and maintain a Good Friday Service. I am not trying to create problems, I just wanting to keep the record straight so no questions are raised as to the validity of the Scriptures in the light of our practices. When the Bible says that Christ would be “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” that is exactly how it actually happened. Whatever calendar we follow, it does not invalidate the validity of the Scriptures. Enough said!
QUESTION OF FOODS AND DAYS – This week I was reading Romans 14 again. As I did I recalled the debates and discussions of the past when Christians talked about which day of the week we should worship and whether we should eat pork or not. I remember as a teenager living with friends during my junior year in high school. A visitor was coming to the home and great care was being taken to not serve pork for the meal since the lady was a Seventh Day Adventists and they believed it was wrong to eat pork. If I understand correctly Jews were not allowed to eat pork, as it was an unclean meat and so forbidden in the Old Testament Scriptures. Along the same lines Jews were to keep the Sabbath Day, which was Saturday. Jews today still keep a Saturday Sabbath as do Seventh Day Adventists and a few Seventh Day Baptists. When you read Romans 14 the Apostle Paul was dealing with such problems when he wrote, “RECEIVE one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.” (Vs. 1) Then in Vs. 3, “Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him that does not eat judge him who eats’ for God has received him.” Then verses 5 & 6 deals with observing different days. What I find interesting is that I don’t hear much discussion about these issues these days. Some younger Christians have probably never even known these matters to be issues. I think it partly depends on where you live as to whether you run into these discussions. I have lived in enough different places now that I have run into all the various religions that raise discussions but I realize many have not. Still we need to read this chapter and to be familiar with how we are to react to these issues when they come up. God has given us great liberty and we need to be understanding of others who are weak in faith and not cause them to stumble. At the same time we need to be guarded in that we do not find ourselves condoning false teachings. It makes a great study.
MORE ON DEPUTATION – Last week I spoke about deputation. Though I may be repetitive of other occasions, wanting to be helpful to the many missionaries on my mailing list I want to add an additional thought. The ministry of deputation never ends for missionaries. Even when full support is obtained there are always losses when churches get into trouble and drop their missionary support. The same happens with individuals who support missionaries when changes come in their circumstances and they cannot continue support. Consequently this is an unending effort through prayer letters and required travel. As a home missionary I don’t ever remember taking a vacation just for the sake of needing a vacation. There were always speaking engagements along the way to report to supporting churches and to give the challenge of missions in new churches. It was not just the matter of support, it was a desire to preach and teach, sharing the need to witness and share the gospel with a lost world. God’s people were always gracious with us in opening their doors and hearts to us. That common bond in Christ is priceless and we can seldom travel without finding someone who knows us.
A FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY – We were recently contacted about participating in one of our churches 40th anniversary. With the Lord’s help in 1967 we slid in on the ice and snow on Thanksgiving Day in Williston, ND. They had Thanksgiving dinner waiting for us when we arrived. God gave us a great work in Williston, starting with the 3 or 4 families that had asked for our help. The attendance was in the eighties when we departed in 1970, having led them through the process of calling their first regular pastor. Sadly we are not able to be with them on April 13th. I just don’t feel up to that long drive alone and I cannot leave Betty alone for the time it would take to make the round trip. They have gone through their ups and downs during the preceding years but are now building back up. There is only one person in the church that was there when we were there as so many have moved on to other places. Pray for this church, Calvary Baptist and their pastor B. J. Hampton, as they have this special celebration.
COUNCIL MEETING – This months annual Council meeting of Baptist Church Planters is the first meeting I have not attended since the mission was founded with the exception of one year when we were out west on deputation. It didn’t feel quite right not going but that is life and the changes that come our way.. Please remember Baptist Church Planters in your prayers and their efforts to start new churches across the nation. As sad as it was when B.M.N.A. closed I cannot help but believe God used that to start the new mission and the new ministries that have opened up. Just the new approach that puts a percentage of missionaries on the Council was a great step forward that many thought couldn’t be successfully done. Praise the Lord!
