LIBERAL THEOLOGY – Christmas Eve I was listening to assorted Christmas Eve services, mainly to enjoy the Christmas music, since I was not able to attend our own services. Most of the services I heard were put on by liberal church bodies associated with the National Council of Churches, such as the Riverside Church in New York. During a break from the music a man stepped up to the mike and made the statement, “Christ came to take upon Himself our broken human nature.” That caught my attention because of the falseness of the theology, something I should have expected from such a source. I don’t imagine another soul in the entire place even noticed how wrong that statement was. Hopefully all my readers have. Had he said something to the effect, “Christ took upon Himself human flesh that He might die for our broken human natures” I would not be making this criticism. Christ took on Himself human flesh when He was born a Babe in the manger, not our “broken” fallen natures! Christ was born of a “virgin,” He did not receive our fallen sinful natures that have been passed on to all of us through the fallen Adam. If you are not aware, so many among the liberal church leadership and seminaries, do not believe in the virgin birth and therefore have become false teachers, promoting unsound theology. Christ lived a sinless life, not having the sinful Adamic nature, so that he might present Himself a perfect, sinless sacrifice at Calvary for our forgiveness. There, He paid the price, made the sacrifice, for man’s “broken (fallen) nature.” We need to be so very careful as we listen to the radio and TV preachers (teachers) today, for many do not hold to sound doctrine and many are being misled down a path to destruction. We are to know our Bibles and thus rightly divide the Word of truth.
PAPER ACCUMULATES – Do you have this same problem? I just finished going through a lot of papers that I had saved on my computer stand. As I looked through it all I was not sure why I’d put them there. At the time I know it was something I wanted to deal with or comment on in my “Musings” but they are no longer registering or relevant. I had good intentions but the intent has flown away and I no longer remember the reason. Someday I’ll learn to deal with such matters immediately, not put them before me, hoping to remember and use them later. This world is full of paper with good ideas and information. Information registers with my mind but with time that registry seems to pass me by and I fail to recall so I’ll just blame it on old age.
GLOBAL WARMING – I grow weary of all the Global Warming rhetoric and people that can’t seem to comprehend the reality of earths cyclical past. The earth has gone through many cycles, some warm and some cold. Yet, we are now plagued with all kinds of news dealing with the topic. Isn’t it interesting that snow made it all the way down to the southern areas of Texas and elsewhere this year? We are suppose to believe the theory of Global Warming and yet cold and snow is reaching further south. Their theory couldn’t possibly be wrong and they will find some way to explain away these types of weather events. Just hang around for a while and smile whenever their theory comes to these bumps in the road and you personally observe the flaws in their theories that provide an income for their proponents. In my nearly eighty years I have experienced severe winters and mild winters as well as hot summers and not so hot summers. I am not about to jump through the hoops of Global Warming theorists, How about you? Some people enjoy worrying about the weather. Me, I just take what God chooses to pass out year by year. In due course I will be in glory enjoying the perfect weather of Heaven.
MORE ON MEDICAL COSTS – One dear brother responded regarding eye injections he receives that cost $4,000 each. OUCH! I just found an article from an Oct. 20th U. S. News & World Report Titled “Is Healthcare Armageddon Next?” by Bernadine Healy, M.D. with the following: “ Clueless Doctors are largely clueless about the cost of care they prescribe or its implications for a patients personal finances and, until serious illness strikes, patients often are, too. But any good doc can tell you lower cost does not necessarily mean lower quality. A study led by John Wennberg at the Dartmouth Institute for health Policy and clinical Practice found that the cost of care for comparable patients during the last two years of life at the 18 hospitals in the 2007 U.S. News “Best Hospitals” honor roll ranged from $34,372 to $71,637 with the lowest-cost centers ranking at the top. The report concludes, “More is not better.” This expresses the same conclusions I have personally come too. The article would be worth looking up at the library. The point of the article tells of the new medicines and procedures and their cost are heading us toward a medical Armageddon in the title of the article. I won’t quote more but these increasing costs are leading the insurance companies, etc. to a tremendous crisis.
CHURCH MUSIC FROM THE PAST – I was thinking back to our first church plant in Federal Way, Washington. Our little church group was like family and we had some rather informal services (I think we have become too formal in many of our churche. Roland Barnes was a Boeing Engineer and he also enjoyed playing his violin. Occasionally he would bring his violin to the evening service and played it while we sang some old favorite hymn and choruses. Did you ever try to out sing a violin? You can’t do it! That stringed instrument always comes out on top, above all the voices singing along with it. Our song services were longer then and the people sang enthusiastically. What has happened to those joyous times? We also had a lady that still corresponds with me via e-mails. She played the piano and marimba. I remember her keeping after all of us that had played instruments into bringing them to the evening service and we tried playing together during the song service. I even got out my old clarinet and played with them. That was the time I learned some of our instruments didn’t fit with the hymnal and we had to get separate music to be able to play the music in the hymnals, including my clarinet. Anyway, we had great times in those days and it seemed to me it got the people in a good spirit to receive and follow the messages I preached after all that music shared together. (Thanks Jeanne.) To realize that little church no longer exists because of assorted problems that followed and someone that came along and took it out of our GARBC Fellowship is heart rending.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
December 2008 #3
Dear Family, Friends & Prayer Warriors:
“MUSINGS” December 2008 #3 By Leslie G. Newell
(Sharing Thoughts Past & Present By A Home Missionary Past His Prime.)
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To All My Musings Readers..
FROM A CHRISTMAS PAST – As my son Gary was leaving today to have Christmas with their daughter and family in the Cleveland area, he reminded me of the following. When we started our first church in Federal Way, Washington we had obtained five acres of property with an older home on the west end of it and we built our first church on the east end of it. There was a dead-end gravel road that stopped just past the parsonage among a lot of fir trees. It was a great place to find our Christmas trees. My wife Kathy was always very particular about the size and shape of the tree chosen. The first one we cut down ended up being too big for our living room. I don’t remember what was wrong with the second tree but we ended up with three Christmas tree to bring back the one that met the need. It really wasn’t a waste because the elementary school where John and Gary attended school that was on the east side of our church property. Both of the boys provided Christmas trees for their classes. The day is long past now when most people can go out into the woods or forest and cut their own tree but those were joyous days for our family.
MISSED MUSINGS – This is the first day I have been on the computer for a week or two as I have been too weak and short of breath to even think about checking e-mails or writing a Musings. Monday I went to the hospital as an outpatient to have fluid removed from my left lung again. It was two and a half litres this time. That is one way to lose weight quickly. I think I weight eight pounds lighter today than I did before the procedure. I am feeling better now and praying the fluids don’t come back again.
PHARMACUTICAL SHOCK – UPS delivered Betty’s refill today for one of her chemo pills. Get this, two bottles of pills with 28 in each to achieve the required amount by taking one of each twice a day for fourteen days. The price: $1,303.33! How thankful we are for real good insurance. There is a second pill that she takes five of each day an hour before a meal. I know the price of that one would shock you as well. I guess the lesson here is, if you want to be in a moneymaking business, be a pill maker. When I see lists of the actual cost of ingredients found in pills, it is outrageous.
A CHRISTMAS RITUAL AGAIN – The discussion and argument all over again as it is each year anymore. Cities are being attacked for displaying manger scenes, etc. The politically correct avoiding the term “Merry Christmas” by using “Happy Holidays.” If I were to get into a discussion over the word “Christmas” I’d much rather discuss a preference over “Christ’s Day” or Christ’s Birth,” rather than “Christ’s Mass.” But, then, I’d be getting into a discussion that goes way over the heads or understanding of most today. Christmas did not have its origin with early Christian believer but rather a religion that had its beginnings much later. A thought, of course, that would be denied by its founders. But, we have come to a time in history that has forgotten those things long ago. Anyway, have a blessed Christ’s Day.
“MUSINGS” December 2008 #3 By Leslie G. Newell
(Sharing Thoughts Past & Present By A Home Missionary Past His Prime.)
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To All My Musings Readers..
FROM A CHRISTMAS PAST – As my son Gary was leaving today to have Christmas with their daughter and family in the Cleveland area, he reminded me of the following. When we started our first church in Federal Way, Washington we had obtained five acres of property with an older home on the west end of it and we built our first church on the east end of it. There was a dead-end gravel road that stopped just past the parsonage among a lot of fir trees. It was a great place to find our Christmas trees. My wife Kathy was always very particular about the size and shape of the tree chosen. The first one we cut down ended up being too big for our living room. I don’t remember what was wrong with the second tree but we ended up with three Christmas tree to bring back the one that met the need. It really wasn’t a waste because the elementary school where John and Gary attended school that was on the east side of our church property. Both of the boys provided Christmas trees for their classes. The day is long past now when most people can go out into the woods or forest and cut their own tree but those were joyous days for our family.
MISSED MUSINGS – This is the first day I have been on the computer for a week or two as I have been too weak and short of breath to even think about checking e-mails or writing a Musings. Monday I went to the hospital as an outpatient to have fluid removed from my left lung again. It was two and a half litres this time. That is one way to lose weight quickly. I think I weight eight pounds lighter today than I did before the procedure. I am feeling better now and praying the fluids don’t come back again.
PHARMACUTICAL SHOCK – UPS delivered Betty’s refill today for one of her chemo pills. Get this, two bottles of pills with 28 in each to achieve the required amount by taking one of each twice a day for fourteen days. The price: $1,303.33! How thankful we are for real good insurance. There is a second pill that she takes five of each day an hour before a meal. I know the price of that one would shock you as well. I guess the lesson here is, if you want to be in a moneymaking business, be a pill maker. When I see lists of the actual cost of ingredients found in pills, it is outrageous.
A CHRISTMAS RITUAL AGAIN – The discussion and argument all over again as it is each year anymore. Cities are being attacked for displaying manger scenes, etc. The politically correct avoiding the term “Merry Christmas” by using “Happy Holidays.” If I were to get into a discussion over the word “Christmas” I’d much rather discuss a preference over “Christ’s Day” or Christ’s Birth,” rather than “Christ’s Mass.” But, then, I’d be getting into a discussion that goes way over the heads or understanding of most today. Christmas did not have its origin with early Christian believer but rather a religion that had its beginnings much later. A thought, of course, that would be denied by its founders. But, we have come to a time in history that has forgotten those things long ago. Anyway, have a blessed Christ’s Day.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 2008 #1
WONDERING & TRYING TO UNDERSTAND – Remembering back to my early adult Christian experience I wanted to learn and know all I could about my faith and what Baptists believed. Hiscox gave detailed doctrinal beliefs and practices of Baptists and how their churches were conducted and I read it through, checking time and again to verify belief and practice. When I learned about the Baptist Bulletin I read it through, keeping track of our fellowship and continuing to learn and understand our fellowship of churches, the function, belief and practices. Further, most Baptists I knew had Scofield Bibles that had footnotes that clearly taught dispensationalism which afforded a clear church means for interpreting Biblical truth in a clear understandable manner. I was thus enabled to read, study and interpret the Bible for myself and found myself in the company of other Christians who could do the same and find themselves in accord with one another. I wonder about today’s church members. How many know anything about these biblical tools? How many concern themselves about personal Biblical study and interpretation? How many really know what their church believes or even care, satisfying themselves with fellowship, music or whatever else may grab their attention to bind themselves to a particular church? Perhaps their occasional attendance is enough, never questioning these things.
THE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER BAPTISTS BULLETIN – This issue has several interesting issues, “Rightly Dividing” – A report from the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics. Another article on “Church Discipline A Delicate Operation” is worth reading. In the Q & A section Norman A. Olson answers the question, “When People Say Christmas Is Pagan” is a worthwhile read. Though I have mentioned it before, I will repeat myself, for years as a missionary pastor, I always found a way to see that all our people received a copy of this magazine. I believed it helped them understand the faith and our fellowship, being a helpful tool to get information to them I might not have time to do on the brief occasions of Sunday and Wednesday services. I have now personal interest in promoting the Baptist Bulletin, but I do believe you will find it helpful to you and yours.
TEACHING WITH OR WITHOUT HELPS – I have had repeated discussions with my son Gary about teaching God’s Word to children & adults. He started teaching when he was seventeen as the result of a junior boys class that others (male or female) had not been able to teach. He successfully taught them and he has been doing so now for about forty years. I suggested he write an article on his philosophy of teaching God’s Word that can be shared with others. I don’t know if he will find time to do so or not but I will give you the gist of it to think about. He sees God in everything whether it is a little baby, a tree or any other aspect of nature or creation. The observation of God’s creative work gives us ample illustrations for our teaching opportunities. Whether you have materials provided to teach or have an occasion when you are caught needing to teach with out them. Recognition of, and an expansion of everything that surrounds us can provide a lesson. If you recall the teachings of Christ or that of the Apostle James, you will find that they used this means of teaching. They drew their illustrations from the surrounding nature (creation). Think about it if you are a teacher or are called upon to teach sometime.
MEGAR BEGINNINGS – The little church that gave me a start in ministry you would hardly believe. I don’t know exactly what the initial beginning was like. Pastor Baker worked for the State of Oregon and had a family of two girls still at home when we came on the scene. His wife and the girls would work harvesting cherries etc. during the summer. The building we met in was horrible. It had been some type of store and they had started to tear the building down. Before the task was accomplished they rented it to people who used the space to hull nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts. Some way the little church started renting it and we came on the scene in time to help clear out the shells left behind. I remember the strips of supposed tarpaper like material with a floral print of some sort supposedly make the place look a little better. Whether it was there previously or added when the little church took the place over. The cracks in the outside walls would allow wind to blow in and move that strange wallpaper around during services behind the pastor as he preached. There was the larger room in which we held services and several smaller rooms used for classrooms, a real classy meeting place, sic. I preached my first sermon in that building when the pastor took a vacation. It lasted a whole ten minutes and I had tried to prepare it two whole weeks before delivering it. It is obvious I didn’t know what I was doing. Aside from my crude effort we did have a good preacher under whom I learned much. The fellowship was sweet and the people were very gracious, trying to make me believe my effort was good. They all wrapped their arms around us, encouraged us, taught us and gave us an opportunity to begin serving our Lord. Most people would never enter such humble surroundings to worship, and few did but those were precious days. Eventually we were able to purchase an old four-room schoolhouse to fix up for our place of worship. Two large rooms downstairs and two large rooms upstairs were kept warm by an old coal furnace in the basement. We had to come early to fire it up and keep stoking as the day went by. Though many would not go to such a church, that church spawned this home missionary, and I am sure that little handful of people will reap a huge reward at the day of award giving. Not because of any great accomplishments on my part but rather due to their faithfulness to the Lord in dire circumstances and by their support of missions and their encouragement of so many others. This is the church that saw something in me that I didn’t see and gave me my first license to preach and put up with my many blunders. Great loving people, most of whom are now with the Lord.
A LITTLE SIDE NOTE – Today’s churches that are looking for perfection and failing to give opportunities to the weak and inexperienced are missing the purpose of the local church to build people up in their faith and to prepare them to future ministry. So a young pianist hits a wrong key or note, so a substitute teacher misses the point of a lesson, so a young man is lacking in biblical knowledge, the local church is to train and bring those people along, giving them opportunity to grow in the Lord. Even deacons are grown by experience gained by observing and ministering with others. Think about it.
THE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER BAPTISTS BULLETIN – This issue has several interesting issues, “Rightly Dividing” – A report from the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics. Another article on “Church Discipline A Delicate Operation” is worth reading. In the Q & A section Norman A. Olson answers the question, “When People Say Christmas Is Pagan” is a worthwhile read. Though I have mentioned it before, I will repeat myself, for years as a missionary pastor, I always found a way to see that all our people received a copy of this magazine. I believed it helped them understand the faith and our fellowship, being a helpful tool to get information to them I might not have time to do on the brief occasions of Sunday and Wednesday services. I have now personal interest in promoting the Baptist Bulletin, but I do believe you will find it helpful to you and yours.
