PERSONAL UPDATE – I didn’t get one of these out last week due to preparing to go into the hospital for a heart catherization. I went in on Sunday for hydration and then the procedure on Monday. They kept me over until Tuesday evening. The results were not very encouraging as there is some artery blockage and they want to do a heart bypass. I wanted to wait and think about the matter and came home. I am scheduled to see a heart surgeon on September 11th. I first told the cardiologist I just wanted to deal with this medically and he gave me some new meds. But as I think more about it, the wiser decisions is probably to go ahead with it as a heart attack could cause some real damage. I am concerned about this type of surgery, as I know they have to put you on a ventilator, etc. and I hate those things. It is the last thing I ever want to be kept on as I have seen so many lingering on them. I’d rather go home and be with the Lord and have so indicated in a “living will.” Your prayers in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
MURDER IN THE FAMILY – I don’t know how many of you may have seen the Fox News Special a couple weeks ago about “honor killings” but it was quite an eye opener. There are some 5,000 wives or daughters killed each year by Muslims in so called “honor killings.” They may be done for several reasons such as the dishonor associated with a divorce; a daughter dating an unbeliever; refusals to be a party to an arranged marriage; or women working. The report also told of two sisters being murdered by their Muslim father. Some 50,000 cases around the world keep women cautious. The United Nation reports thousands of such cases each year. Information was also given that one fourth of all Muslims in America don’t believe that American ways should be practiced. I find it difficult to understand why any American woman would convert to the Muslim religion knowing these facts when you consider the male subordination of women. Of course Islam denies having anything to do with honor killings but the fact that these honor killings are done by Muslims certainly raises serious questions to my mind. My, how thankful Christians should be for a loving God that calls for spiritual equality for men and women alike.
RICK WARREN’S SADDLEBACK CHURCH – The discussion this Saturday evening conducted in the church with Rick Warren questioning Barack Obama and John McCain gave me a far better view of McCain than I have had up to this point. McCain has said little about his faith up to this point and I have wondered (and doubted) if he is a Christian. However, this forum did reveal him as a Christian and a member of a Baptist Church in Arizona, something I had not known previously. McCain came across clearly and I believe approvingly to a far greater degree to the audience than did Obama. I do have questions about a church being involved to this degree in the political process but it was done quite well. Giving an equal voice to the same questions to each candidate separately was a unique and different approach than what we normally see and it did give us a better opportunity to evaluate both candidates. It was two hours well spent listening to their answers, asked in a far different manner than what we usually see from the media. I hope you were able to see and hear it.
THE PSALMS ALWAYS A COMFORT – Over the years I have always found the Psalms a comfort in times of heartache and the need to find strength in times of trial. I found Psalm 94 helpful in recent days. Verse 14 says, “For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.” Even though we know the verses were originally applied to the people of Israel, they are still applicable to His present day people, the followers of Christ. Verse 17 says, “Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost [soon] dwelt in silence.” Verse 19 says, “ In the multitude of my thoughts within me the comforts delight my soul.” And then Verse 22, “But the LORD is my defense [high tower]; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” The Psalms always bring comfort and help in the time of need and they never grow old or out-dated. They are worth reading time and time again. I am presently rereading through my old Dickson Bible that I bought when I was sixteen years old and have kept it as a family Bible that bracketed helpful words as you note in the verses quoted. My first wife filled in the family tree pages for me, which helps me with some family birthdays, etc. Sadly, I have not kept them up. Anyway, whether you read the old KJV, the new KJV or some other modern translation, they are always a blessing. I would encourage you to read them often.
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