QUESTION OF FOODS AND DAYS – This week I was reading Romans 14 again. As I did I recalled the debates and discussions of the past when Christians talked about which day of the week we should worship and whether we should eat pork or not. I remember as a teenager living with friends during my junior year in high school. A visitor was coming to the home and great care was being taken to not serve pork for the meal since the lady was a Seventh Day Adventists and they believed it was wrong to eat pork. If I understand correctly Jews were not allowed to eat pork, as it was an unclean meat and so forbidden in the Old Testament Scriptures. Along the same lines Jews were to keep the Sabbath Day, which was Saturday. Jews today still keep a Saturday Sabbath as do Seventh Day Adventists and a few Seventh Day Baptists. When you read Romans 14 the Apostle Paul was dealing with such problems when he wrote, “RECEIVE one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.” (Vs. 1) Then in Vs. 3, “Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him that does not eat judge him who eats’ for God has received him.” Then verses 5 & 6 deals with observing different days. What I find interesting is that I don’t hear much discussion about these issues these days. Some younger Christians have probably never even known these matters to be issues. I think it partly depends on where you live as to whether you run into these discussions. I have lived in enough different places now that I have run into all the various religions that raise discussions but I realize many have not. Still we need to read this chapter and to be familiar with how we are to react to these issues when they come up. God has given us great liberty and we need to be understanding of others who are weak in faith and not cause them to stumble. At the same time we need to be guarded in that we do not find ourselves condoning false teachings. It makes a great study.
MORE ON DEPUTATION – Last week I spoke about deputation. Though I may be repetitive of other occasions, wanting to be helpful to the many missionaries on my mailing list I want to add an additional thought. The ministry of deputation never ends for missionaries. Even when full support is obtained there are always losses when churches get into trouble and drop their missionary support. The same happens with individuals who support missionaries when changes come in their circumstances and they cannot continue support. Consequently this is an unending effort through prayer letters and required travel. As a home missionary I don’t ever remember taking a vacation just for the sake of needing a vacation. There were always speaking engagements along the way to report to supporting churches and to give the challenge of missions in new churches. It was not just the matter of support, it was a desire to preach and teach, sharing the need to witness and share the gospel with a lost world. God’s people were always gracious with us in opening their doors and hearts to us. That common bond in Christ is priceless and we can seldom travel without finding someone who knows us.
A FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY – We were recently contacted about participating in one of our churches 40th anniversary. With the Lord’s help in 1967 we slid in on the ice and snow on Thanksgiving Day in Williston, ND. They had Thanksgiving dinner waiting for us when we arrived. God gave us a great work in Williston, starting with the 3 or 4 families that had asked for our help. The attendance was in the eighties when we departed in 1970, having led them through the process of calling their first regular pastor. Sadly we are not able to be with them on April 13th. I just don’t feel up to that long drive alone and I cannot leave Betty alone for the time it would take to make the round trip. They have gone through their ups and downs during the preceding years but are now building back up. There is only one person in the church that was there when we were there as so many have moved on to other places. Pray for this church, Calvary Baptist and their pastor B. J. Hampton, as they have this special celebration.
COUNCIL MEETING – This months annual Council meeting of Baptist Church Planters is the first meeting I have not attended since the mission was founded with the exception of one year when we were out west on deputation. It didn’t feel quite right not going but that is life and the changes that come our way.. Please remember Baptist Church Planters in your prayers and their efforts to start new churches across the nation. As sad as it was when B.M.N.A. closed I cannot help but believe God used that to start the new mission and the new ministries that have opened up. Just the new approach that puts a percentage of missionaries on the Council was a great step forward that many thought couldn’t be successfully done. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
March 2008 #3
A SAD, SAD DAY – Before I resigned from Grace Baptist Church in Sunbury 4 years ago we endeavored to close the church and sell the properties to be used in helping other works of like faith. By one vote we failed to accomplish the task because a couple that had not attended the services for several months participated in secret meetings to gather the people to prevent such a decision when the called business meeting was scheduled. He wanted the work for himself and he got it, but he was not able to handle it and turned it over to a friend who was a Grace Brethren pastor who illegally changed the church into a Grace Brethren Church. That was contrary to the churches constitution. March 10, 2008 this same man was charged with raping a fifteen-year-old girl who had come to the church offices for help with her studies. His picture and that of the church building has been shown on TV news several times. Thankfully, there was no longer a Baptist Church sign on the property. The few remaining people would have been far wiser to have closed the church and allowed the resources to be used to promoted works of like faith.