TEACHING WITH OR WITHOUT HELPS – I have had repeated discussions with my son Gary about teaching God’s Word to children & adults. He started teaching when he was seventeen as the result of a junior boys class that others (male or female) had not been able to teach. He successfully taught them and he has been doing so now for about forty years. I suggested he write an article on his philosophy of teaching God’s Word that can be shared with others. I don’t know if he will find time to do so or not but I will give you the gist of it to think about. He sees God in everything whether it is a little baby, a tree or any other aspect of nature or creation. The observation of God’s creative work gives us ample illustrations for our teaching opportunities. Whether you have materials provided to teach or have an occasion when you are caught needing to teach with out them. Recognition of, and an expansion of everything that surrounds us can provide a lesson. If you recall the teachings of Christ or that of the Apostle James, you will find that they used this means of teaching. They drew their illustrations from the surrounding nature (creation). Think about it if you are a teacher or are called upon to teach sometime.
MEGAR BEGINNINGS – The little church that gave me a start in ministry you would hardly believe. I don’t know exactly what the initial beginning was like. Pastor Baker worked for the State of Oregon and had a family of two girls still at home when we came on the scene. His wife and the girls would work harvesting cherries etc. during the summer. The building we met in was horrible. It had been some type of store and they had started to tear the building down. Before the task was accomplished they rented it to people who used the space to hull nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts. Some way the little church started renting it and we came on the scene in time to help clear out the shells left behind. I remember the strips of supposed tarpaper like material with a floral print of some sort supposedly make the place look a little better. Whether it was there previously or added when the little church took the place over. The cracks in the outside walls would allow wind to blow in and move that strange wallpaper around during services behind the pastor as he preached. There was the larger room in which we held services and several smaller rooms used for classrooms, a real classy meeting place, sic. I preached my first sermon in that building when the pastor took a vacation. It lasted a whole ten minutes and I had tried to prepare it two whole weeks before delivering it. It is obvious I didn’t know what I was doing. Aside from my crude effort we did have a good preacher under whom I learned much. The fellowship was sweet and the people were very gracious, trying to make me believe my effort was good. They all wrapped their arms around us, encouraged us, taught us and gave us an opportunity to begin serving our Lord. Most people would never enter such humble surroundings to worship, and few did but those were precious days. Eventually we were able to purchase an old four-room schoolhouse to fix up for our place of worship. Two large rooms downstairs and two large rooms upstairs were kept warm by an old coal furnace in the basement. We had to come early to fire it up and keep stoking as the day went by. Though many would not go to such a church, that church spawned this home missionary, and I am sure that little handful of people will reap a huge reward at the day of award giving. Not because of any great accomplishments on my part but rather due to their faithfulness to the Lord in dire circumstances and by their support of missions and their encouragement of so many others. This is the church that saw something in me that I didn’t see and gave me my first license to preach and put up with my many blunders. Great loving people, most of whom are now with the Lord.
A LITTLE SIDE NOTE – Today’s churches that are looking for perfection and failing to give opportunities to the weak and inexperienced are missing the purpose of the local church to build people up in their faith and to prepare them to future ministry. So a young pianist hits a wrong key or note, so a substitute teacher misses the point of a lesson, so a young man is lacking in biblical knowledge, the local church is to train and bring those people along, giving them opportunity to grow in the Lord. Even deacons are grown by experience gained by observing and ministering with others. Think about it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
November 2008 #2
A SPECIAL NOTE: The Baptist Church Planters office has reminded me a number of times and I need to pass the information on to you. The mission is no longer using the P.O. Box address in Elyria, OH. Please send all mail and support checks to Baptist Church Planters, Inc. 36830 Royalton Road., Grafton, OH 44044. Thank you.
A PERSONAL BEARD STORY – I have never really wanted a beard or mustache. Recently, due to time in the hospital and trying to recoup at home I haven’t been too concerned about shaving. A kind nurse did shave me one day in the hospital. Anyway, this reminded me of the time when we took a couple weeks vacation to try and fix up and clean up around our mobile home and five acres in Arkansas. I thought it might be a good time to see if I could grow a beard so I didn’t shave. Immediately following the vacation we were scheduled to participate in a missions conference in Iowa. We arrived at the pastors home (a dear friend of ours) and waited for the arrival of the other missionaries to have dinner together on Saturday. I had fully intended to shave off the scraggly beard before the Sunday service but my plan changed. Another missionary arrived from a different mission board and he began chiding me for my unshaven condition and telling me how his mission would never allow a missionary to so conduct himself, wearing a beard. I must admit the old nature kicked in and I had a talk with the pastor about it to see if he would mind if I wore my new beard during the mission conference. He said he didn’t mind and that there were several men in his church who had beards. So, in my stubbornness and in response to the criticism of a foreign missionary I wore that beard (that I didn’t even like) all through the conference. Isn’t it strange the way we react to criticism from others? All this was probably a reaction to the years when long hair was being an issue, etc. When you really stop to analysis the matter biblically, many Bible characters wore beards, as did our Lord and Savior. Yet, sometimes people become legalistic in their attitudes without biblical authority. We often react to criticism in a manner even contrary to our own preferences. There must be a little flesh mixed in there someplace.
MUMBAI KILLINGS – Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who have been murdered. The news has been full of the details the past several days. I don’t want to seem unsympathetic toward those families who lost loved ones but a thought does come to mind. One man and his daughter that was killed had gone there as a part of a group that were attending a seminar on meditation. Why in the world would anyone have to travel so far to learn about meditation? This reveals to me that the meditation movement is another form of religion. Why else the dedication? Why else put such dedication into it? I am not minimizing the importance of meditation if it is focused on the right thing. Most of us as believers probably fail to meditate as much as we should on the Scriptures and on our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Shame on us! But a form of meditation that takes people to an extreme that makes it another form of religion surely cannot be of God. We have a world filled with people whose minds are concentrating on something other than the True God. What say you?
HOME NURSE – One of the home nurses that come 2-3 times a week is quite a talker. Especially when it comes to politics, particularly prior to the election. I usually try to get the discussion turned toward religion. She was very fearful of the outcome of the election and the possible effects upon her family. At one point she even talked of moving out of the country if Obama were to be elected. I tried to assure her that God was in control and nothing would transpire except as God allows. I finally had an opportunity when no one else was around to ask her the big question, “Have you ever received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?” She assured me that she had, for which I was thankful. I was then able to assure her that before the terrible things she fear that would come upon her family and the world, we would be taken away by the Rapture. It is amazing how many people belong to churches that have never taught them about God’s program relating to the Rapture, Tribulation, etc. How thankful I am for those early years when the pastor taught those matters and also for the Scofield Bible that had such good helps regarding these matters. I knew of these important truths early in my Christian experience. Too many pastors are failing in their responsibilities of teaching the basics of faith. Further, people are not being directed to purchase Bibles with proper helps so they can study these matters for themselves. As individual Christians we need to seek opportunities to help people get on the right track and know there are good helps available in this area of understanding the Bible. So many professing Christians today are lacking vital doctrinal truths and we should be ministering to them in these basic doctrines. Every born again Christian has a God given responsibility to share these matters of faith. If more took on this responsibility they would be leading others into their Biblically sound churches as they share these truths.
THANKSGIVINGS OVER – At least the day of Thanksgiving is over, but the spirit of thanksgiving should continue on in our hearts and attitudes. I am fearful that we place a lot of emphasis on this matter as a special day but forget to express the same in our every day living and attitude. Attitude says a lot to those around us. If we are seen and known for a thankful, grateful attitude I believe it will draw others to us, giving us new opportunities to share our faith. You might find Colossians 4:1-6 helpful in this regard. In verse four Paul said, “that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” To do so requires “prayer” with “thanksgiving” “that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ.” The verse 6 “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” It is a great passage worthy of much meditation and consideration to help with our witnessing..
SUPPORTIVE CORRESPONDENCE – We don’t receive a lot of correspondence or emails from supporting churches and individuals but when we do, it is a great encouragement to our hearts. This past week we received a brief letter from our sending church, Rustic Hills Baptist Church in Colorado Springs. There was just a brief paragraph informing us that the people signing it were praying for us. Then following that paragraph were the signatures of the various church members. A great idea for other churches to consider in letting their missionaries know they are praying for them.
A PERSONAL BEARD STORY – I have never really wanted a beard or mustache. Recently, due to time in the hospital and trying to recoup at home I haven’t been too concerned about shaving. A kind nurse did shave me one day in the hospital. Anyway, this reminded me of the time when we took a couple weeks vacation to try and fix up and clean up around our mobile home and five acres in Arkansas. I thought it might be a good time to see if I could grow a beard so I didn’t shave. Immediately following the vacation we were scheduled to participate in a missions conference in Iowa. We arrived at the pastors home (a dear friend of ours) and waited for the arrival of the other missionaries to have dinner together on Saturday. I had fully intended to shave off the scraggly beard before the Sunday service but my plan changed. Another missionary arrived from a different mission board and he began chiding me for my unshaven condition and telling me how his mission would never allow a missionary to so conduct himself, wearing a beard. I must admit the old nature kicked in and I had a talk with the pastor about it to see if he would mind if I wore my new beard during the mission conference. He said he didn’t mind and that there were several men in his church who had beards. So, in my stubbornness and in response to the criticism of a foreign missionary I wore that beard (that I didn’t even like) all through the conference. Isn’t it strange the way we react to criticism from others? All this was probably a reaction to the years when long hair was being an issue, etc. When you really stop to analysis the matter biblically, many Bible characters wore beards, as did our Lord and Savior. Yet, sometimes people become legalistic in their attitudes without biblical authority. We often react to criticism in a manner even contrary to our own preferences. There must be a little flesh mixed in there someplace.
MUMBAI KILLINGS – Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who have been murdered. The news has been full of the details the past several days. I don’t want to seem unsympathetic toward those families who lost loved ones but a thought does come to mind. One man and his daughter that was killed had gone there as a part of a group that were attending a seminar on meditation. Why in the world would anyone have to travel so far to learn about meditation? This reveals to me that the meditation movement is another form of religion. Why else the dedication? Why else put such dedication into it? I am not minimizing the importance of meditation if it is focused on the right thing. Most of us as believers probably fail to meditate as much as we should on the Scriptures and on our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Shame on us! But a form of meditation that takes people to an extreme that makes it another form of religion surely cannot be of God. We have a world filled with people whose minds are concentrating on something other than the True God. What say you?
HOME NURSE – One of the home nurses that come 2-3 times a week is quite a talker. Especially when it comes to politics, particularly prior to the election. I usually try to get the discussion turned toward religion. She was very fearful of the outcome of the election and the possible effects upon her family. At one point she even talked of moving out of the country if Obama were to be elected. I tried to assure her that God was in control and nothing would transpire except as God allows. I finally had an opportunity when no one else was around to ask her the big question, “Have you ever received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?” She assured me that she had, for which I was thankful. I was then able to assure her that before the terrible things she fear that would come upon her family and the world, we would be taken away by the Rapture. It is amazing how many people belong to churches that have never taught them about God’s program relating to the Rapture, Tribulation, etc. How thankful I am for those early years when the pastor taught those matters and also for the Scofield Bible that had such good helps regarding these matters. I knew of these important truths early in my Christian experience. Too many pastors are failing in their responsibilities of teaching the basics of faith. Further, people are not being directed to purchase Bibles with proper helps so they can study these matters for themselves. As individual Christians we need to seek opportunities to help people get on the right track and know there are good helps available in this area of understanding the Bible. So many professing Christians today are lacking vital doctrinal truths and we should be ministering to them in these basic doctrines. Every born again Christian has a God given responsibility to share these matters of faith. If more took on this responsibility they would be leading others into their Biblically sound churches as they share these truths.
THANKSGIVINGS OVER – At least the day of Thanksgiving is over, but the spirit of thanksgiving should continue on in our hearts and attitudes. I am fearful that we place a lot of emphasis on this matter as a special day but forget to express the same in our every day living and attitude. Attitude says a lot to those around us. If we are seen and known for a thankful, grateful attitude I believe it will draw others to us, giving us new opportunities to share our faith. You might find Colossians 4:1-6 helpful in this regard. In verse four Paul said, “that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” To do so requires “prayer” with “thanksgiving” “that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ.” The verse 6 “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” It is a great passage worthy of much meditation and consideration to help with our witnessing..
SUPPORTIVE CORRESPONDENCE – We don’t receive a lot of correspondence or emails from supporting churches and individuals but when we do, it is a great encouragement to our hearts. This past week we received a brief letter from our sending church, Rustic Hills Baptist Church in Colorado Springs. There was just a brief paragraph informing us that the people signing it were praying for us. Then following that paragraph were the signatures of the various church members. A great idea for other churches to consider in letting their missionaries know they are praying for them.
November 2008 #1
IN AND OUT AGAIN – A week ago Thursday my cardiologist cancelled my appointment as he was overloaded with emergencies. His nurse did told me I should get a chest x-ray. So I called my internist and they squeezed me in. After hearing my complaints and checking my x-ray he suggested that I check into the hospital. I refused, not wanting a return session. He wrote me prescriptions and I headed home. By the time I got home (without picking up the prescriptions) I felt so bad I called him back and asked hime to get me checked in. I gathered up a couple things and Betty’s daughter Kathy drove me to the hospital. That evening more x-rays were taken and the following afternoon they drained more than 1 and a ½ litres of fluid off my left lung and I spent the next days, through this past Wednesday in the Hospital. There was a lot of juggling of meds to try and get my blood pressure balanced out. This was one more day than when I was in for the heart by-pass surgery. Anyway I am back home, dragging my feet and feeling rather weak. Next week I am to get more x-rays and see how things are doing. The home care nurse was here today (Saturday) checking me out. I am so thankful for that and the assistance of Betty and her daughter Kathy. I am also thankful for all you prayers and faithfulness to the Lord and to us.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR – Are you waiting for the undertaker or the Upper-taker? My son John, who passed away in January, followed the news very carefully, particularly things that were happening with Israel. The several months prior to his passing he was so convinced that the Rapture and meeting the Upper-taker would take place before the New Year, as he observed the things taking place in the world in preparation for the one world government, anti-Christ and the Tribulation. Much to our sorrow the undertaker came first, but praise the Lord, he is already with the Savior (the Upper-taker). I just wonder about those of us who remain, are we waiting for the undertaker or living expectantly for the Upper-taker? - Why am I asking such a question? What is my point? Consider the following information and take up John’s viewpoint and watch for the Upper-taker.
