THANK YOU – I have received so may emails from people telling me they are praying for me regarding the upcoming heart by-pass surgery. There have been many encouraging words and some telling me how well they have done while going through the same surgery. I am grateful, knowing prayer is a powerful force in our lives. What an encouragement it is to know God’s people are upholding us in prayer.
STRUGGLES WITH IMMORALITY – I don’t know how many of you receive the Barna Reports. I find them very enlightening regarding moral trends in this country. In August he dealt with “Young Adults and Liberals Struggle with Morality.” Atheist’s, liberals and faiths other than evangelicals were more prone to involve themselves in the list of moral issues. Real changes in this regard were seen in the under 25-age group. The issues questioned had to do with the use of profanity, gambling, pornography, gossiping, engaging in sexual intercourse, retaliation, getting drunk, and lying. “Adults describing themselves as “mostly liberal” on sociopolitical issues were twice as likely as those who describe themselves as “mostly conservative” to participate in activities that conflict with traditional moral perspectives,” is very telling as to our national moral state. The report went on to say, “We are witnessing the development and acceptance of a new moral code in America,” said the research and author, who has been surveying national trends in faith and morality for more than a quarter-century.” “The consistent deterioration of the Bible as the source of moral truth has led to a nation where people have become independent judges of right and wrong, basing their choices on feelings and circumstances. It is not likely that America will return to a more traditional moral code until the nation experiences significant pain from its moral choices.” This should serve as a real challenge to churches and individuals to get back to the Bible, faithful witnessing and endeavoring to lead lost souls to Christ. Churches and individual believers are failing to define sin and with the Bible and prayer being rejected in our schools our nation is in serious trouble and to expect God’s blessing on the nation as in the fast is not longer the reality it once was. God help believers, they are going to find themselves under more pressure and animosity from unbelievers.
GOD’S UNUSED PROVISIONS – God’s provisions are adequate for all the world’s needs. Man’s failure to utilize His provisions leads to their suffering and eternal loss. Many suffer famine because of their leaders abuses and misuse of available resources. I am convinced that when God created the world and placed man in it, that everything humanity would ever need was provided. Of course the fall made it more difficult for man to take advantage of that provision. The world environment is adequate for as long as man dwells on earth and until God creates a new heaven and earth. Man may abuse it but ultimately it is God that sustains it. When we consider the present concern about energy and all the debate associated with it, God provided enough energy (fuel) to sustain man’s needs if we but take full advantage of our resources. Congress often keeps us from being able to utilize all that availability. ANWAR in Alaska is one such example of Congress refusing to allow drilling there. I have been reading new materials about other resources in this country that is yet unused, such as in the Williston Basin or the Bakken Formation where we had a church plant for several years. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Some are questioning the reality of their being able to utilize all these shale reserves. The official estimates are 8x’s as much oil as Saudi Arabia, 18 x’s as much oil as Iraq, 21 x’s as much oil as Kuwait, 22 x’s as much oil as Iran and 500 x’s as much oil as Yemen, all right here in the Western United States. My purpose in mentioning these things is to help us understand that God’s providence is adequate as we utilize His provisions. I repeatedly tell people, for all the fears and political pundits, we have 1007 plus years for this old worlds existence and we do have adequate resources to meet humanities needs until God creates a new heaven and earth. So, Christians should not worry or buy into all the hubbub. As we read Matthew 6:25-34 we can take great comfort because of God’s promises to meet out needs. He has proven Himself repeatedly in my life through these many years.
HURRICANE IKE – My daughter and son-in-law, Patty & Al Armitage, made it safely through the storm with winds at 110 miles an hour. Their home in Humble, on the west side of Houston, had the screens on their screened in patio blown off. They also have a rental home that a couple trees fell on and broke the roof down. Their home is just sixty miles from Galveston where Ike first hit. We are so thankful for their safely coming through the storm. Buildings can be repaired. Many were not so fortunate and our prayers go out to them. I understand we will receive the rains from the storm here on Monday, something that is much needed.
OBAMA.S GLOBAL TAX – Obama is on the verge of brokering a bill (S2433) he calls his “Global Poverty Tax.” Meaning an average over the next 13 years that each American family would have to pay, an additional $7500 in taxes if it goes through. That is roughly an extra $575 each year. This would force the U.S. to increase our foreign aid by $65 billion per year or $845 billion over the next 13 years. This gives us a pretty good idea what kind of president he would make. Personally, I think it is time we cut back on foreign aid that goes to so many countries that hate us. There is not another country in the world that gives as much aid to other countries as we do. You’d think we would be appreciated for what we do but this is a thankless world.
MORE TESTING – Monday I will get blood and urine tests again and if things have cleared up they will probably reschedule surgery for the next week. I will have to wait and see. As much as I dread the prospects, I do want to get this over with and behind me before something worse happens.
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