NEW CARS OR OLDER USED CARS – A good number of years ago I decided to make the effort to purchase new cars rather than used cars. I was not always able to do so but for the most part I was able to do so. I know some had raised eyebrows over my doing so. Here was my reasoning: I am not mechanically inclined, nor did I have the tools necessary to try and maintain an older car. Further, being in the Lord’s work that often required doing visitation and taking others to meetings, I needed a dependable vehicle. I had also observed pastors spending much time trying to repair and maintain their older cars. I had known some who drove older cars that broke down while caring children or young people to camp and youth meetings. That was trouble I didn’t want to have, nor did I consider it a wise chance to take. We never had a large income that might justify purchasing new cars but when you begin comparing the cost of parts, repairs, tools and the expenditure of time, I decided it was less expensive to make care payments.
WOULD YOU CHANGE CHURCHES – Up to now Barack Obama has gotten a free ride by the liberal media and his popularity has exploded in the Democratic primary race. The tide for Obama may now be changing as he now finds himself under fire for his church membership and the hate America sermons of his pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright. I cannot imagine a pastor, black or white, in these United States of America, repeatedly crying out “God d—n America” and accusing our government of purposely spreading HIV among blacks and saying the chickens have come home to roost when over 3000 died on 9-11. On and on the news media (particularly Fox) are playing video segments of Wright’s sermons and his accusations against the nation. They are appalling. Obama is claiming to have never been present when these types of sermons were preached. I canĂ‚’t imagine being a member of a church for twenty years and not being aware of this type of preaching. Barack has now publicly denounced or repudiated Pastor Wright’s radical preaching. Personally, if I found myself a member of such a church I’d make a quick departure and seek out a different one to attend. I don’t know how Obama will be able to escape the necessity of leaving the Trinity United Church of Christ while continuing to seek the presidency. If he does end his membership he will then probably be accused by some of doing so for political expediency rather than for personal convictions. Barack Obama has a serious problem that goes far beyond his liberal politics.
DEPUTATION & FULL SUPPORT FOR HOME MISSIONARIES – I have observed over the years missionaries that shunned deputation and endeavored to start churches on a part time basis. Some said it was too difficult for home missionaries to gain full support. I believe some lacked the faith to believe God was able to meet their needs as they left secular work behind to undertake deputation. Others simply wanted to cling to their particular employment as they ministered in the local church. It is a known fact that church planters here at home do have a more difficult task in raising support than those going to a foreign field or for those having a specialty ministry at home such as ethnic or deaf ministries. I did find myself dealing with the attitude of some churches that felt the home missionary could always take a secular job to support their ministries, something that missionaries going abroad could not do. Most countries will not allow missionaries to take up secular employment. Going beyond that kind of mindset, a home missionary without full support limits their capability of establishing a church, not being able to put in the time and effort necessary to accomplish the task. There are many little struggling churches that never got off the ground and continue to struggle for years due to the inability of the church planter to put his full efforts into the establishment of the work. The task of deputation and raising full support is not easy but the home missionary, the same as for the foreign missionary, can do it even if it does take longer to do so. There is a certain security and peace of mind that comes from having full support as well as being able to put the proper time and effort into the start of a work. In many church plants problems arise where the missionary has to take a stand for principle and sound doctrine and not be threatened by the loss of salary from the local work by taking the necessary stand. Many a pastor and under supported missionaries have been forced to leave in the face of such circumstances in order to meet the needs of his family. Thankfully, home mission agencies are taking a more forceful stand on requiring the obtaining of full support by their approved candidates. If God calls someone to ministry He also provides for him to do so. If you don’t have the type of faith to believe God will provide, maybe you shouldn’t become a home missionary.
MORE ON THE ABOVE – Having said the above, I want to also recognize there are exceptions to what I have said. Sometimes there are circumstances where God may lead an individual to support his ministry through secular work. There may be health issues, family issues and assorted matters that God will use and bless. Even though the tasks may appear to be difficult undertakings that combine ministry and secular work. I have had to do both, ministry and secular work in the early days of my ministry. That was a learning time for me. I have observed others that have had an amazing amount of stamina to do both but they are rare souls. Home mission agencies like Baptist Church Planters are now opening up ministries for those who take up support ministries with church planting missionaries, supporting the team ministry by their secular work. Retirees are filling in the gaps with short-term ministries, etc. that are proving very effective. God uses willing servants in many different circumstances and capacities, so don’t think I am being judgmental by the previous paragraph.