RAPID EVENTS BUILDING – So many things are taking place. Obama took up the cry for “Change” as his slogan to gain his election to be our next President. The people must have similarly sent up the same cry and made him our President elect. I don’t believe any of them can even begin to imagine the great changes that are coming in relation to Globalism, One Worldism and the coming the one world government of the anti-Christ, so clearly defined in The Book of Revelation. Like my son John, I believe we are seeing the development before our very eyes, the things that are leading up to those Biblical prophecies. Hopefully your memories are better than mine to fill in the details I am not going to be able to fill in as finely as I would like. I remember President John F. Kennedy wanting to unite the U. S. Military with that of the military of the United Nations. He failed in the effort. It seems to me that nearly every president from that day to this, with the exception of President Reagan, have added something to the mix of moving toward Globalism. Our current president, George W. Bush, has been trying to develop the Amero Dollars (and all that involves) between the United States, Canada and Mexico. (A disastrous plan in my personal view!) This would match the Euro that is presently binding Europe together in One Worldism. When Barack Obama spoke to the thousands in Germany, while endeavoring to be elected president, his message was strongly and very clearly a message of Globalism. Unless he changes his plans so clearly defined during his candidacy from the pressures of the present financial crisis, he is headed our country toward a liberal socialism. Then, just today (Saturday) the twenty richest countries in the world met with President Bush to try and find an answer to the financial crisis to resolve the problem for not only the United States of America, but also the world. One of the suggestions tied in with all of that was a call for a world control of interest where a decision would be made for all irrespective of our differing economic circumstances. On and on it goes. Do we see a pattern here? Add to this the so called “Bailout” that congress passed in recent weeks, also detrimental to our historical free society of success and failure that has made us the greatest economic and military power in the world. In the midst of all that our Congressmen (and women) are debating and trying to change the rules after the fact and there is utter confusion. Bailing out Wall Street, A.I.G. and the Banks is raising a cry to the government to also bail out G.M. Ford and Chrysler. Cities and States are also all trying to tie themselves in with the same feedbag. We are headed for a disaster of all disasters that will so weaken our nation that we will be approaching that day I have repeatedly spoken of, when we will be so weakened that Russian and the Arab countries will feel free to make their move on Israel, scheduled for the Tribulation period. Hang on, we are in for one of the roughest national rides we have ever had. I am not a prophet (as I have said before), nor am I a date setter as some have tried to be. It is just that what we are seeing take place seems so clear to those who believe in the Bible. Am I being a fear-monger? No, I am rejoicing that God is allowing us see things being set in place. I can cry out, “Look up, the Upper-Taker will appear sooner than many think, and some of us will experience the Rapture before we meet the undertaker. Who knows? I am just praising the Lord for the “hope” He has placed within us. Join with me.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR – Are you waiting for the undertaker or the Upper-taker? My son John, who passed away in January, followed the news very carefully, particularly things that were happening with Israel. The several months prior to his passing he was so convinced that the Rapture and meeting the Upper-taker would take place before the New Year, as he observed the things taking place in the world in preparation for the one world government, anti-Christ and the Tribulation. Much to our sorrow the undertaker came first, but praise the Lord, he is already with the Savior (the Upper-taker). I just wonder about those of us who remain, are we waiting for the undertaker or living expectantly for the Upper-taker? - Why am I asking such a question? What is my point? Consider the following information and take up John’s viewpoint and watch for the Upper-taker.
RAPID EVENTS BUILDING – So many things are taking place. Obama took up the cry for “Change” as his slogan to gain his election to be our next President. The people must have similarly sent up the same cry and made him our President elect. I don’t believe any of them can even begin to imagine the great changes that are coming in relation to Globalism, One Worldism and the coming the one world government of the anti-Christ, so clearly defined in The Book of Revelation. Like my son John, I believe we are seeing the development before our very eyes, the things that are leading up to those Biblical prophecies. Hopefully your memories are better than mine to fill in the details I am not going to be able to fill in as finely as I would like. I remember President John F. Kennedy wanting to unite the U. S. Military with that of the military of the United Nations. He failed in the effort. It seems to me that nearly every president from that day to this, with the exception of President Reagan, have added something to the mix of moving toward Globalism. Our current president, George W. Bush, has been trying to develop the Amero Dollars (and all that involves) between the United States, Canada and Mexico. (A disastrous plan in my personal view!) This would match the Euro that is presently binding Europe together in One Worldism. When Barack Obama spoke to the thousands in Germany, while endeavoring to be elected president, his message was strongly and very clearly a message of Globalism. Unless he changes his plans so clearly defined during his candidacy from the pressures of the present financial crisis, he is headed our country toward a liberal socialism. Then, just today (Saturday) the twenty richest countries in the world met with President Bush to try and find an answer to the financial crisis to resolve the problem for not only the United States of America, but also the world. One of the suggestions tied in with all of that was a call for a world control of interest where a decision would be made for all irrespective of our differing economic circumstances. On and on it goes. Do we see a pattern here? Add to this the so called “Bailout” that congress passed in recent weeks, also detrimental to our historical free society of success and failure that has made us the greatest economic and military power in the world. In the midst of all that our Congressmen (and women) are debating and trying to change the rules after the fact and there is utter confusion. Bailing out Wall Street, A.I.G. and the Banks is raising a cry to the government to also bail out G.M. Ford and Chrysler. Cities and States are also all trying to tie themselves in with the same feedbag. We are headed for a disaster of all disasters that will so weaken our nation that we will be approaching that day I have repeatedly spoken of, when we will be so weakened that Russian and the Arab countries will feel free to make their move on Israel, scheduled for the Tribulation period. Hang on, we are in for one of the roughest national rides we have ever had. I am not a prophet (as I have said before), nor am I a date setter as some have tried to be. It is just that what we are seeing take place seems so clear to those who believe in the Bible. Am I being a fear-monger? No, I am rejoicing that God is allowing us see things being set in place. I can cry out, “Look up, the Upper-Taker will appear sooner than many think, and some of us will experience the Rapture before we meet the undertaker. Who knows? I am just praising the Lord for the “hope” He has placed within us. Join with me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
October 2008 #2
PERSONAL UPDATE – You have no doubt been wondering, praying but hearing nothing. I just simply have not felt up to sitting at the computer answering e-mails or writing. If I haven’t answered your e-mails, please forgive me. / For all my surgeries I have never been this slow bouncing back and I am still dragging. The home nurse and therapist both said today that my color has greatly improved, whatever that means. They didn’t tell me what color I am (smile). They have been coming 2-3 times a week. My pulse and blood pressure are still jumping all over the place. The nurse called the cardiologist about it last week and he had me come in on Thursday and he made some adjustments in my medication and reminded me again of how long this was all going to take. / I have a cough that they say goes with all this that is driving me crazy. Just washing up and getting dressed each day leaves me exhausted. I have some exercises and walking I am to do each day and they are getting easier. I know I am improving but I guess (know) I am impatient. I will see the surgeon for a check up on November 13th and learn what restrictions will or will not remain. I am in no hurry to be running around or driving. Thank you for your faithful prayers.
GOOD HELP – My daughter Patty Armitage came and stayed for three weeks, such a blessing and help. Betty’s daughter Kathy has been staying with us and she has been a tremendous help as well. Don’t know what we’d do without her. I guess I’d be in a rehab center of some sort so God has been gracious. Betty has been trying to be helpful as well, even with her own struggles.
POLITICS – I have been watching a lot of Fox News and the political scene, not being able to do much else as my vision and ability to read is very limited. I am gravely concerned; as it appears that McCain is losing the battle even with all that Palin has added to the ticket. Obama is leading the race if we are to believe the polls and the liberal press and we may be in for a rugged four years. To realize that the liberal agenda will control the House, Senate and White House, is a frightening thought. All the checks and balances of the past will be gone. We need to be praying vigoursly. I listen to all the rhetoric and the promises, along with the lies as we are promised the whole world, knowing they cannot be delivered. I remember Carter doing the same thing and he was elected, delivering nothing but one of the worst economies the country had ever experienced with interest rates up in the 19-21% range. After four years the country was glad to be rid of him. I am not sure we will be able to recoup from the socialism that Obama and his cohorts will gender. The slide down the slippery slope may well lead us into the decline that will one day be necessary to prepare the way for the prophetic events of Russia and the Arabs turning on Israel, leading up to the Great Tribulation. I am no prophet but I do know what God’s Word tells us about what will eventually take place. Forgive me if I sound repetitive.
HALLOWEEN – As I think back over the years to my formative days and beginning efforts in ministry, without a formal training and little direction regarding Christian proprieties, I recall having Halloween parties with the youth. As time passed and I developed better guidelines and practices I came to realize that Halloween has no place in true Christianity. Halloween is not hallowed and portrays everything that opposes Christian Biblical values. May God forgive me for those earlier days. More and more people decorate for Halloween and many Christians fail to realize how satanic and devilish the occasion is as it displays anything but a Biblical point of view, dressing children as devils, ghosts, ghouls, etc. Sending children out to go begging for goodies that aren’t good for them and are occasionally tainted by twisted minds. A true Christian spirit should be instilling love and giving into the hearts of our children. I wish there were some way to turn these present practices around into an entirely different and positive direction.
GOOD HELP – My daughter Patty Armitage came and stayed for three weeks, such a blessing and help. Betty’s daughter Kathy has been staying with us and she has been a tremendous help as well. Don’t know what we’d do without her. I guess I’d be in a rehab center of some sort so God has been gracious. Betty has been trying to be helpful as well, even with her own struggles.
POLITICS – I have been watching a lot of Fox News and the political scene, not being able to do much else as my vision and ability to read is very limited. I am gravely concerned; as it appears that McCain is losing the battle even with all that Palin has added to the ticket. Obama is leading the race if we are to believe the polls and the liberal press and we may be in for a rugged four years. To realize that the liberal agenda will control the House, Senate and White House, is a frightening thought. All the checks and balances of the past will be gone. We need to be praying vigoursly. I listen to all the rhetoric and the promises, along with the lies as we are promised the whole world, knowing they cannot be delivered. I remember Carter doing the same thing and he was elected, delivering nothing but one of the worst economies the country had ever experienced with interest rates up in the 19-21% range. After four years the country was glad to be rid of him. I am not sure we will be able to recoup from the socialism that Obama and his cohorts will gender. The slide down the slippery slope may well lead us into the decline that will one day be necessary to prepare the way for the prophetic events of Russia and the Arabs turning on Israel, leading up to the Great Tribulation. I am no prophet but I do know what God’s Word tells us about what will eventually take place. Forgive me if I sound repetitive.
HALLOWEEN – As I think back over the years to my formative days and beginning efforts in ministry, without a formal training and little direction regarding Christian proprieties, I recall having Halloween parties with the youth. As time passed and I developed better guidelines and practices I came to realize that Halloween has no place in true Christianity. Halloween is not hallowed and portrays everything that opposes Christian Biblical values. May God forgive me for those earlier days. More and more people decorate for Halloween and many Christians fail to realize how satanic and devilish the occasion is as it displays anything but a Biblical point of view, dressing children as devils, ghosts, ghouls, etc. Sending children out to go begging for goodies that aren’t good for them and are occasionally tainted by twisted minds. A true Christian spirit should be instilling love and giving into the hearts of our children. I wish there were some way to turn these present practices around into an entirely different and positive direction.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 2008 #1
DELAYED – It is probably about three weeks since I have written and this one will have to be brief to update you on my surgery. I think this is number thirteen and the hardest of them all. Heart bypass surgery is rough, as many of my readers have testified and it will take a long time to help and to begin to get back to normal. Thankfully, my daughter Patty came from Texas to help and she has been a tremendous help. I’m not sure I’d have made it without her help. Gary and Donna have been close at hand as well. Betty’s daughter has been staying with us, helping her with things I am no longer able to do. God is good and always provides and the help has kept me out of some other facility to recuperate.
DETAILS – Surgery was at 7:30 A.M on Thursday and I left the hospital Monday evening five days later as the doctor had told me. It was a three by pass procedure. That ventilator I so dreaded and the tube in my stomach were removed late the same day. They get you up in a chair and walking the next day. Not far but I had a nurse that really pushed me to go a little further each time I walked, usually three times a day. Sure different from so many past observations of this surgery. I remember a fellow missionary having this done in the VA Hospital in Denver, Colorado years ago. He suffered greatly and was in the hospital for many weeks. The science has greatly improved. / I haven’t been in a bed since coming home, as I can’t get myself in and out of one. Thankfully, the Lord enabled us to have a lift recliner that allows me to sleep in it and get in an out with help and now by myself. (Patty should have a sore back helping me up.) She slept in the hospital room three nights and since has slept on the couch to be nearby to help as needed through the night. / A nurse checks me out a couple times a week as does a nurse therapist.
NURSING FROM THE PAST – Years ago I remember nurses giving bed baths and helping with a shave. That hasn’t happened after surgery for a long, long time. This occasion was an exception as the nurse’s assistant, a young woman from Albania was specially inclined to go the extra mile. She claimed to be Muslim, but not practicing. Patty and I endeavored witnessing to her and she was a willing listener but just couldn’t quite comprehend it all. She was so helpful to me and we were so hopeful she would come to Christ. / Several asked my opinion about the election and events of decline in the news. It gave me several opportunities to share my prophetic beliefs about our nation and the preparations for the return of Christ, etc. All were respectful, even a few agreeing and some indicating they had heard some of what I was sharing before. I wish I had been stronger and been able to have defined the things of Christ more clearly but they had other patients to attend as well.
FOLLOW UPS – This Tuesday I had to go in for x-rays and Friday I see my internist and Tuesday the cardiologist. November 14th I will see the surgeon. I don’t know what restrictions will be kept on me or when I will be able to drive again. I am in no hurry and time is what I have the most of these days.
THANK YOU – Your prayers are a great encouragement to us as all.
DETAILS – Surgery was at 7:30 A.M on Thursday and I left the hospital Monday evening five days later as the doctor had told me. It was a three by pass procedure. That ventilator I so dreaded and the tube in my stomach were removed late the same day. They get you up in a chair and walking the next day. Not far but I had a nurse that really pushed me to go a little further each time I walked, usually three times a day. Sure different from so many past observations of this surgery. I remember a fellow missionary having this done in the VA Hospital in Denver, Colorado years ago. He suffered greatly and was in the hospital for many weeks. The science has greatly improved. / I haven’t been in a bed since coming home, as I can’t get myself in and out of one. Thankfully, the Lord enabled us to have a lift recliner that allows me to sleep in it and get in an out with help and now by myself. (Patty should have a sore back helping me up.) She slept in the hospital room three nights and since has slept on the couch to be nearby to help as needed through the night. / A nurse checks me out a couple times a week as does a nurse therapist.
NURSING FROM THE PAST – Years ago I remember nurses giving bed baths and helping with a shave. That hasn’t happened after surgery for a long, long time. This occasion was an exception as the nurse’s assistant, a young woman from Albania was specially inclined to go the extra mile. She claimed to be Muslim, but not practicing. Patty and I endeavored witnessing to her and she was a willing listener but just couldn’t quite comprehend it all. She was so helpful to me and we were so hopeful she would come to Christ. / Several asked my opinion about the election and events of decline in the news. It gave me several opportunities to share my prophetic beliefs about our nation and the preparations for the return of Christ, etc. All were respectful, even a few agreeing and some indicating they had heard some of what I was sharing before. I wish I had been stronger and been able to have defined the things of Christ more clearly but they had other patients to attend as well.
FOLLOW UPS – This Tuesday I had to go in for x-rays and Friday I see my internist and Tuesday the cardiologist. November 14th I will see the surgeon. I don’t know what restrictions will be kept on me or when I will be able to drive again. I am in no hurry and time is what I have the most of these days.
THANK YOU – Your prayers are a great encouragement to us as all.
September 2008 #4
TERRIBLE WINDS – Sunday we had several hours of winds with gusts up to 80 mph. We have never seen anything like it here before. We have a lot of trees and our yard was covered with twigs, leaves and branches. Several trees had many good sized limbs broken off and we are still waiting for the tree company to come and clean those up for us. Trying to make phone calls for prescriptions and doctors appointments, etc. just did not go through. Thousands have been without electricity and many still don’t have it back. My son Gary and family were without power for more than a day. Kroger and others are still not open with thousands of dollars worth of food spoiled. Fortunately and surprisingly, our power stayed on. Driving through town on the way to the lab for tests was difficult because the stoplights were out. People were searching for ice and water and trying to figure out how to prepare meals as restaurants were without power too. We are so thankful this is not the middle of winter or the difficulty would have been far more serious. We shouldn’t complain too much because those in Texas and elsewhere lost their homes from this storm. Patty and Al live just a little east of Houston and they are still without electricity and have suffered some damage from fallen trees but they themselves are okay.
PERSONAL STUFF & SURGERY DATE – Tests taken Monday showed things all cleared up so they have given me a new surgery date for next Thursday at 7:30. I could have had it this Thursday but that would not have given family time to get off to take me in or for Patty to arrive from Texas. I dread what is before me but I will be glad to get it behind me. / Betty will get bone scans again this Friday. She didn’t get a treatment the past two months as her blood count is down so they are going to check and see what is going on.