NEW CARS OR OLDER USED CARS – A good number of years ago I decided to make the effort to purchase new cars rather than used cars. I was not always able to do so but for the most part I was able to do so. I know some had raised eyebrows over my doing so. Here was my reasoning: I am not mechanically inclined, nor did I have the tools necessary to try and maintain an older car. Further, being in the Lord’s work that often required doing visitation and taking others to meetings, I needed a dependable vehicle. I had also observed pastors spending much time trying to repair and maintain their older cars. I had known some who drove older cars that broke down while caring children or young people to camp and youth meetings. That was trouble I didn’t want to have, nor did I consider it a wise chance to take. We never had a large income that might justify purchasing new cars but when you begin comparing the cost of parts, repairs, tools and the expenditure of time, I decided it was less expensive to make care payments.
WOULD YOU CHANGE CHURCHES – Up to now Barack Obama has gotten a free ride by the liberal media and his popularity has exploded in the Democratic primary race. The tide for Obama may now be changing as he now finds himself under fire for his church membership and the hate America sermons of his pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright. I cannot imagine a pastor, black or white, in these United States of America, repeatedly crying out “God d—n America” and accusing our government of purposely spreading HIV among blacks and saying the chickens have come home to roost when over 3000 died on 9-11. On and on the news media (particularly Fox) are playing video segments of Wright’s sermons and his accusations against the nation. They are appalling. Obama is claiming to have never been present when these types of sermons were preached. I canĂ‚’t imagine being a member of a church for twenty years and not being aware of this type of preaching. Barack has now publicly denounced or repudiated Pastor Wright’s radical preaching. Personally, if I found myself a member of such a church I’d make a quick departure and seek out a different one to attend. I don’t know how Obama will be able to escape the necessity of leaving the Trinity United Church of Christ while continuing to seek the presidency. If he does end his membership he will then probably be accused by some of doing so for political expediency rather than for personal convictions. Barack Obama has a serious problem that goes far beyond his liberal politics.
DEPUTATION & FULL SUPPORT FOR HOME MISSIONARIES – I have observed over the years missionaries that shunned deputation and endeavored to start churches on a part time basis. Some said it was too difficult for home missionaries to gain full support. I believe some lacked the faith to believe God was able to meet their needs as they left secular work behind to undertake deputation. Others simply wanted to cling to their particular employment as they ministered in the local church. It is a known fact that church planters here at home do have a more difficult task in raising support than those going to a foreign field or for those having a specialty ministry at home such as ethnic or deaf ministries. I did find myself dealing with the attitude of some churches that felt the home missionary could always take a secular job to support their ministries, something that missionaries going abroad could not do. Most countries will not allow missionaries to take up secular employment. Going beyond that kind of mindset, a home missionary without full support limits their capability of establishing a church, not being able to put in the time and effort necessary to accomplish the task. There are many little struggling churches that never got off the ground and continue to struggle for years due to the inability of the church planter to put his full efforts into the establishment of the work. The task of deputation and raising full support is not easy but the home missionary, the same as for the foreign missionary, can do it even if it does take longer to do so. There is a certain security and peace of mind that comes from having full support as well as being able to put the proper time and effort into the start of a work. In many church plants problems arise where the missionary has to take a stand for principle and sound doctrine and not be threatened by the loss of salary from the local work by taking the necessary stand. Many a pastor and under supported missionaries have been forced to leave in the face of such circumstances in order to meet the needs of his family. Thankfully, home mission agencies are taking a more forceful stand on requiring the obtaining of full support by their approved candidates. If God calls someone to ministry He also provides for him to do so. If you don’t have the type of faith to believe God will provide, maybe you shouldn’t become a home missionary.
MORE ON THE ABOVE – Having said the above, I want to also recognize there are exceptions to what I have said. Sometimes there are circumstances where God may lead an individual to support his ministry through secular work. There may be health issues, family issues and assorted matters that God will use and bless. Even though the tasks may appear to be difficult undertakings that combine ministry and secular work. I have had to do both, ministry and secular work in the early days of my ministry. That was a learning time for me. I have observed others that have had an amazing amount of stamina to do both but they are rare souls. Home mission agencies like Baptist Church Planters are now opening up ministries for those who take up support ministries with church planting missionaries, supporting the team ministry by their secular work. Retirees are filling in the gaps with short-term ministries, etc. that are proving very effective. God uses willing servants in many different circumstances and capacities, so don’t think I am being judgmental by the previous paragraph.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
March #2
NEW HEART FOR BEN – After waiting in the hospital about two months a new heart became available and it was implanted successfully a week ago Friday. He is still being kept sedated and they had to go back in to stop some leaking blood. Much prayer will be needed as they give the medications designed to prevent rejection. / His son Logan has now had two of his weekly chemo treatments to try and reduce his brainstem tumor.