DON’T YOU WONDER – Aside from the depravity of man, don’t you wonder, as I do, about how people can so easily commit murder? I heard yesterday of someone being killed over a bale of straw. When did a life become worth less that a bale of straw? I often wonder if all the mayhem on television and in the theatres. Then there are the violent electronic, games that 97% of all boys and 93% of all girls play and I wonder if they have something to do with violent attitudes. Human values have declined so greatly in my lifetime. All the gore, murder and violence displayed makes one wonder if it doesn’t help create these things. I also wonder if present circumstances haven’t become much like they were before (without our modern contrivances) God’s judgment when he destroyed all life except for Noah, his family and the animals in the ark. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if God were to bring the Tribulation judgments upon earth very soon. Surely the Rapture can’t be very far off, keep looking up.
CARNALITY – I used the word “carnal” in a recent “Musings” and a young lady asked me about where it is found in the Bible and if it is possible for Christians to be carnal? Here is the list: “Carnal,” Romans 7:14, Romans 8:7, I Corinthians 3:3 and “carnally,” Genesis 19:5, Judges 10:22 and Romans 8:6. The word “fleshly” is found in 2 Corinthians 1:12, Hebrews 7:16 and I Peter 2:11. The word “carnal” (Sarkikos in the Greek) is from the word sarx, flesh, and signifies having the nature of flesh, i.e., sensual, controlled by animal appetites, governed by human nature, instead of by the Spirit of God; having its seat in the animal nature, with the added idea of weakness,, etc. as defined by W. E. Vine. Chapter eight in Romans speaks very clearly about this subject. All of us have the old fleshly nature. When we receive Christ as our Savior we are given God’s Spirit that opposes the old nature and enables us to live contrary to the carnal, fleshly nature. Sadly, Christians fail to allow the full working of the Holy Spirit in their lives and that fits the description Paul gave to the Corinthians (I Cor. 3:3) “for you are still carnal.” So, we learn from this that it is possible to be a Christian and to also be “carnal.” I know of denominations that teach the possibility of “sinless perfection” and some even claim the position. Whenever I hear such claims or teachings I am reminded of I John 1:8 which says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” The Apostle John wrote this to believers as noted in I John 2:1, MY little children.” So we know that even as believers we are often prone to fleshly sin. I’ve never forgotten the story from years ago of a missionary who lead an Indian Chief to Christ. Years later the missionary returned and asked the old chief how he was doing. His response was, “Inside me are two dogs that fight all the time.” The missionary asked him, “Which one wins out?” The chief’s reply, “The one I say sick-um to the most.” Most of you have heard one version or another of that before but it does clearly speak to the Apostle Paul’s teaching in Romans 7:15-25 and the conflict he experienced. Every Christian faces the same conflict and will until we receive our new spiritual bodies in glory. Having said all of this, I want to add an additional comment of concern. When I observe someone who professes to be a Christian, while continually walking in the flesh, without any evidence of occasions when they arise above that condition by manifesting the conflict and showing some signs of spirituality, serious questions are raised in my mind. I fear there are many who will find themselves outside the gate on judgment day. But, I am not the Judge and He will care for all those matters.
POLITICAL LIES, ETC. – The political rhetoric and the TV ads that fill our screens, along with the multiplied number of inter-net blogs, raise serious questions to my mind. Information is twisted; statements are cut away from context to make false claims about another. Reporters build issues that never existed to turn the news toward their favored candidate, etc. What has happened to truth and integrity? Candidates claim to be Christians while making false accusations about the opposition. Politicians claiming certain things to be factual and then say the exact opposite to oppose the other party. Is it possible for a politician to be a person of faith with such two faced actions? If and when they win the office they seek, how in the world can we trust them to run the government in meeting the needs of the citizenry and dealing with the nations of the world? Why do they want the office so badly that they are willing to lie, act unethically, cutting others down, while calling them friends and declaring their respect for them? The supposed civility belies their words and actions. Is it pride that sends them seeking such positions? Is it the wealth they expect to gain? We hopefully look toward the end after the election, but no, the same will continue as they fail to fulfill their election claims and lies after obtaining office! It is enough to make us cry out, “Come King Jesus!” All this will not end until He is enthroned.
PERSONAL STUFF & SURGERY DATE – Tests taken Monday showed things all cleared up so they have given me a new surgery date for next Thursday at 7:30. I could have had it this Thursday but that would not have given family time to get off to take me in or for Patty to arrive from Texas. I dread what is before me but I will be glad to get it behind me. / Betty will get bone scans again this Friday. She didn’t get a treatment the past two months as her blood count is down so they are going to check and see what is going on.
DON’T YOU WONDER – Aside from the depravity of man, don’t you wonder, as I do, about how people can so easily commit murder? I heard yesterday of someone being killed over a bale of straw. When did a life become worth less that a bale of straw? I often wonder if all the mayhem on television and in the theatres. Then there are the violent electronic, games that 97% of all boys and 93% of all girls play and I wonder if they have something to do with violent attitudes. Human values have declined so greatly in my lifetime. All the gore, murder and violence displayed makes one wonder if it doesn’t help create these things. I also wonder if present circumstances haven’t become much like they were before (without our modern contrivances) God’s judgment when he destroyed all life except for Noah, his family and the animals in the ark. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if God were to bring the Tribulation judgments upon earth very soon. Surely the Rapture can’t be very far off, keep looking up.
CARNALITY – I used the word “carnal” in a recent “Musings” and a young lady asked me about where it is found in the Bible and if it is possible for Christians to be carnal? Here is the list: “Carnal,” Romans 7:14, Romans 8:7, I Corinthians 3:3 and “carnally,” Genesis 19:5, Judges 10:22 and Romans 8:6. The word “fleshly” is found in 2 Corinthians 1:12, Hebrews 7:16 and I Peter 2:11. The word “carnal” (Sarkikos in the Greek) is from the word sarx, flesh, and signifies having the nature of flesh, i.e., sensual, controlled by animal appetites, governed by human nature, instead of by the Spirit of God; having its seat in the animal nature, with the added idea of weakness,, etc. as defined by W. E. Vine. Chapter eight in Romans speaks very clearly about this subject. All of us have the old fleshly nature. When we receive Christ as our Savior we are given God’s Spirit that opposes the old nature and enables us to live contrary to the carnal, fleshly nature. Sadly, Christians fail to allow the full working of the Holy Spirit in their lives and that fits the description Paul gave to the Corinthians (I Cor. 3:3) “for you are still carnal.” So, we learn from this that it is possible to be a Christian and to also be “carnal.” I know of denominations that teach the possibility of “sinless perfection” and some even claim the position. Whenever I hear such claims or teachings I am reminded of I John 1:8 which says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” The Apostle John wrote this to believers as noted in I John 2:1, MY little children.” So we know that even as believers we are often prone to fleshly sin. I’ve never forgotten the story from years ago of a missionary who lead an Indian Chief to Christ. Years later the missionary returned and asked the old chief how he was doing. His response was, “Inside me are two dogs that fight all the time.” The missionary asked him, “Which one wins out?” The chief’s reply, “The one I say sick-um to the most.” Most of you have heard one version or another of that before but it does clearly speak to the Apostle Paul’s teaching in Romans 7:15-25 and the conflict he experienced. Every Christian faces the same conflict and will until we receive our new spiritual bodies in glory. Having said all of this, I want to add an additional comment of concern. When I observe someone who professes to be a Christian, while continually walking in the flesh, without any evidence of occasions when they arise above that condition by manifesting the conflict and showing some signs of spirituality, serious questions are raised in my mind. I fear there are many who will find themselves outside the gate on judgment day. But, I am not the Judge and He will care for all those matters.
POLITICAL LIES, ETC. – The political rhetoric and the TV ads that fill our screens, along with the multiplied number of inter-net blogs, raise serious questions to my mind. Information is twisted; statements are cut away from context to make false claims about another. Reporters build issues that never existed to turn the news toward their favored candidate, etc. What has happened to truth and integrity? Candidates claim to be Christians while making false accusations about the opposition. Politicians claiming certain things to be factual and then say the exact opposite to oppose the other party. Is it possible for a politician to be a person of faith with such two faced actions? If and when they win the office they seek, how in the world can we trust them to run the government in meeting the needs of the citizenry and dealing with the nations of the world? Why do they want the office so badly that they are willing to lie, act unethically, cutting others down, while calling them friends and declaring their respect for them? The supposed civility belies their words and actions. Is it pride that sends them seeking such positions? Is it the wealth they expect to gain? We hopefully look toward the end after the election, but no, the same will continue as they fail to fulfill their election claims and lies after obtaining office! It is enough to make us cry out, “Come King Jesus!” All this will not end until He is enthroned.
September 2008 #3
THANK YOU – I have received so may emails from people telling me they are praying for me regarding the upcoming heart by-pass surgery. There have been many encouraging words and some telling me how well they have done while going through the same surgery. I am grateful, knowing prayer is a powerful force in our lives. What an encouragement it is to know God’s people are upholding us in prayer.
STRUGGLES WITH IMMORALITY – I don’t know how many of you receive the Barna Reports. I find them very enlightening regarding moral trends in this country. In August he dealt with “Young Adults and Liberals Struggle with Morality.” Atheist’s, liberals and faiths other than evangelicals were more prone to involve themselves in the list of moral issues. Real changes in this regard were seen in the under 25-age group. The issues questioned had to do with the use of profanity, gambling, pornography, gossiping, engaging in sexual intercourse, retaliation, getting drunk, and lying. “Adults describing themselves as “mostly liberal” on sociopolitical issues were twice as likely as those who describe themselves as “mostly conservative” to participate in activities that conflict with traditional moral perspectives,” is very telling as to our national moral state. The report went on to say, “We are witnessing the development and acceptance of a new moral code in America,” said the research and author, who has been surveying national trends in faith and morality for more than a quarter-century.” “The consistent deterioration of the Bible as the source of moral truth has led to a nation where people have become independent judges of right and wrong, basing their choices on feelings and circumstances. It is not likely that America will return to a more traditional moral code until the nation experiences significant pain from its moral choices.” This should serve as a real challenge to churches and individuals to get back to the Bible, faithful witnessing and endeavoring to lead lost souls to Christ. Churches and individual believers are failing to define sin and with the Bible and prayer being rejected in our schools our nation is in serious trouble and to expect God’s blessing on the nation as in the fast is not longer the reality it once was. God help believers, they are going to find themselves under more pressure and animosity from unbelievers.
GOD’S UNUSED PROVISIONS – God’s provisions are adequate for all the world’s needs. Man’s failure to utilize His provisions leads to their suffering and eternal loss. Many suffer famine because of their leaders abuses and misuse of available resources. I am convinced that when God created the world and placed man in it, that everything humanity would ever need was provided. Of course the fall made it more difficult for man to take advantage of that provision. The world environment is adequate for as long as man dwells on earth and until God creates a new heaven and earth. Man may abuse it but ultimately it is God that sustains it. When we consider the present concern about energy and all the debate associated with it, God provided enough energy (fuel) to sustain man’s needs if we but take full advantage of our resources. Congress often keeps us from being able to utilize all that availability. ANWAR in Alaska is one such example of Congress refusing to allow drilling there. I have been reading new materials about other resources in this country that is yet unused, such as in the Williston Basin or the Bakken Formation where we had a church plant for several years. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Some are questioning the reality of their being able to utilize all these shale reserves. The official estimates are 8x’s as much oil as Saudi Arabia, 18 x’s as much oil as Iraq, 21 x’s as much oil as Kuwait, 22 x’s as much oil as Iran and 500 x’s as much oil as Yemen, all right here in the Western United States. My purpose in mentioning these things is to help us understand that God’s providence is adequate as we utilize His provisions. I repeatedly tell people, for all the fears and political pundits, we have 1007 plus years for this old worlds existence and we do have adequate resources to meet humanities needs until God creates a new heaven and earth. So, Christians should not worry or buy into all the hubbub. As we read Matthew 6:25-34 we can take great comfort because of God’s promises to meet out needs. He has proven Himself repeatedly in my life through these many years.
HURRICANE IKE – My daughter and son-in-law, Patty & Al Armitage, made it safely through the storm with winds at 110 miles an hour. Their home in Humble, on the west side of Houston, had the screens on their screened in patio blown off. They also have a rental home that a couple trees fell on and broke the roof down. Their home is just sixty miles from Galveston where Ike first hit. We are so thankful for their safely coming through the storm. Buildings can be repaired. Many were not so fortunate and our prayers go out to them. I understand we will receive the rains from the storm here on Monday, something that is much needed.
OBAMA.S GLOBAL TAX – Obama is on the verge of brokering a bill (S2433) he calls his “Global Poverty Tax.” Meaning an average over the next 13 years that each American family would have to pay, an additional $7500 in taxes if it goes through. That is roughly an extra $575 each year. This would force the U.S. to increase our foreign aid by $65 billion per year or $845 billion over the next 13 years. This gives us a pretty good idea what kind of president he would make. Personally, I think it is time we cut back on foreign aid that goes to so many countries that hate us. There is not another country in the world that gives as much aid to other countries as we do. You’d think we would be appreciated for what we do but this is a thankless world.
MORE TESTING – Monday I will get blood and urine tests again and if things have cleared up they will probably reschedule surgery for the next week. I will have to wait and see. As much as I dread the prospects, I do want to get this over with and behind me before something worse happens.
STRUGGLES WITH IMMORALITY – I don’t know how many of you receive the Barna Reports. I find them very enlightening regarding moral trends in this country. In August he dealt with “Young Adults and Liberals Struggle with Morality.” Atheist’s, liberals and faiths other than evangelicals were more prone to involve themselves in the list of moral issues. Real changes in this regard were seen in the under 25-age group. The issues questioned had to do with the use of profanity, gambling, pornography, gossiping, engaging in sexual intercourse, retaliation, getting drunk, and lying. “Adults describing themselves as “mostly liberal” on sociopolitical issues were twice as likely as those who describe themselves as “mostly conservative” to participate in activities that conflict with traditional moral perspectives,” is very telling as to our national moral state. The report went on to say, “We are witnessing the development and acceptance of a new moral code in America,” said the research and author, who has been surveying national trends in faith and morality for more than a quarter-century.” “The consistent deterioration of the Bible as the source of moral truth has led to a nation where people have become independent judges of right and wrong, basing their choices on feelings and circumstances. It is not likely that America will return to a more traditional moral code until the nation experiences significant pain from its moral choices.” This should serve as a real challenge to churches and individuals to get back to the Bible, faithful witnessing and endeavoring to lead lost souls to Christ. Churches and individual believers are failing to define sin and with the Bible and prayer being rejected in our schools our nation is in serious trouble and to expect God’s blessing on the nation as in the fast is not longer the reality it once was. God help believers, they are going to find themselves under more pressure and animosity from unbelievers.
GOD’S UNUSED PROVISIONS – God’s provisions are adequate for all the world’s needs. Man’s failure to utilize His provisions leads to their suffering and eternal loss. Many suffer famine because of their leaders abuses and misuse of available resources. I am convinced that when God created the world and placed man in it, that everything humanity would ever need was provided. Of course the fall made it more difficult for man to take advantage of that provision. The world environment is adequate for as long as man dwells on earth and until God creates a new heaven and earth. Man may abuse it but ultimately it is God that sustains it. When we consider the present concern about energy and all the debate associated with it, God provided enough energy (fuel) to sustain man’s needs if we but take full advantage of our resources. Congress often keeps us from being able to utilize all that availability. ANWAR in Alaska is one such example of Congress refusing to allow drilling there. I have been reading new materials about other resources in this country that is yet unused, such as in the Williston Basin or the Bakken Formation where we had a church plant for several years. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Some are questioning the reality of their being able to utilize all these shale reserves. The official estimates are 8x’s as much oil as Saudi Arabia, 18 x’s as much oil as Iraq, 21 x’s as much oil as Kuwait, 22 x’s as much oil as Iran and 500 x’s as much oil as Yemen, all right here in the Western United States. My purpose in mentioning these things is to help us understand that God’s providence is adequate as we utilize His provisions. I repeatedly tell people, for all the fears and political pundits, we have 1007 plus years for this old worlds existence and we do have adequate resources to meet humanities needs until God creates a new heaven and earth. So, Christians should not worry or buy into all the hubbub. As we read Matthew 6:25-34 we can take great comfort because of God’s promises to meet out needs. He has proven Himself repeatedly in my life through these many years.
HURRICANE IKE – My daughter and son-in-law, Patty & Al Armitage, made it safely through the storm with winds at 110 miles an hour. Their home in Humble, on the west side of Houston, had the screens on their screened in patio blown off. They also have a rental home that a couple trees fell on and broke the roof down. Their home is just sixty miles from Galveston where Ike first hit. We are so thankful for their safely coming through the storm. Buildings can be repaired. Many were not so fortunate and our prayers go out to them. I understand we will receive the rains from the storm here on Monday, something that is much needed.
OBAMA.S GLOBAL TAX – Obama is on the verge of brokering a bill (S2433) he calls his “Global Poverty Tax.” Meaning an average over the next 13 years that each American family would have to pay, an additional $7500 in taxes if it goes through. That is roughly an extra $575 each year. This would force the U.S. to increase our foreign aid by $65 billion per year or $845 billion over the next 13 years. This gives us a pretty good idea what kind of president he would make. Personally, I think it is time we cut back on foreign aid that goes to so many countries that hate us. There is not another country in the world that gives as much aid to other countries as we do. You’d think we would be appreciated for what we do but this is a thankless world.
MORE TESTING – Monday I will get blood and urine tests again and if things have cleared up they will probably reschedule surgery for the next week. I will have to wait and see. As much as I dread the prospects, I do want to get this over with and behind me before something worse happens.
Monday, September 8, 2008
September 2008 #2
SURGERY TIME – Thursday I had my pre-op testing and learned the actual time of the surgery, 7:30 A.M. Tuesday. That means being there two hours ahead of time. I hate those early appointments, as I normally don’t function too well that early anymore. Actually I never did, I worked swing shift at Boeing Aircraft a number of years. That is my excuse anyway. They had pictures to show me of what was done to prepare me and it was nothing more than what I pretty much knew anyway from all the hospital visitations I have done over the years. I hate all the tubes, etc. and being a bit claustrophobic adds to that. My daughter Patty Armitage is flying in on Monday to be here and to help out, something for which I am very thankful. I also have Gary and Donna nearby; it is always comforting to have family near at times like this. I also appreciate all the emails many have sent to be an encouragement and tell of their many prayers on my behalf.
BETTY’S TREATMENTS – I had Betty to the oncologist on Friday but they didn’t give her a treatment as her blood count was down. They want to take more bone scans, etc., to see if things have changed, something they did about four months ago. I always have concerns about all the radiation as that is not a good thing either. They gave her last month off on her chemo because she has been so tired from all of this. Your continued prayers for her are appreciated.
THE CONVENTIONS – Both the Democratic and Republicans Conventions are over and I was able to hear the major speeches. I would have liked to have heard some of the earlier speeches too but Fox News managed to talk over them, very frustrating. Though I have not been a great fan of John McCain, I do have a better opinion of him than previously and adding Sarah Palin to his ticket, as vice president was a shrewd move that should give him a better standing with conservatives. It has been interesting to see and hear all the flack the liberals gave Palin but she stood out well as she spoke, pretty well revealing how little they really knew about her. She gives a whole new and refreshing perspective to the campaign for the remaining two months. Then won’t we be glad it is all over?
BLOGSPOT – I haven’t mentioned it before that I do have a blog that you can go to and read previous “Musings.” My grandson Tim started one many months ago for me. Now my granddaughter Laura Lee keeps it up for me, adding the new “Musings” as they go out. So, if you want to tell others about them they are easy to get to at Isn’t it nice to have grandkids that help you? It is hard for us oldsters to keep up with all these modern opportunities.
MATTER FOR CONCERN – I print out far more information than I get around to commenting on, having trouble keeping up with it all. An IBD Editorial reported back in April 10, 2008 of a Minnesota Madrassa. “Islamofascism; As school officials and secularists turn a blind eye, Muslim radicals in Minneapolis take a publicly funded charter school and turned it into a madrassa. Flagrantly violating the constitutional ban on state promotion of religion, the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, or ITZA, herd’s children into bathrooms to perform ritual Islamic cleansing before leading them in the school gym to pray to Allah each day. In three visits to the K-8 school, the Minnesota Department of Education never noticed a problem, even though the tax funded school is located at a mosque. And the ACLU didn’t bother until a Minneapolis columnist exposed the madrassa earlier this week.” The article told of a daily scheduled prayer led by an imam, classroom instruction in the Quran, compulsory “after-school” Islamic Studies (busses don’t leave the school until after Islamic Studies is over), Halal cafeteria food, observance of Islamic holidays and early release for Friday mosque. “The school, named after an 8th century jihadist who invaded Spain, shares the headquarters building of the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota, whose mission is “establishing Islam in Minnesota.” The FBI says MAS, based in Washington, D.C., was founded by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.” Can you imagine tax monies paying for this? Do these things upset you? One thing is certain, Islam is quietly making it’s inroads into our nation and one of these days we will wake up to some very serious threats to our freedoms. Just try to get those same privileges established for Christianity in our public schools that have removed prayer and the Bible. God save us!
MISSING CHURCH – I’ve missed a lot of church lately and it leaves me feeling that things aren’t quite right. For nearly sixty years I have attended every service. That was true before I was in ministry and since. I’ve always felt the need for hearing more of God’s Word and fellowshipping with His people. Professing Christians who seldom attend church has often puzzled me. How do they manage spiritually? How do they feed their souls? How do they obtain healthy fellowship? Don’t they sense something lacking in their lives? The reality is, they don’t give much thought to spiritual matters and they find their fellowship in the world. They are either carnal Christians or they were never truly saved. True Christians, as they get older, and are physically handicapped, have a keen sense of loss from their earlier days when they experienced regular edification and sweet fellowship. I wonder how professing Christians will handle heavenly fellowship when they have rejected it throughout their lives? Some may well wake up surprised, finding themselves at a different destination. Some may find my evaluations wrong but one thing is certain, something is out of order for those who so profess but don’t seem to possess.
PREVIOUS HOSPITAL STAYS – (You can tell where my mind is these days.) Thinking back over previous hospital experiences I have found other patients or hospital staff people who were Christians. I have also found those who were not. I shared a room one time with a man that when he found out I was a Baptist preacher he asked to be moved to another room. I don’t even recall having said anything spiritual to him. Once I was in the University Hospital in Omaha for about 10 days for some tests to find out why I was having some stomach pain. On that occasion several different patients came through my same room. One was a longhaired young man and I had the privilege of leading him to Christ. You always wonder how real such decisions are. About two years later some of his family visited my mission church and thanked me for leading him to Christ and told me he had gone on living for the Lord and was now a deacon in his church. Sometime you have an opportunity to encourage others in their time of difficulties. So, as Christians, God allows the events in our lives to carry out His purposes. Please pray God will give me such an opportunity again.
BETTY’S TREATMENTS – I had Betty to the oncologist on Friday but they didn’t give her a treatment as her blood count was down. They want to take more bone scans, etc., to see if things have changed, something they did about four months ago. I always have concerns about all the radiation as that is not a good thing either. They gave her last month off on her chemo because she has been so tired from all of this. Your continued prayers for her are appreciated.
THE CONVENTIONS – Both the Democratic and Republicans Conventions are over and I was able to hear the major speeches. I would have liked to have heard some of the earlier speeches too but Fox News managed to talk over them, very frustrating. Though I have not been a great fan of John McCain, I do have a better opinion of him than previously and adding Sarah Palin to his ticket, as vice president was a shrewd move that should give him a better standing with conservatives. It has been interesting to see and hear all the flack the liberals gave Palin but she stood out well as she spoke, pretty well revealing how little they really knew about her. She gives a whole new and refreshing perspective to the campaign for the remaining two months. Then won’t we be glad it is all over?
BLOGSPOT – I haven’t mentioned it before that I do have a blog that you can go to and read previous “Musings.” My grandson Tim started one many months ago for me. Now my granddaughter Laura Lee keeps it up for me, adding the new “Musings” as they go out. So, if you want to tell others about them they are easy to get to at Isn’t it nice to have grandkids that help you? It is hard for us oldsters to keep up with all these modern opportunities.
MATTER FOR CONCERN – I print out far more information than I get around to commenting on, having trouble keeping up with it all. An IBD Editorial reported back in April 10, 2008 of a Minnesota Madrassa. “Islamofascism; As school officials and secularists turn a blind eye, Muslim radicals in Minneapolis take a publicly funded charter school and turned it into a madrassa. Flagrantly violating the constitutional ban on state promotion of religion, the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, or ITZA, herd’s children into bathrooms to perform ritual Islamic cleansing before leading them in the school gym to pray to Allah each day. In three visits to the K-8 school, the Minnesota Department of Education never noticed a problem, even though the tax funded school is located at a mosque. And the ACLU didn’t bother until a Minneapolis columnist exposed the madrassa earlier this week.” The article told of a daily scheduled prayer led by an imam, classroom instruction in the Quran, compulsory “after-school” Islamic Studies (busses don’t leave the school until after Islamic Studies is over), Halal cafeteria food, observance of Islamic holidays and early release for Friday mosque. “The school, named after an 8th century jihadist who invaded Spain, shares the headquarters building of the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota, whose mission is “establishing Islam in Minnesota.” The FBI says MAS, based in Washington, D.C., was founded by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.” Can you imagine tax monies paying for this? Do these things upset you? One thing is certain, Islam is quietly making it’s inroads into our nation and one of these days we will wake up to some very serious threats to our freedoms. Just try to get those same privileges established for Christianity in our public schools that have removed prayer and the Bible. God save us!
MISSING CHURCH – I’ve missed a lot of church lately and it leaves me feeling that things aren’t quite right. For nearly sixty years I have attended every service. That was true before I was in ministry and since. I’ve always felt the need for hearing more of God’s Word and fellowshipping with His people. Professing Christians who seldom attend church has often puzzled me. How do they manage spiritually? How do they feed their souls? How do they obtain healthy fellowship? Don’t they sense something lacking in their lives? The reality is, they don’t give much thought to spiritual matters and they find their fellowship in the world. They are either carnal Christians or they were never truly saved. True Christians, as they get older, and are physically handicapped, have a keen sense of loss from their earlier days when they experienced regular edification and sweet fellowship. I wonder how professing Christians will handle heavenly fellowship when they have rejected it throughout their lives? Some may well wake up surprised, finding themselves at a different destination. Some may find my evaluations wrong but one thing is certain, something is out of order for those who so profess but don’t seem to possess.
PREVIOUS HOSPITAL STAYS – (You can tell where my mind is these days.) Thinking back over previous hospital experiences I have found other patients or hospital staff people who were Christians. I have also found those who were not. I shared a room one time with a man that when he found out I was a Baptist preacher he asked to be moved to another room. I don’t even recall having said anything spiritual to him. Once I was in the University Hospital in Omaha for about 10 days for some tests to find out why I was having some stomach pain. On that occasion several different patients came through my same room. One was a longhaired young man and I had the privilege of leading him to Christ. You always wonder how real such decisions are. About two years later some of his family visited my mission church and thanked me for leading him to Christ and told me he had gone on living for the Lord and was now a deacon in his church. Sometime you have an opportunity to encourage others in their time of difficulties. So, as Christians, God allows the events in our lives to carry out His purposes. Please pray God will give me such an opportunity again.
September 2008 #1
ANOTHER ISSUE – In the last “Musings” I shared some issues from the past that has taken up a lot of time and debate. There was another that needs to be added to the list, that of the Charismatic Movement and particularly the gift of tongues. I am not hearing so much about these as in the past, though I know many Christians are still caught up with it. A lady that attended our home Bible studies and the class at Fellowship Baptist Church in Dublin when I was teaching the series on Comparative Religions, brought to our attention a ladies group she had attended that was involved in charismatic issues. So, I know they are still around, though not as strong as they once were. I remember when I was doing the Interim Relief Ministry for the mission and relieving our missionary in Schuler, Nebraska, getting caught up in a debate with some of them. A number of people involved in the movement had visited he mission church and while I was out calling in the community I knocked on a door where a group of charismatic’s were having a Bible study. I was invited in and had a lengthy discussion with them relating to spiritual gifts and the gift of tongues in particular. Shortly after that when I was starting the church plant in Clarinda, Iowa I had a couple visit our V.B.S. program that their children had attended. During the refreshment time the gentleman started questioning me on the subject as he was asking about our church. I made it very clear to him that we taught God’s truth as found in the Bible and if he was interested in attending in order to do that he would be welcome. If, however, he wanted to bring the tongues issue into the work they had better find a church that was so involved. We didn’t need that kind of divisiveness in our small church. They never came back. I have had many run in’s with the movement over the years. Consequently, it was a common practice for me, in my various church plants, to teach what the Bible says about spiritual gifts. I did so in order to prevent the abuse of spiritual gifts and the confusion that is so often created by those who were so involved, endeavoring to prove their salvation based upon having spoken in tongues.
EARLY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES – God put special people in my life during my early days of spiritual growth that gave me practical experiences in witnessing. Though I was saved as a boy, there wasn’t any encouragement relating to church and spiritual matters from my parents or stepparents and I walked afar off. After I was married, a Baptist pastor helped me get back on track with the Lord and he also led my wife to Christ. The pastor’s teachings and by taking me with him on visitation, gave me experiences in calling and witnessing. Also at that time there was a man by the name of Pat Patterson who took me under wing, an elderly and retired gentleman who taught me much about witnessing and soul winning by taking me out calling with him. I would observe and run interference while he took people through the Scriptures relating to salvation. In time, he would say, “Les, now you do it while I run interference.” Using the term “interference” had to do with keeping any children entertained and avoiding any distractions while the other witnessed and shared the Scriptures. Pat had started out studying to be a doctor but his education was interrupted and he spent the years in real estate, being a police officer and various sales ventures. He knew how to deal with people and I learned much from him. It was a time of tutoring in ministry in that little church where I was given many opportunities to learn and serve. There was another such man in that church by the name of Ted Anderson who also helped me along spiritually and answered many questions that came to mind as I read my Bible. Serving with him as a young deacon he guiding me through many areas of church ministry. I worked for him in a feed store and it was not uncommon for us to witness to the farmers and other customers that came into the store to purchase feed or eggs. Life was simpler in those days and people had more time for one another. Meals and snacks around kitchen tables or occasionally in a restaurant were filled with considering Bible truths or doctrines as we fellowshipped. It is important for Christians to learn their Bibles and how to answer people’s questions from Scripture and to know how to take people through the plan of salvation.
MORE THAN THE PRACTICAL – It did not take me long to learn that there is more to being able to answer peoples questions and taking them through the Biblical plan of salvation. I have had my converts who said “Yes” to get rid of me and then went on their same sinful paths. For all our answers and a clear Biblical plan for salvation, without the working of the Holy Spirit, the results are meaningless. Unless the Holy Spirit works in a life, the rest is just words. We have to learn to let Him guide, open doors and to bring the real results. The work is God’s and not ours and a polished presentation of the Gospel is empty without His workings. Witnessing is more than a sale’s like presentation, it requires patience, being a long process of ministering to needs while loving people and establishing relationships that prepares hearts and opens doors. I fear that street corner witnessing and preaching is often very empty and does not really reach people very effectively. I suppose there will be people who will disagree with me but my years of experience have brought me to this conclusion. Rare are the decisions of people based on first time contacts. They do happen but they are few and far between.