CONDOLENCES CARDS – We are grateful for the cards and emails that continue to come in remembering the loss of my son John. – Ethel continues to improve from her surgery for an intestinal blockage that took place a few days after John’s passing. She has not been able to return to work yet. Thank you for your prayers on the families behalf.
A COUPLE REDICULOUS ITEMS – It is amazing what is news worthy and what people are trying to do in their concern for the worlds end, etc. One announcement in the news last week informed us that it will take 7.6 billion years for the world to come to an end as it speeds further away from the sun. / Then, in preparations for some terrible disaster and in an effort to save the world, there is a seed vault storage space 400 feet underground somewhere near the North Pole. Seeds are being gathered from around the world and stored to eventually restore the world after some deadly disaster or to protect from the disappearance of plants that are in danger of extinction. (NBC, Tues, Feb. 23, 2008) / Money, time and energy would be better spent to inform people of their lostness because of their fallen natures and how to get right with God before they enter an eternal hell. Man is continually making an effort to save a world that is under judgment because of the fall rather than acknowledging his need to find forgiveness of sin before he stands before the Creator God.
POLITICS IN THE LIGHT OF THE PSALMS – I find politics interesting and we wonder how the 2008 election is going to turn out, while expressing our fears and concerns if this one or that one should get into office. In reality, as Christians, we know that God is in control for all out concerns politically. Psalm 47-48 tells us, “For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with understanding. God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” I will continue to express myself politically, having that right as a citizen of these United States of America but I will not fear the outcome. We have a privilege in this great land of ours that many around the world do not have and we should so participate and voice our opinions. Still, we know that the outcome is in God’s hands. Praise the Lord! Enjoy the skirmish but don’t fear the end results. Those who read their Bibles have a different perspective of the fray.
A TIP FOR S.S. TEACHERS – As a junior age boy my Sunday School teacher was Mrs. Hunter. She not only taught us the Bible each Sunday, she also planned occasional outings for her class, usually along with the junior girls class. Her husband owned a small coalmine in Oregon. She would take us to visit the mine and a picnic that would also include some hiking through the forest and over the rocks. She cared enough for her class, and their coming to know Christ, that she made the extra effort to plan beyond the class time itself. We loved our S.S. teacher. / My son Gary, I believe when he was a high school junior, asked to teach the junior age boys. It was an interesting situation. The lady teaching the boys and girls but decided she couldn’t handle both so she asked her husband to take the junior boys to teach. He tried but couldn’t handle them either. (Both were dedicated and faithful teachers.) That was when Gary asked if he could teach them. I talked to the S.S. Superintendent and he agreed to give it a temporary try to see how Gary did. He did well and he had the boy’s attention. You might ask how a high school student was able to manage wiggly, noisy junior boys when an experienced teacher and her husband could not. The answer is quite simple and a solution to an effective class ministry for others. He spent extra time with his boys. He took them out on Saturdays for a coke. He’d take them down to the river to skip rocks and other simple events letting them know he cared for them. When it came time for us to end out ministry at Williston, N.D. those boys came to Gary and told him they weren’t going to attend S.S. any more since he wasn’t going to be the teacher anymore. That was not his desired effect in leaving but it does help us realize the kind of impact he had on their lives. (I may have shared some of this before but it is worth repeating.)
A WAY NOT TO RAISE CHURCH FUNDS – We receive a church paper from a Methodist Church near us that Betty attended before she was saved and became a Baptist. (This is the same church I mentioned previously that conducts euchre parties.) The church is getting ready for it’s spring “Mulch Sale.” They also plan to sell flowers and plants for Easter or Mother’s Day. This church is not alone in these and similar sales and fundraisers. Whenever I read or see these things my mind goes to the scriptural event when Christ threw the moneychangers out of the temple. I have been convinced from the beginning of my church experience that there is only one way to support the local church. That is through our tithes and offerings, it is the Biblical way and it works. God always provides for His places of worship and ministries by freewill, faith giving. Years ago when we were at Welch Road Baptist Church an elderly couple were going to sell their place and move away. The lady asked if our people would sponsor a food booth at their sale to help provide funds for the church. It did not agree to that but I didn’t want to offend the elderly couple and they did need to have refreshments available to aid in their sale. What to do? I asked people in the church to help the elderly couple provide the needed refreshments for their moving sale, which they did but not to gain funds for the church. God takes care of His own His way, not the world’s way.