THE IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR CHURCH ATTENDANCE – Dedicated Christians realize the importance of regular church attendance as the source of their spiritual development. The collective study of God’s Word prepares us with a good knowledge of the Bible and the various methods of ministry or service. This, along with our own personal Bible study equips us to be faithful witnesses in answering peoples questions and how to deal with them spiritually. Christmas and Easter Christians cannot expect to be able or qualified to lead their families, friends and acquaintances to Christ and to share the glories of eternity with our God and Savior. I know it is sometimes difficult in many areas to find a good church to attend but I’ve always believed it behooves believers to find one or start one so that this need might be fulfilled in their lives to serve the Savior adequately.
SURGERY DATE – The cardiac surgeon’s nurse called today to set the date of September 9th which was alright with me as I want to get this over with as soon as possible before any complications can take place. This still had to be cleared with the hospital to make sure that worked for them as well. I have not heard back so I assume that is okay and they will be pulling my records to see if any additional testing is needed and will let me know. I am so appreciative of your prayers. I dread the thought of a ventilator and tubes, etc. as I am a bit claustrophobic. I understand they keep you well sedated during that period so maybe I won’t know anything about it, hopefully.
EARLY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES – God put special people in my life during my early days of spiritual growth that gave me practical experiences in witnessing. Though I was saved as a boy, there wasn’t any encouragement relating to church and spiritual matters from my parents or stepparents and I walked afar off. After I was married, a Baptist pastor helped me get back on track with the Lord and he also led my wife to Christ. The pastor’s teachings and by taking me with him on visitation, gave me experiences in calling and witnessing. Also at that time there was a man by the name of Pat Patterson who took me under wing, an elderly and retired gentleman who taught me much about witnessing and soul winning by taking me out calling with him. I would observe and run interference while he took people through the Scriptures relating to salvation. In time, he would say, “Les, now you do it while I run interference.” Using the term “interference” had to do with keeping any children entertained and avoiding any distractions while the other witnessed and shared the Scriptures. Pat had started out studying to be a doctor but his education was interrupted and he spent the years in real estate, being a police officer and various sales ventures. He knew how to deal with people and I learned much from him. It was a time of tutoring in ministry in that little church where I was given many opportunities to learn and serve. There was another such man in that church by the name of Ted Anderson who also helped me along spiritually and answered many questions that came to mind as I read my Bible. Serving with him as a young deacon he guiding me through many areas of church ministry. I worked for him in a feed store and it was not uncommon for us to witness to the farmers and other customers that came into the store to purchase feed or eggs. Life was simpler in those days and people had more time for one another. Meals and snacks around kitchen tables or occasionally in a restaurant were filled with considering Bible truths or doctrines as we fellowshipped. It is important for Christians to learn their Bibles and how to answer people’s questions from Scripture and to know how to take people through the plan of salvation.
MORE THAN THE PRACTICAL – It did not take me long to learn that there is more to being able to answer peoples questions and taking them through the Biblical plan of salvation. I have had my converts who said “Yes” to get rid of me and then went on their same sinful paths. For all our answers and a clear Biblical plan for salvation, without the working of the Holy Spirit, the results are meaningless. Unless the Holy Spirit works in a life, the rest is just words. We have to learn to let Him guide, open doors and to bring the real results. The work is God’s and not ours and a polished presentation of the Gospel is empty without His workings. Witnessing is more than a sale’s like presentation, it requires patience, being a long process of ministering to needs while loving people and establishing relationships that prepares hearts and opens doors. I fear that street corner witnessing and preaching is often very empty and does not really reach people very effectively. I suppose there will be people who will disagree with me but my years of experience have brought me to this conclusion. Rare are the decisions of people based on first time contacts. They do happen but they are few and far between.
THE IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR CHURCH ATTENDANCE – Dedicated Christians realize the importance of regular church attendance as the source of their spiritual development. The collective study of God’s Word prepares us with a good knowledge of the Bible and the various methods of ministry or service. This, along with our own personal Bible study equips us to be faithful witnesses in answering peoples questions and how to deal with them spiritually. Christmas and Easter Christians cannot expect to be able or qualified to lead their families, friends and acquaintances to Christ and to share the glories of eternity with our God and Savior. I know it is sometimes difficult in many areas to find a good church to attend but I’ve always believed it behooves believers to find one or start one so that this need might be fulfilled in their lives to serve the Savior adequately.
SURGERY DATE – The cardiac surgeon’s nurse called today to set the date of September 9th which was alright with me as I want to get this over with as soon as possible before any complications can take place. This still had to be cleared with the hospital to make sure that worked for them as well. I have not heard back so I assume that is okay and they will be pulling my records to see if any additional testing is needed and will let me know. I am so appreciative of your prayers. I dread the thought of a ventilator and tubes, etc. as I am a bit claustrophobic. I understand they keep you well sedated during that period so maybe I won’t know anything about it, hopefully.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
August 2008 #3
QUESTION TIME – My daughter, Patty Armitage, was sharing with me that her husband was on the radio again this week in Houston. He fills in quite often for a program where people are given an opportunity to call in for the pastor to answer their questions about the Bible and spiritual matters. I told her I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that, I am not the quickest answering questions out of the blue that way. Then I remembered a practice I had over the years of occasionally giving the people in our mission churches the opportunity of talking me out of my sermon by asking questions they had on their minds about the Bible and spiritual problems or incidents they had when witnessing to others. This was usually done on a Sunday evening. This gave them opportunity to respond to things I had preached or questions that had come to mind from their Bible reading and discussions with others. They usually kept the questions coming and my answers used up the time normally given to my sermon. The people always appreciated those times and I believe it was also a growth time for them while keeping me on my toes. These informal times drew the pastor and people closer together in dealing with questions and circumstances they were facing. So often in earlier years of having to work to support my ministry this also served to make my study time easier as I could preach the sermon they talked me out of the next week. (Smile, an ulterior motive.) At the church in Ogallala, Nebraska one of the area banks sponsored a daily fifteen-minute devotional time on the radio. The various churches in the area were given turns to speak for a week during that time, but it was strictly a devotional time, not a question and answer program
CHAPLAIN OF THE WEEK – It was also the policy of the churches in Ogallala at that time to have the pastor who spoke on the radio to be the hospital chaplain that week. We were at liberty to call on all the patients in the hospital during that week as Chaplain. I always took literature with me to leave with the patients and I read Scripture and had prayer with all that were willing to have me do so. I counted it a privilege to so minister. I also found it interesting at that time and on many occasions elsewhere, to learn that many of the pastors never bother to read the Scriptures or have prayer with the patients. Once in awhile I come across an individual that didn’t want me to read the Bible or have prayer with them, but that was rare. Larger hospitals have full time chaplains but often the smaller communities do not. Through the years I have always called in the hospital on our church families and others as I have had opportunity to do so. It is a time when hearts are often open to hear the gospel when at other times they might not be.
THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA - This is the title of a book by David Freddoso that is now available and has been on the best sellers list the past number of weeks. I’d like to have it to read but I haven’t ordered it yet. I have been reading excerpts from it from different sources dealing with questions about Obama’s personal judgments that raise questions about his qualifications to be president. He deals with his failing to make the grade on “three E’s: Energy, Education, and Eastern Europe. You may have picked up on those discussions in the news recently along with his alignment with the choice of friends and associations with people like Tony Rezko, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers. You might want to purchase the book or see if you can check it out at the library to help in your decision making process before November. I’ve always found reading such books helpful in understanding the election issues.
DNC CONVENTION – Keeping Fox News on most of the day I heard a lot of the discussions going on about the convention and also listened to the major speeches during the evening. For all the Obama talk of change, it sounds like the same old Democratic Politics of the past. The claim that Obama will restore the world’s confidence in America doesn’t hold much credibility with me. Then too, he is going to save us from the climate crisis (if there really is one). You’d think the man was a miracle worker. Obama’s inexperience will probably be balanced out by Joe Biden’s years of experience in the Senate as his vice president. My observations of Biden sitting on various committees over the years reveal his fiery opposition to every effort of President Bush and the Republicans, so we know he has the full approval of the Democrats for that position. Next week we will now be showered with Republican view points and see how the political battles will line up through the November elections. I don’t have a great deal of confidence in our nation’s future as a world leader. I still believe we must decline in world influence so that Biblical prophecy will be played out relating to Israel.
ISSUES FROM THE PAST – Thinking back over the years relating to issues there are several I recall. When I was first licensed to preach and started my first church there were debates with books and articles being written contrasting Evangelicalism and Modernism. Some were questioning the reality of Biblical miracles while trying to explain them away. For me, when the Bible records a miracle from the Old Testament or in the life of Christ, that was true fact and to question them was heretical and unnecessary. Then there was a period where some debated and questioned whether it was necessary to believe in a literal, bodily resurrection of Christ. Then there was a flood of writings and discussions about demon possession and whether it was possible for Christians to be so possessed. This raised many fears for many Christians and dozens of books were published but I am assured there is no way for the Holy Spirit to indwell a believer and then be possessed by a demonic cohort of Satan. Ecumenism heated up, more debates, arguments and books dealing with that subject. As these issues passed there was then the issue of translations and which Bible was inspired and who was a heretic for using anything but the old King James Bible. More recently is the issue of the immerging church and whether we should have large church buildings or home churches. I know there were other issues that fail to come to mind right now but one thing is certain, the book publishers have made a mint printing and selling their wares. Then too, I wonder what will be the next issue, it seems there is always another on the horizon. We just can’t seem to be content with the Bible itself as our guide. We seem to relish new issues.
HEALTH ISSUES – I have decided it is probably the better part of wisdom to go ahead and have heart by-pass surgery, as much as I dread it. I am waiting for a call back from the surgeon on Tuesday to learn when it may be done. Betty had August off with her chemo treatments but will start up again on the fourth of September. She has been feeling some better and doing a little more around the house than she was. We do so appreciate your continued and faithful prayers on our behalf.
CHAPLAIN OF THE WEEK – It was also the policy of the churches in Ogallala at that time to have the pastor who spoke on the radio to be the hospital chaplain that week. We were at liberty to call on all the patients in the hospital during that week as Chaplain. I always took literature with me to leave with the patients and I read Scripture and had prayer with all that were willing to have me do so. I counted it a privilege to so minister. I also found it interesting at that time and on many occasions elsewhere, to learn that many of the pastors never bother to read the Scriptures or have prayer with the patients. Once in awhile I come across an individual that didn’t want me to read the Bible or have prayer with them, but that was rare. Larger hospitals have full time chaplains but often the smaller communities do not. Through the years I have always called in the hospital on our church families and others as I have had opportunity to do so. It is a time when hearts are often open to hear the gospel when at other times they might not be.
THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA - This is the title of a book by David Freddoso that is now available and has been on the best sellers list the past number of weeks. I’d like to have it to read but I haven’t ordered it yet. I have been reading excerpts from it from different sources dealing with questions about Obama’s personal judgments that raise questions about his qualifications to be president. He deals with his failing to make the grade on “three E’s: Energy, Education, and Eastern Europe. You may have picked up on those discussions in the news recently along with his alignment with the choice of friends and associations with people like Tony Rezko, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers. You might want to purchase the book or see if you can check it out at the library to help in your decision making process before November. I’ve always found reading such books helpful in understanding the election issues.
DNC CONVENTION – Keeping Fox News on most of the day I heard a lot of the discussions going on about the convention and also listened to the major speeches during the evening. For all the Obama talk of change, it sounds like the same old Democratic Politics of the past. The claim that Obama will restore the world’s confidence in America doesn’t hold much credibility with me. Then too, he is going to save us from the climate crisis (if there really is one). You’d think the man was a miracle worker. Obama’s inexperience will probably be balanced out by Joe Biden’s years of experience in the Senate as his vice president. My observations of Biden sitting on various committees over the years reveal his fiery opposition to every effort of President Bush and the Republicans, so we know he has the full approval of the Democrats for that position. Next week we will now be showered with Republican view points and see how the political battles will line up through the November elections. I don’t have a great deal of confidence in our nation’s future as a world leader. I still believe we must decline in world influence so that Biblical prophecy will be played out relating to Israel.
ISSUES FROM THE PAST – Thinking back over the years relating to issues there are several I recall. When I was first licensed to preach and started my first church there were debates with books and articles being written contrasting Evangelicalism and Modernism. Some were questioning the reality of Biblical miracles while trying to explain them away. For me, when the Bible records a miracle from the Old Testament or in the life of Christ, that was true fact and to question them was heretical and unnecessary. Then there was a period where some debated and questioned whether it was necessary to believe in a literal, bodily resurrection of Christ. Then there was a flood of writings and discussions about demon possession and whether it was possible for Christians to be so possessed. This raised many fears for many Christians and dozens of books were published but I am assured there is no way for the Holy Spirit to indwell a believer and then be possessed by a demonic cohort of Satan. Ecumenism heated up, more debates, arguments and books dealing with that subject. As these issues passed there was then the issue of translations and which Bible was inspired and who was a heretic for using anything but the old King James Bible. More recently is the issue of the immerging church and whether we should have large church buildings or home churches. I know there were other issues that fail to come to mind right now but one thing is certain, the book publishers have made a mint printing and selling their wares. Then too, I wonder what will be the next issue, it seems there is always another on the horizon. We just can’t seem to be content with the Bible itself as our guide. We seem to relish new issues.
HEALTH ISSUES – I have decided it is probably the better part of wisdom to go ahead and have heart by-pass surgery, as much as I dread it. I am waiting for a call back from the surgeon on Tuesday to learn when it may be done. Betty had August off with her chemo treatments but will start up again on the fourth of September. She has been feeling some better and doing a little more around the house than she was. We do so appreciate your continued and faithful prayers on our behalf.
August 2008 #1
PERSONAL UPDATE – I didn’t get one of these out last week due to preparing to go into the hospital for a heart catherization. I went in on Sunday for hydration and then the procedure on Monday. They kept me over until Tuesday evening. The results were not very encouraging as there is some artery blockage and they want to do a heart bypass. I wanted to wait and think about the matter and came home. I am scheduled to see a heart surgeon on September 11th. I first told the cardiologist I just wanted to deal with this medically and he gave me some new meds. But as I think more about it, the wiser decisions is probably to go ahead with it as a heart attack could cause some real damage. I am concerned about this type of surgery, as I know they have to put you on a ventilator, etc. and I hate those things. It is the last thing I ever want to be kept on as I have seen so many lingering on them. I’d rather go home and be with the Lord and have so indicated in a “living will.” Your prayers in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
MURDER IN THE FAMILY – I don’t know how many of you may have seen the Fox News Special a couple weeks ago about “honor killings” but it was quite an eye opener. There are some 5,000 wives or daughters killed each year by Muslims in so called “honor killings.” They may be done for several reasons such as the dishonor associated with a divorce; a daughter dating an unbeliever; refusals to be a party to an arranged marriage; or women working. The report also told of two sisters being murdered by their Muslim father. Some 50,000 cases around the world keep women cautious. The United Nation reports thousands of such cases each year. Information was also given that one fourth of all Muslims in America don’t believe that American ways should be practiced. I find it difficult to understand why any American woman would convert to the Muslim religion knowing these facts when you consider the male subordination of women. Of course Islam denies having anything to do with honor killings but the fact that these honor killings are done by Muslims certainly raises serious questions to my mind. My, how thankful Christians should be for a loving God that calls for spiritual equality for men and women alike.
RICK WARREN’S SADDLEBACK CHURCH – The discussion this Saturday evening conducted in the church with Rick Warren questioning Barack Obama and John McCain gave me a far better view of McCain than I have had up to this point. McCain has said little about his faith up to this point and I have wondered (and doubted) if he is a Christian. However, this forum did reveal him as a Christian and a member of a Baptist Church in Arizona, something I had not known previously. McCain came across clearly and I believe approvingly to a far greater degree to the audience than did Obama. I do have questions about a church being involved to this degree in the political process but it was done quite well. Giving an equal voice to the same questions to each candidate separately was a unique and different approach than what we normally see and it did give us a better opportunity to evaluate both candidates. It was two hours well spent listening to their answers, asked in a far different manner than what we usually see from the media. I hope you were able to see and hear it.