SNOWED IN – A series of storms came through our area this weekend. We were well warned ahead of time and the grocery stores were busy getting pantries filled. They started ou telling us we would have 6-10 inches of snow along with blowing and drifting. We ended up with 20 inches. Our five acres are beautiful covered in the white snow and the trees weighted with snow are a sight to see. As pretty as it is, we have a long drive way and there was no way to drive oshape to shovel snow. Thankfully I was finally able to find someone to come clear it out for us at a reasonable price. It is kind of a helpless feeling to not be able to get out if you might need to with a medical emergency. Makes you wonder about days gone by when they couldn’t run to the store every day and have medical help as available as we do. We are indeed fortunate, even when bad weather comes.
CONDOLENCES CARDS – We are grateful for the cards and emails that continue to come in remembering the loss of my son John. – Ethel continues to improve from her surgery for an intestinal blockage that took place a few days after John’s passing. She has not been able to return to work yet. Thank you for your prayers on the families behalf.
A COUPLE REDICULOUS ITEMS – It is amazing what is news worthy and what people are trying to do in their concern for the worlds end, etc. One announcement in the news last week informed us that it will take 7.6 billion years for the world to come to an end as it speeds further away from the sun. / Then, in preparations for some terrible disaster and in an effort to save the world, there is a seed vault storage space 400 feet underground somewhere near the North Pole. Seeds are being gathered from around the world and stored to eventually restore the world after some deadly disaster or to protect from the disappearance of plants that are in danger of extinction. (NBC, Tues, Feb. 23, 2008) / Money, time and energy would be better spent to inform people of their lostness because of their fallen natures and how to get right with God before they enter an eternal hell. Man is continually making an effort to save a world that is under judgment because of the fall rather than acknowledging his need to find forgiveness of sin before he stands before the Creator God.
POLITICS IN THE LIGHT OF THE PSALMS – I find politics interesting and we wonder how the 2008 election is going to turn out, while expressing our fears and concerns if this one or that one should get into office. In reality, as Christians, we know that God is in control for all out concerns politically. Psalm 47-48 tells us, “For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with understanding. God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” I will continue to express myself politically, having that right as a citizen of these United States of America but I will not fear the outcome. We have a privilege in this great land of ours that many around the world do not have and we should so participate and voice our opinions. Still, we know that the outcome is in God’s hands. Praise the Lord! Enjoy the skirmish but don’t fear the end results. Those who read their Bibles have a different perspective of the fray.
A TIP FOR S.S. TEACHERS – As a junior age boy my Sunday School teacher was Mrs. Hunter. She not only taught us the Bible each Sunday, she also planned occasional outings for her class, usually along with the junior girls class. Her husband owned a small coalmine in Oregon. She would take us to visit the mine and a picnic that would also include some hiking through the forest and over the rocks. She cared enough for her class, and their coming to know Christ, that she made the extra effort to plan beyond the class time itself. We loved our S.S. teacher. / My son Gary, I believe when he was a high school junior, asked to teach the junior age boys. It was an interesting situation. The lady teaching the boys and girls but decided she couldn’t handle both so she asked her husband to take the junior boys to teach. He tried but couldn’t handle them either. (Both were dedicated and faithful teachers.) That was when Gary asked if he could teach them. I talked to the S.S. Superintendent and he agreed to give it a temporary try to see how Gary did. He did well and he had the boy’s attention. You might ask how a high school student was able to manage wiggly, noisy junior boys when an experienced teacher and her husband could not. The answer is quite simple and a solution to an effective class ministry for others. He spent extra time with his boys. He took them out on Saturdays for a coke. He’d take them down to the river to skip rocks and other simple events letting them know he cared for them. When it came time for us to end out ministry at Williston, N.D. those boys came to Gary and told him they weren’t going to attend S.S. any more since he wasn’t going to be the teacher anymore. That was not his desired effect in leaving but it does help us realize the kind of impact he had on their lives. (I may have shared some of this before but it is worth repeating.)