THE PSALMS ALWAYS A COMFORT – Over the years I have always found the Psalms a comfort in times of heartache and the need to find strength in times of trial. I found Psalm 94 helpful in recent days. Verse 14 says, “For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.” Even though we know the verses were originally applied to the people of Israel, they are still applicable to His present day people, the followers of Christ. Verse 17 says, “Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost [soon] dwelt in silence.” Verse 19 says, “ In the multitude of my thoughts within me the comforts delight my soul.” And then Verse 22, “But the LORD is my defense [high tower]; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” The Psalms always bring comfort and help in the time of need and they never grow old or out-dated. They are worth reading time and time again. I am presently rereading through my old Dickson Bible that I bought when I was sixteen years old and have kept it as a family Bible that bracketed helpful words as you note in the verses quoted. My first wife filled in the family tree pages for me, which helps me with some family birthdays, etc. Sadly, I have not kept them up. Anyway, whether you read the old KJV, the new KJV or some other modern translation, they are always a blessing. I would encourage you to read them often.
MURDER IN THE FAMILY – I don’t know how many of you may have seen the Fox News Special a couple weeks ago about “honor killings” but it was quite an eye opener. There are some 5,000 wives or daughters killed each year by Muslims in so called “honor killings.” They may be done for several reasons such as the dishonor associated with a divorce; a daughter dating an unbeliever; refusals to be a party to an arranged marriage; or women working. The report also told of two sisters being murdered by their Muslim father. Some 50,000 cases around the world keep women cautious. The United Nation reports thousands of such cases each year. Information was also given that one fourth of all Muslims in America don’t believe that American ways should be practiced. I find it difficult to understand why any American woman would convert to the Muslim religion knowing these facts when you consider the male subordination of women. Of course Islam denies having anything to do with honor killings but the fact that these honor killings are done by Muslims certainly raises serious questions to my mind. My, how thankful Christians should be for a loving God that calls for spiritual equality for men and women alike.
RICK WARREN’S SADDLEBACK CHURCH – The discussion this Saturday evening conducted in the church with Rick Warren questioning Barack Obama and John McCain gave me a far better view of McCain than I have had up to this point. McCain has said little about his faith up to this point and I have wondered (and doubted) if he is a Christian. However, this forum did reveal him as a Christian and a member of a Baptist Church in Arizona, something I had not known previously. McCain came across clearly and I believe approvingly to a far greater degree to the audience than did Obama. I do have questions about a church being involved to this degree in the political process but it was done quite well. Giving an equal voice to the same questions to each candidate separately was a unique and different approach than what we normally see and it did give us a better opportunity to evaluate both candidates. It was two hours well spent listening to their answers, asked in a far different manner than what we usually see from the media. I hope you were able to see and hear it.
THE PSALMS ALWAYS A COMFORT – Over the years I have always found the Psalms a comfort in times of heartache and the need to find strength in times of trial. I found Psalm 94 helpful in recent days. Verse 14 says, “For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.” Even though we know the verses were originally applied to the people of Israel, they are still applicable to His present day people, the followers of Christ. Verse 17 says, “Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost [soon] dwelt in silence.” Verse 19 says, “ In the multitude of my thoughts within me the comforts delight my soul.” And then Verse 22, “But the LORD is my defense [high tower]; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” The Psalms always bring comfort and help in the time of need and they never grow old or out-dated. They are worth reading time and time again. I am presently rereading through my old Dickson Bible that I bought when I was sixteen years old and have kept it as a family Bible that bracketed helpful words as you note in the verses quoted. My first wife filled in the family tree pages for me, which helps me with some family birthdays, etc. Sadly, I have not kept them up. Anyway, whether you read the old KJV, the new KJV or some other modern translation, they are always a blessing. I would encourage you to read them often.
July 2008 #4
MY FIRST CHURCH PLANT – A friend, asked a question as to how we happened to start Mirror Lake Baptist Church which she was a part of. Wow, this takes my memory back a long way. /
Back in those days, the fifties, I was praying for an opportunity to start a church. I knew that without having been able to go to Bible College I'd never find a place in an established church and I believed God would open doors to me if I could start a church. / I had called Dr. Powell in Tacoma, Washington about such opportunities. He was just leaving by train for a GARBC meeting back east and asked me to go to the Auburn train station and he would get off briefly when the train stopped there and give me some information. I went to the train station and he gave me the names of a Scott Janikula and Vaughn Nelson. They, along with Malcomb Lange had looked over the Federal Way area and had rented a storefront on faith, trusting they could find someone to help start a church there. / I had trouble running them down, but finally managed to. I shared my burden with them and they each had me speak in their churches to get to know me. Having done so, they turned over the keys to the storefront and told me to go to work. Each church gave a little help to us to pay the rent on the building. I worked swing shift for Boeings at the time and took my off hours and days off to start visiting in the area, handing out advertisements, and scheduling regular services. / The GARBC camp in the area loaned me some rough board benches to use to start with. One church gave us a pulpit, and another an oil stove to heat the place. Some friends helped Kathy and I paint the two rooms of the storefront. Needing a pianist Dr. Powell had given me the name Jeanne Burke, now Jacobson, as a possible pianist. She was reluctant, not knowing who I was, but finally agreed to play temporarily. She stayed with us the whole five years we were there and beyond. She and her mother were the first to become a part of starting the church, purchasing the land and putting up the first building. I had the joy of baptizing her mother and they knew all the woe’s and weal’s of the work, putting up with my inexperience. / God blessed and in 1956 the church called for an ordination council and the area pastors came and questioned me and recommended my ordination and I had my start into all these fifty plus years of ministry. Now you have a little history of my first church plant.
BIBLE COLLEGE OR NOT – Some may question how or even my right to start and pastor a church without formal training. I use to be troubled when people asked where I went to Bible College, knowing I had not had that opportunity. After all these years of experience and ministry it is no longer troubling to me. I have always been an ardent reader and have many of the same books that were required of my children when they attended Bible College. I had a job at Boeing Aircraft in Renton and Seattle, Washington that afforded me opportunity to read theological books during lunch and coffee breaks. Further, one of the jobs I had was operating huge presses that often sealed in parts requiring lengths of time where I simply had to see that pressure and heat was maintained. The foreman and others did not object to my reading as long as I didn’t spend time with others and appearing to be wasting company time. As long as they knew I was watching to see that time and conditions were proper they were fine with it. It was the type of work where I got a lot of extra reading done besides what I did off the job. I also attribute much credit to pastors who taught me, being sound in the Word. Then too, I would remind you of great men like Moody and others that did not have a formal education, but were successfully in ministry and starting educational institutions. Dr. Ketchum, one of the founders of the GARBC, only had a grade school education but he was a powerful preacher, standing strong for Biblical separation. I am not laying claim to being a Moody or a Ketchum, far from it. I am just saying, that through the centuries God has often used common people to do His work. Having said that, I have often felt inadequate and I always felt that I could have done a far better job with a formal education, though it was not the way God led me. There were many such men in years gone by but we have come to a time where most churches are looking for pastors with doctorates and would never consider a person like myself. One beneficial factor I’d add to my circumstances. Too often men enter the ministry with out a background of experience with average working people and having the ability to understand the life of people who dig ditches, labor in factories or clerk in stores. God takes us where He finds us and directs through life those who are committed to His service and not every path or circumstance is the same.
MORE PET PEEVES – Having at a young age worked myself up from a stock boy to managing a chain variety store, I get a little upset or dumbfounded by experiences I have when shopping. Recently I was at Wal-Marts buying some packs of Glucerna for Betty. I usually purchase six to eight packs and they only had two. So, I asked the lady in the pharmacy (the area where these are stocked) if they might have more in the back storeroom. She quickly informed me that the stocker had stocked the area earlier in the day and had now gone home so there was nothing they could do. When I worked in stores, I would go back and see if there was more in back and bring them out, wanting to please the customer and increase our sales. So, I went across the street to Meijers, their competitors, where I used to buy this product but they have raised their prices and I quit buying from them. I picked up four more packs, willing to pay the extra to save an extra trip another day. When I got to the checkout I showed the girl the sales slip from across the street and asked them if they meet their competitors prices. She didn’t know what to say and asked, “Would you like me to call the floor manager?” I said, “Yes.” I then explained, “I always use to purchase these here but you’ve raised your prices too much. Will you meet your competitors price?” Her answer, “We only match advertised prices.” So, I paid my money to save a trip and made a decision that this was my last time to shop at that store. Sometimes while shopping I’ll ask a clerk where I can find an item to save time and a lot of running all over the store. Some will either look stupid of shrug their shoulders and say, “I don’t know” and go on their way. Wise merchants will train their help to say, “I don’t know but I will find out for you.” Or, they will actually lead you to the place where you will find your article. I know you have been through these same experiences and shared the same frustrations.
PERSONAL ITEMS FOR PRAYER – I have been able to get help for the vertigo. There are many types but mine is “benign positional vertigo” which is very simply dealt with. No medicines, I’d been given some that only made me sleepy but didn’t help. The doctor checked me out and then showed me a procedure I could use myself to relocate the crystals in the ear fluid to correct the problem. It seems to have helped. / The heart doctor’s reports were not so simple and the tests indicate some blockage and they will be scheduling a catherization. Maybe stints and angioplasty, depending on what they find. I have told them I don’t want to wake up from the procedure and find that they have decided to do bypass surgery. I really don’t think that is needed but I guess we will see. / I have scheduled Betty to see her GP on Monday because of the difficulties she is having with stomach pain and is so easily winded when she tries to do some thing. / I really don’t like to sound like I am always complaining about physical things but we do appreciate your prayers and God’s enablements.
RESURRECTION – The youth pastor brought a welcome and interesting sermon Sunday while the senior pastor was on vacation. It was a practical message dealing with the resurrection and something we all need reminding of from time to time. In reality a large portion and basis of our faith in Christ includes this wonderful Biblical doctrine. Basically his premise dealt with “Physical Resurrection.” My only concern with such a message is that we also need to realize that physical death and burial and eventual resurrection of a physical body, is that God has also provided an interim condition. For young Christians who don’t know their Scriptures, they might be led into a false doctrine if gotten hold of by the wrong people who teach “soul sleep.” The emphasis of the message dealt with the numerous verses that use the term “asleep” to describe the condition of believers who have passed away. Seventh Day Adventists and others teach that the “soul and spirit” sleep in the grave with body until the resurrection and judgment. Paul taught, “Absent from the body and present with the Lord.” Only the physical body sleeps in the grave, not the soul and spirit. This is not a criticism of a good message, just an addition to it.
Back in those days, the fifties, I was praying for an opportunity to start a church. I knew that without having been able to go to Bible College I'd never find a place in an established church and I believed God would open doors to me if I could start a church. / I had called Dr. Powell in Tacoma, Washington about such opportunities. He was just leaving by train for a GARBC meeting back east and asked me to go to the Auburn train station and he would get off briefly when the train stopped there and give me some information. I went to the train station and he gave me the names of a Scott Janikula and Vaughn Nelson. They, along with Malcomb Lange had looked over the Federal Way area and had rented a storefront on faith, trusting they could find someone to help start a church there. / I had trouble running them down, but finally managed to. I shared my burden with them and they each had me speak in their churches to get to know me. Having done so, they turned over the keys to the storefront and told me to go to work. Each church gave a little help to us to pay the rent on the building. I worked swing shift for Boeings at the time and took my off hours and days off to start visiting in the area, handing out advertisements, and scheduling regular services. / The GARBC camp in the area loaned me some rough board benches to use to start with. One church gave us a pulpit, and another an oil stove to heat the place. Some friends helped Kathy and I paint the two rooms of the storefront. Needing a pianist Dr. Powell had given me the name Jeanne Burke, now Jacobson, as a possible pianist. She was reluctant, not knowing who I was, but finally agreed to play temporarily. She stayed with us the whole five years we were there and beyond. She and her mother were the first to become a part of starting the church, purchasing the land and putting up the first building. I had the joy of baptizing her mother and they knew all the woe’s and weal’s of the work, putting up with my inexperience. / God blessed and in 1956 the church called for an ordination council and the area pastors came and questioned me and recommended my ordination and I had my start into all these fifty plus years of ministry. Now you have a little history of my first church plant.
BIBLE COLLEGE OR NOT – Some may question how or even my right to start and pastor a church without formal training. I use to be troubled when people asked where I went to Bible College, knowing I had not had that opportunity. After all these years of experience and ministry it is no longer troubling to me. I have always been an ardent reader and have many of the same books that were required of my children when they attended Bible College. I had a job at Boeing Aircraft in Renton and Seattle, Washington that afforded me opportunity to read theological books during lunch and coffee breaks. Further, one of the jobs I had was operating huge presses that often sealed in parts requiring lengths of time where I simply had to see that pressure and heat was maintained. The foreman and others did not object to my reading as long as I didn’t spend time with others and appearing to be wasting company time. As long as they knew I was watching to see that time and conditions were proper they were fine with it. It was the type of work where I got a lot of extra reading done besides what I did off the job. I also attribute much credit to pastors who taught me, being sound in the Word. Then too, I would remind you of great men like Moody and others that did not have a formal education, but were successfully in ministry and starting educational institutions. Dr. Ketchum, one of the founders of the GARBC, only had a grade school education but he was a powerful preacher, standing strong for Biblical separation. I am not laying claim to being a Moody or a Ketchum, far from it. I am just saying, that through the centuries God has often used common people to do His work. Having said that, I have often felt inadequate and I always felt that I could have done a far better job with a formal education, though it was not the way God led me. There were many such men in years gone by but we have come to a time where most churches are looking for pastors with doctorates and would never consider a person like myself. One beneficial factor I’d add to my circumstances. Too often men enter the ministry with out a background of experience with average working people and having the ability to understand the life of people who dig ditches, labor in factories or clerk in stores. God takes us where He finds us and directs through life those who are committed to His service and not every path or circumstance is the same.
MORE PET PEEVES – Having at a young age worked myself up from a stock boy to managing a chain variety store, I get a little upset or dumbfounded by experiences I have when shopping. Recently I was at Wal-Marts buying some packs of Glucerna for Betty. I usually purchase six to eight packs and they only had two. So, I asked the lady in the pharmacy (the area where these are stocked) if they might have more in the back storeroom. She quickly informed me that the stocker had stocked the area earlier in the day and had now gone home so there was nothing they could do. When I worked in stores, I would go back and see if there was more in back and bring them out, wanting to please the customer and increase our sales. So, I went across the street to Meijers, their competitors, where I used to buy this product but they have raised their prices and I quit buying from them. I picked up four more packs, willing to pay the extra to save an extra trip another day. When I got to the checkout I showed the girl the sales slip from across the street and asked them if they meet their competitors prices. She didn’t know what to say and asked, “Would you like me to call the floor manager?” I said, “Yes.” I then explained, “I always use to purchase these here but you’ve raised your prices too much. Will you meet your competitors price?” Her answer, “We only match advertised prices.” So, I paid my money to save a trip and made a decision that this was my last time to shop at that store. Sometimes while shopping I’ll ask a clerk where I can find an item to save time and a lot of running all over the store. Some will either look stupid of shrug their shoulders and say, “I don’t know” and go on their way. Wise merchants will train their help to say, “I don’t know but I will find out for you.” Or, they will actually lead you to the place where you will find your article. I know you have been through these same experiences and shared the same frustrations.