A WAY NOT TO RAISE CHURCH FUNDS – We receive a church paper from a Methodist Church near us that Betty attended before she was saved and became a Baptist. (This is the same church I mentioned previously that conducts euchre parties.) The church is getting ready for it’s spring “Mulch Sale.” They also plan to sell flowers and plants for Easter or Mother’s Day. This church is not alone in these and similar sales and fundraisers. Whenever I read or see these things my mind goes to the scriptural event when Christ threw the moneychangers out of the temple. I have been convinced from the beginning of my church experience that there is only one way to support the local church. That is through our tithes and offerings, it is the Biblical way and it works. God always provides for His places of worship and ministries by freewill, faith giving. Years ago when we were at Welch Road Baptist Church an elderly couple were going to sell their place and move away. The lady asked if our people would sponsor a food booth at their sale to help provide funds for the church. It did not agree to that but I didn’t want to offend the elderly couple and they did need to have refreshments available to aid in their sale. What to do? I asked people in the church to help the elderly couple provide the needed refreshments for their moving sale, which they did but not to gain funds for the church. God takes care of His own His way, not the world’s way.
SNOWED IN – A series of storms came through our area this weekend. We were well warned ahead of time and the grocery stores were busy getting pantries filled. They started ou telling us we would have 6-10 inches of snow along with blowing and drifting. We ended up with 20 inches. Our five acres are beautiful covered in the white snow and the trees weighted with snow are a sight to see. As pretty as it is, we have a long drive way and there was no way to drive oshape to shovel snow. Thankfully I was finally able to find someone to come clear it out for us at a reasonable price. It is kind of a helpless feeling to not be able to get out if you might need to with a medical emergency. Makes you wonder about days gone by when they couldn’t run to the store every day and have medical help as available as we do. We are indeed fortunate, even when bad weather comes.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
March #1
FAMILY BLOGSPOT – For those of you have been praying and keeping up on the family circumstances the is a blogspot that Jordan Lambert, a friend of the family, is keeping up to keep us all posted. Here is the address: http://newellfamilyupdates.blogspot.com/ You will also find a copy of the article in the Salem Oregon paper about the situation. I tried to send it but some said it got garbled in the transmission and you can get it from the blogspot as well as Gary’s poem about his brother John.
PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES – Have you learned to pray the Scriptures? What I mean by this is a matter of personal devotions as you read through your Bible. So often we pray through out list of requests for self, family, friends, etc. A more worshipful type of prayer takes place when we read our Bibles and see a verse that touches our hearts that we take pause in our reading to praise and thank God for the blessed truth you have just read. It is an uplifting experience to commune with our God through prayer, recognizing the beauty and wonder of the portion of Scripture being read. If you have never done this give it a try and see if you are not blessed in doing so. I was recently reading Psalm 40 and Romans 10 and as I did so, noting a number of great verses that stood out to me, I began praising and thanking God for the great promises and truths I was rereading. It gave me a joyous and unburdened heart for the remainder of the day.
MORE ABOUT OBAMA – As you know, I have expressed my concerns about Obama’s background and links with Islam through his father. As we gain new information and to be fair, in the face of what I have said about Obama, he has denied any ties with Islam. He has also stated that he has been a Christian for two decades and he prays to Jesus every night. At the same time, the radical Islamic Farrakhan has placed his endorsement on Obama’s presidential bid. Obama rejected his endorsement during the debate with Clinton on Thursday night in Cleveland. All this said, none of these matters change the reality of his inexperience and his being at the top of the list for his liberal voting as a Senator and his desire to raise our taxes. At present it appears that he is going to bypass Clinton in the Presidential race. His youth, appearance and eloquence of speech are drawing a lot of people to him. It seems to me that people are moved more by these factors than his position on issues politically and economically.
A REMEMBERED QUOTE – You will probably think this strange but maybe it will cause you to take pause and reflect back on things your grandparents of parents use to say. Many times as I am washing or showering at the beginning of the day I remember a saying of my grandmother from when I stayed with she and my grandfather during the summer, “I wash down as far as possible, then I was up as far as possible and then I wash possible.” Does that cause you to smile? Some of those old, quaint sayings from the past stick with us and bring us good memories of the past. I don’t remember too many past sayings but this is one that comes back to me again and again. If nothing else, it is a good quote for proper hygiene.
MEMORABLE SUNDAYS – During those summer stays, living in a small apartment behind the variety store that my grandparents owned, the store was always closed on Sundays. Grandmother would prepare a picnic lunch and then we would go to Sunday school and church. When church was over we would drive a few miles along the Columbia River Gorge and find a small road alongside a stream of one of the many waterfalls, park and enjoy our picnic lunch as we observed the beauty of God’s creation and sound of the passing water. We would then read the Sunday paper and I would get the funny paper section and they had the news to read. We would usually end up taking a walk or hike through the trees and climbing over the rocks, enjoying the outdoors. Those were wonderful and peaceful Sundays away from the usual weekly endeavors. There were no TV’s in those days and people weren’t hooked on sports that often keep people from enjoying God’s outdoors and handiwork. I hope you have some similar joyous memories or perhaps find similar events to break up the hurry and scurry of today’s living.
MAKING CHANGE – Living with my maternal grandparents on various occasions at an early age as they managed a chain variety store and later their own store, I learned to make change when I was quite young. Consequently I stand amazed at teenagers today working at McDonalds, etc. having problems with making change. That is probably why the products rather than the dollar and cents mark some cash register keys. Have you ever noticed them?
SERMON ATTACHMENT – I am going to attach my sermon notes from three weeks ago on what I call “Two Kinds of Faith.” I was going to have CD’s made up to mail out but that is a bit expensive. Some of our people don’t have Internet so I may have to mail the printed pages to them.
PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES – Have you learned to pray the Scriptures? What I mean by this is a matter of personal devotions as you read through your Bible. So often we pray through out list of requests for self, family, friends, etc. A more worshipful type of prayer takes place when we read our Bibles and see a verse that touches our hearts that we take pause in our reading to praise and thank God for the blessed truth you have just read. It is an uplifting experience to commune with our God through prayer, recognizing the beauty and wonder of the portion of Scripture being read. If you have never done this give it a try and see if you are not blessed in doing so. I was recently reading Psalm 40 and Romans 10 and as I did so, noting a number of great verses that stood out to me, I began praising and thanking God for the great promises and truths I was rereading. It gave me a joyous and unburdened heart for the remainder of the day.
MORE ABOUT OBAMA – As you know, I have expressed my concerns about Obama’s background and links with Islam through his father. As we gain new information and to be fair, in the face of what I have said about Obama, he has denied any ties with Islam. He has also stated that he has been a Christian for two decades and he prays to Jesus every night. At the same time, the radical Islamic Farrakhan has placed his endorsement on Obama’s presidential bid. Obama rejected his endorsement during the debate with Clinton on Thursday night in Cleveland. All this said, none of these matters change the reality of his inexperience and his being at the top of the list for his liberal voting as a Senator and his desire to raise our taxes. At present it appears that he is going to bypass Clinton in the Presidential race. His youth, appearance and eloquence of speech are drawing a lot of people to him. It seems to me that people are moved more by these factors than his position on issues politically and economically.
A REMEMBERED QUOTE – You will probably think this strange but maybe it will cause you to take pause and reflect back on things your grandparents of parents use to say. Many times as I am washing or showering at the beginning of the day I remember a saying of my grandmother from when I stayed with she and my grandfather during the summer, “I wash down as far as possible, then I was up as far as possible and then I wash possible.” Does that cause you to smile? Some of those old, quaint sayings from the past stick with us and bring us good memories of the past. I don’t remember too many past sayings but this is one that comes back to me again and again. If nothing else, it is a good quote for proper hygiene.
MEMORABLE SUNDAYS – During those summer stays, living in a small apartment behind the variety store that my grandparents owned, the store was always closed on Sundays. Grandmother would prepare a picnic lunch and then we would go to Sunday school and church. When church was over we would drive a few miles along the Columbia River Gorge and find a small road alongside a stream of one of the many waterfalls, park and enjoy our picnic lunch as we observed the beauty of God’s creation and sound of the passing water. We would then read the Sunday paper and I would get the funny paper section and they had the news to read. We would usually end up taking a walk or hike through the trees and climbing over the rocks, enjoying the outdoors. Those were wonderful and peaceful Sundays away from the usual weekly endeavors. There were no TV’s in those days and people weren’t hooked on sports that often keep people from enjoying God’s outdoors and handiwork. I hope you have some similar joyous memories or perhaps find similar events to break up the hurry and scurry of today’s living.
MAKING CHANGE – Living with my maternal grandparents on various occasions at an early age as they managed a chain variety store and later their own store, I learned to make change when I was quite young. Consequently I stand amazed at teenagers today working at McDonalds, etc. having problems with making change. That is probably why the products rather than the dollar and cents mark some cash register keys. Have you ever noticed them?
SERMON ATTACHMENT – I am going to attach my sermon notes from three weeks ago on what I call “Two Kinds of Faith.” I was going to have CD’s made up to mail out but that is a bit expensive. Some of our people don’t have Internet so I may have to mail the printed pages to them.
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