PERSONAL ITEMS FOR PRAYER – I have been able to get help for the vertigo. There are many types but mine is “benign positional vertigo” which is very simply dealt with. No medicines, I’d been given some that only made me sleepy but didn’t help. The doctor checked me out and then showed me a procedure I could use myself to relocate the crystals in the ear fluid to correct the problem. It seems to have helped. / The heart doctor’s reports were not so simple and the tests indicate some blockage and they will be scheduling a catherization. Maybe stints and angioplasty, depending on what they find. I have told them I don’t want to wake up from the procedure and find that they have decided to do bypass surgery. I really don’t think that is needed but I guess we will see. / I have scheduled Betty to see her GP on Monday because of the difficulties she is having with stomach pain and is so easily winded when she tries to do some thing. / I really don’t like to sound like I am always complaining about physical things but we do appreciate your prayers and God’s enablements.
RESURRECTION – The youth pastor brought a welcome and interesting sermon Sunday while the senior pastor was on vacation. It was a practical message dealing with the resurrection and something we all need reminding of from time to time. In reality a large portion and basis of our faith in Christ includes this wonderful Biblical doctrine. Basically his premise dealt with “Physical Resurrection.” My only concern with such a message is that we also need to realize that physical death and burial and eventual resurrection of a physical body, is that God has also provided an interim condition. For young Christians who don’t know their Scriptures, they might be led into a false doctrine if gotten hold of by the wrong people who teach “soul sleep.” The emphasis of the message dealt with the numerous verses that use the term “asleep” to describe the condition of believers who have passed away. Seventh Day Adventists and others teach that the “soul and spirit” sleep in the grave with body until the resurrection and judgment. Paul taught, “Absent from the body and present with the Lord.” Only the physical body sleeps in the grave, not the soul and spirit. This is not a criticism of a good message, just an addition to it.
July 2008 #3
SPECIAL EVENT FOR BETTY – Betty’s family from Kentucky along with those here in Ohio came for a weekend cookout. The girls did all the planning and the work to provide something Betty has wanted to do for a long time and it was finally accomplished. Some came early and had to leave before the meal and others remained to eat and visit. I think the total attending was about 28. Daughter Debbie, granddaughter Erin and grandson Nathan stayed until Monday. Betty was so excited she couldn’t sleep Friday night and went to bed Saturday night exhausted but blessed.
POLITICAL COMEDIANS – Comedians have always made fun of politicians but there seems to be some disparity as to whether McCain or Obama gets the most attention. The comedians readily joke about McCain’s age. It seems the fear of receiving criticism over the race issue causes them to go much easier on Obama. An example of jokes relating to Obama bring “Messiah” type jokes and one that should really offend Christians is when they refer to Obama as “Jesus Christ but with a better jump shot.” I find it despicable and highly objectionable (offensive) when these types of references are made. Such disrespect for our Savior and to make such associations with a politician of any party or race only speaks to how low today’s comedians have become. Sad, sad day!
OBAMA’S EUOPEAN TRIP – Following Obama’s political trip to Iraq and Afghanistan he included stops in Israel, Germany and elsewhere. I had the opportunity to listen to his Berlin speech to some 200,000 people, the largest crowd he has drawn to date. What came through to me was his Globalist and Internationalist position. His theme related to “tearing down walls between Christians, Jews and Muslims,” as well as between other various national situations. He also made a comment that “the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving.” One statement he made was, “People of the world, this is our time.” He also made the comment that “Palestinians and Israel both seek peace,” but I understand that some comments made while there didn’t set well in Israel knowing that the Palestinians want a total destruction of Israel. The thought that came repeatedly to my mind as I listened, was that should this man become our next president, he would surely lead us much closer to the One World Program that the antichrist will direct during the Tribulation. Though he professes to be a Christian, I am confident that he has no real understanding of the Scriptures and how his position will feed into the prophetic revelations of the Bible. He is a tremendous and articulate speaker who is able to say much without revealing much. Having given his position on Iraq and Afghanistan before taking his trip only verifies his mind was made up before the supposed investigative trip was taken.
HOME MISSIONARIES & PASTORS – Dr. Charles Woods recently included some ideas he felt would be good guidelines for a church-planting missionary if he been one. He was right on with his thoughts but it is not my intention to include his list here but it did bring to mind the many times over the years when pastors told me that they wouldn't’t know how to go about starting a church. By the same token I could return the thought, “I wouldn't’t know how to pastor a large church.” Regular church pastors often misunderstood the church planters ministry, even those who sat on mission boards. Home missionaries pastor small churches that they are called to plant or establish and in many ways it is different from pastoring an older and larger church. In reality, I started out my first church in my own ignorance, learning as I went along, not being with or under any mission agency. A major difference that comes to mind is entering the endeavor with out the means in hand for a functioning church, where a pastor is called to a work with a salary, a building and people in place. Too many home missionaries are handicapped by not having their full personal support. Nor do they have the funds needed to purchase property, a building and equipment to run it but that comes along as the work is developed. Thankfully, mission agencies today are doing better in holding the line and requiring that home missionaries obtain their support before taking on the task. Sometimes some individual missionaries will take up the task on their own, thinking they can always get a job to support themselves. Often it is the wife working to support her husbands ministry. It can be done but it is a hindrance to their task and a very slow process that all too often fails or struggles for years.
POLITICAL COMEDIANS – Comedians have always made fun of politicians but there seems to be some disparity as to whether McCain or Obama gets the most attention. The comedians readily joke about McCain’s age. It seems the fear of receiving criticism over the race issue causes them to go much easier on Obama. An example of jokes relating to Obama bring “Messiah” type jokes and one that should really offend Christians is when they refer to Obama as “Jesus Christ but with a better jump shot.” I find it despicable and highly objectionable (offensive) when these types of references are made. Such disrespect for our Savior and to make such associations with a politician of any party or race only speaks to how low today’s comedians have become. Sad, sad day!
OBAMA’S EUOPEAN TRIP – Following Obama’s political trip to Iraq and Afghanistan he included stops in Israel, Germany and elsewhere. I had the opportunity to listen to his Berlin speech to some 200,000 people, the largest crowd he has drawn to date. What came through to me was his Globalist and Internationalist position. His theme related to “tearing down walls between Christians, Jews and Muslims,” as well as between other various national situations. He also made a comment that “the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving.” One statement he made was, “People of the world, this is our time.” He also made the comment that “Palestinians and Israel both seek peace,” but I understand that some comments made while there didn’t set well in Israel knowing that the Palestinians want a total destruction of Israel. The thought that came repeatedly to my mind as I listened, was that should this man become our next president, he would surely lead us much closer to the One World Program that the antichrist will direct during the Tribulation. Though he professes to be a Christian, I am confident that he has no real understanding of the Scriptures and how his position will feed into the prophetic revelations of the Bible. He is a tremendous and articulate speaker who is able to say much without revealing much. Having given his position on Iraq and Afghanistan before taking his trip only verifies his mind was made up before the supposed investigative trip was taken.
HOME MISSIONARIES & PASTORS – Dr. Charles Woods recently included some ideas he felt would be good guidelines for a church-planting missionary if he been one. He was right on with his thoughts but it is not my intention to include his list here but it did bring to mind the many times over the years when pastors told me that they wouldn't’t know how to go about starting a church. By the same token I could return the thought, “I wouldn't’t know how to pastor a large church.” Regular church pastors often misunderstood the church planters ministry, even those who sat on mission boards. Home missionaries pastor small churches that they are called to plant or establish and in many ways it is different from pastoring an older and larger church. In reality, I started out my first church in my own ignorance, learning as I went along, not being with or under any mission agency. A major difference that comes to mind is entering the endeavor with out the means in hand for a functioning church, where a pastor is called to a work with a salary, a building and people in place. Too many home missionaries are handicapped by not having their full personal support. Nor do they have the funds needed to purchase property, a building and equipment to run it but that comes along as the work is developed. Thankfully, mission agencies today are doing better in holding the line and requiring that home missionaries obtain their support before taking on the task. Sometimes some individual missionaries will take up the task on their own, thinking they can always get a job to support themselves. Often it is the wife working to support her husbands ministry. It can be done but it is a hindrance to their task and a very slow process that all too often fails or struggles for years.
July 2008 #2
333 HALF EVIL – This is a bumper sticker I saw today that gave cause to think a bit and I finally realized this was a take off on the 666 mark of the beast that people will have to have on their forehead or hand in order to buy or sell. It is difficult for my mind to comprehend someone’s ignorance regarding sin and evil. The individual who came up with this bumper sticker for a novel idea, and then those who paste them on their car bumpers and windows have no real recognition of their status or their standings before Almighty God. The Bible is so clear that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” how then can an individual arrive at a conclusion that they are only “half evil?” Or how could they imagine only taking on half the consequences of the antichrist’s requirements during the tribulation. This sticker only reveals the complete ignorance of the lost in this day and age. They need all of the Saviors mercy and forgiveness resulting from their confession of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ. If they wake up to find themselves left behind at the rapture and caught up in the dealings of the world wide ruler or antichrist of the tribulation, they won’t be able to take half the mark to buy and sell. They will actually be selling their souls to the devil and eventually end up in an eternal hell. Satan is certainly busy leading people down the path of destruction while thinking they are being funny!
HOT AND SOUR SOUP – I’ve liked Chinese food since a boy when I seldom had an opportunity to enjoy it. I enjoy hot and sour soup and often stop to get some to take home for my lunch and they always give me a fortune cookie with it. The fortune I received this time was, “It is up to you to create your own adventures today!” I liked that one, realizing that as a Christian I can make life an adventure that can be personally enjoyable as well as bring glory to our God and Savior. Have you ever thought about witnessing as an adventure? I think we should. It seems so hard to make ourselves do it. Yet, when we get up our courage to do so, some great joy and blessings can come our way, opening doors to new friendships with people while pointing them to Christ. I’ve never come away from a call in a home after having an opportunity to tell them about my Savior, especially when they make that all important decision, but what I traveled home with joy in my heart and singing praises to God. What an adventure. Have you had one recently? Little by little I am getting to know more about the young Chinese girl who usually waits on me, knowing what I am coming for, even before I ask. I believe the adventure is developing when I will be able to share the gospel with her in word or a book. I am having the same adventure with my young and very worldly barber. I keep witnessing to him and taking literature to him and hopefully one of these days he will yet come to Christ. BUILD AN ADVENTURE! Some people use their vacation time to visit and assist missionaries at home or abroad. Some use vacation time to assist in V.B.S. Retirees often come along a missionary to assist them for a period of time, sometimes several months. Some churches send a crew of men out to help a missionary with a building project. Or, create an adventure of ministry of your own. MAKE AN ADVENTURE FOR BOTH PERSONAL JOY AND TO GLORIFY THE LORD!
ISRAEL AND IRAN – Here is a serious prayer concern, raising questions about how close we may be to the Rapture and Tribulation along with so many other things going on today.. This is something you won’t hear much about from what Rush calls the “Drive-by Media.” Human Events ran an article by W. Thomas Smith, Jr. titled “Will Israel Strike Iran?” It is a several page article and I can’t put it all in my “Musings” but I’ll give you a very condensed form. Basically it tells of plans for Israel to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year while President Bush is still in office due to questions about whether a new president would continue to stand behind Israel in the need to stop Iran’s nuclear development. It would be a strike taking several days that could possibly draw in the United States. A Lt. General Thomas G. McInerneney (U.S. Air Force, ret.) saying, “To hit the number of targets the Israelis need to hit with their force structure would require several days,” “If they did it in a night – with, say 100 airplanes – they’d probably inflict significant damage to Bushehr and other facilities, but it would be more difficult to hit the deep bunkers at Natanz.” / “Nevertheless, a multi-phased campaign lasting several days is what the current plan looks like according to the analysts and insiders.” / “If the Iranians -- in retaliation for strikes against their facilities -- makes a move against American forces in the region, or if they try to shut down the Strait of Hormuz (the strategically vital waterway between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman) as they have threatened to do, U. S. forces will “unleash hell and more than complement what the Israelis are doing,” says Vallely. / Anyway, the lengthy article is very detailed and interesting. Also frightening. You could probably get the article by finding Human Events on the inter-net and naming the article. We can only imagine how terrible this could turn out. We need to be much in prayer about this matter as well as making sure of our own status in the Lord with the rapture before us, and the effect of the tribulation on the world. As I have said so many times, “Keep looking up!”
MARIJUNA & HEART TRANSPLANTS – Marijuana users are complaining about transplants not being available to them. Nor should they be. Those receiving hearts must sign papers agreeing not to use any form of tobacco and other matters before the precious & scarce hearts are given. I’ve had two grandsons to receive transplant & I have read the requirements.
HOT AND SOUR SOUP – I’ve liked Chinese food since a boy when I seldom had an opportunity to enjoy it. I enjoy hot and sour soup and often stop to get some to take home for my lunch and they always give me a fortune cookie with it. The fortune I received this time was, “It is up to you to create your own adventures today!” I liked that one, realizing that as a Christian I can make life an adventure that can be personally enjoyable as well as bring glory to our God and Savior. Have you ever thought about witnessing as an adventure? I think we should. It seems so hard to make ourselves do it. Yet, when we get up our courage to do so, some great joy and blessings can come our way, opening doors to new friendships with people while pointing them to Christ. I’ve never come away from a call in a home after having an opportunity to tell them about my Savior, especially when they make that all important decision, but what I traveled home with joy in my heart and singing praises to God. What an adventure. Have you had one recently? Little by little I am getting to know more about the young Chinese girl who usually waits on me, knowing what I am coming for, even before I ask. I believe the adventure is developing when I will be able to share the gospel with her in word or a book. I am having the same adventure with my young and very worldly barber. I keep witnessing to him and taking literature to him and hopefully one of these days he will yet come to Christ. BUILD AN ADVENTURE! Some people use their vacation time to visit and assist missionaries at home or abroad. Some use vacation time to assist in V.B.S. Retirees often come along a missionary to assist them for a period of time, sometimes several months. Some churches send a crew of men out to help a missionary with a building project. Or, create an adventure of ministry of your own. MAKE AN ADVENTURE FOR BOTH PERSONAL JOY AND TO GLORIFY THE LORD!
ISRAEL AND IRAN – Here is a serious prayer concern, raising questions about how close we may be to the Rapture and Tribulation along with so many other things going on today.. This is something you won’t hear much about from what Rush calls the “Drive-by Media.” Human Events ran an article by W. Thomas Smith, Jr. titled “Will Israel Strike Iran?” It is a several page article and I can’t put it all in my “Musings” but I’ll give you a very condensed form. Basically it tells of plans for Israel to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year while President Bush is still in office due to questions about whether a new president would continue to stand behind Israel in the need to stop Iran’s nuclear development. It would be a strike taking several days that could possibly draw in the United States. A Lt. General Thomas G. McInerneney (U.S. Air Force, ret.) saying, “To hit the number of targets the Israelis need to hit with their force structure would require several days,” “If they did it in a night – with, say 100 airplanes – they’d probably inflict significant damage to Bushehr and other facilities, but it would be more difficult to hit the deep bunkers at Natanz.” / “Nevertheless, a multi-phased campaign lasting several days is what the current plan looks like according to the analysts and insiders.” / “If the Iranians -- in retaliation for strikes against their facilities -- makes a move against American forces in the region, or if they try to shut down the Strait of Hormuz (the strategically vital waterway between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman) as they have threatened to do, U. S. forces will “unleash hell and more than complement what the Israelis are doing,” says Vallely. / Anyway, the lengthy article is very detailed and interesting. Also frightening. You could probably get the article by finding Human Events on the inter-net and naming the article. We can only imagine how terrible this could turn out. We need to be much in prayer about this matter as well as making sure of our own status in the Lord with the rapture before us, and the effect of the tribulation on the world. As I have said so many times, “Keep looking up!”
MARIJUNA & HEART TRANSPLANTS – Marijuana users are complaining about transplants not being available to them. Nor should they be. Those receiving hearts must sign papers agreeing not to use any form of tobacco and other matters before the precious & scarce hearts are given. I’ve had two grandsons to receive transplant & I have read the requirements.
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