TERRIBLE WINDS – Sunday we had several hours of winds with gusts up to 80 mph. We have never seen anything like it here before. We have a lot of trees and our yard was covered with twigs, leaves and branches. Several trees had many good sized limbs broken off and we are still waiting for the tree company to come and clean those up for us. Trying to make phone calls for prescriptions and doctors appointments, etc. just did not go through. Thousands have been without electricity and many still don’t have it back. My son Gary and family were without power for more than a day. Kroger and others are still not open with thousands of dollars worth of food spoiled. Fortunately and surprisingly, our power stayed on. Driving through town on the way to the lab for tests was difficult because the stoplights were out. People were searching for ice and water and trying to figure out how to prepare meals as restaurants were without power too. We are so thankful this is not the middle of winter or the difficulty would have been far more serious. We shouldn’t complain too much because those in Texas and elsewhere lost their homes from this storm. Patty and Al live just a little east of Houston and they are still without electricity and have suffered some damage from fallen trees but they themselves are okay.
PERSONAL STUFF & SURGERY DATE – Tests taken Monday showed things all cleared up so they have given me a new surgery date for next Thursday at 7:30. I could have had it this Thursday but that would not have given family time to get off to take me in or for Patty to arrive from Texas. I dread what is before me but I will be glad to get it behind me. / Betty will get bone scans again this Friday. She didn’t get a treatment the past two months as her blood count is down so they are going to check and see what is going on.
DON’T YOU WONDER – Aside from the depravity of man, don’t you wonder, as I do, about how people can so easily commit murder? I heard yesterday of someone being killed over a bale of straw. When did a life become worth less that a bale of straw? I often wonder if all the mayhem on television and in the theatres. Then there are the violent electronic, games that 97% of all boys and 93% of all girls play and I wonder if they have something to do with violent attitudes. Human values have declined so greatly in my lifetime. All the gore, murder and violence displayed makes one wonder if it doesn’t help create these things. I also wonder if present circumstances haven’t become much like they were before (without our modern contrivances) God’s judgment when he destroyed all life except for Noah, his family and the animals in the ark. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if God were to bring the Tribulation judgments upon earth very soon. Surely the Rapture can’t be very far off, keep looking up.
CARNALITY – I used the word “carnal” in a recent “Musings” and a young lady asked me about where it is found in the Bible and if it is possible for Christians to be carnal? Here is the list: “Carnal,” Romans 7:14, Romans 8:7, I Corinthians 3:3 and “carnally,” Genesis 19:5, Judges 10:22 and Romans 8:6. The word “fleshly” is found in 2 Corinthians 1:12, Hebrews 7:16 and I Peter 2:11. The word “carnal” (Sarkikos in the Greek) is from the word sarx, flesh, and signifies having the nature of flesh, i.e., sensual, controlled by animal appetites, governed by human nature, instead of by the Spirit of God; having its seat in the animal nature, with the added idea of weakness,, etc. as defined by W. E. Vine. Chapter eight in Romans speaks very clearly about this subject. All of us have the old fleshly nature. When we receive Christ as our Savior we are given God’s Spirit that opposes the old nature and enables us to live contrary to the carnal, fleshly nature. Sadly, Christians fail to allow the full working of the Holy Spirit in their lives and that fits the description Paul gave to the Corinthians (I Cor. 3:3) “for you are still carnal.” So, we learn from this that it is possible to be a Christian and to also be “carnal.” I know of denominations that teach the possibility of “sinless perfection” and some even claim the position. Whenever I hear such claims or teachings I am reminded of I John 1:8 which says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” The Apostle John wrote this to believers as noted in I John 2:1, MY little children.” So we know that even as believers we are often prone to fleshly sin. I’ve never forgotten the story from years ago of a missionary who lead an Indian Chief to Christ. Years later the missionary returned and asked the old chief how he was doing. His response was, “Inside me are two dogs that fight all the time.” The missionary asked him, “Which one wins out?” The chief’s reply, “The one I say sick-um to the most.” Most of you have heard one version or another of that before but it does clearly speak to the Apostle Paul’s teaching in Romans 7:15-25 and the conflict he experienced. Every Christian faces the same conflict and will until we receive our new spiritual bodies in glory. Having said all of this, I want to add an additional comment of concern. When I observe someone who professes to be a Christian, while continually walking in the flesh, without any evidence of occasions when they arise above that condition by manifesting the conflict and showing some signs of spirituality, serious questions are raised in my mind. I fear there are many who will find themselves outside the gate on judgment day. But, I am not the Judge and He will care for all those matters.
POLITICAL LIES, ETC. – The political rhetoric and the TV ads that fill our screens, along with the multiplied number of inter-net blogs, raise serious questions to my mind. Information is twisted; statements are cut away from context to make false claims about another. Reporters build issues that never existed to turn the news toward their favored candidate, etc. What has happened to truth and integrity? Candidates claim to be Christians while making false accusations about the opposition. Politicians claiming certain things to be factual and then say the exact opposite to oppose the other party. Is it possible for a politician to be a person of faith with such two faced actions? If and when they win the office they seek, how in the world can we trust them to run the government in meeting the needs of the citizenry and dealing with the nations of the world? Why do they want the office so badly that they are willing to lie, act unethically, cutting others down, while calling them friends and declaring their respect for them? The supposed civility belies their words and actions. Is it pride that sends them seeking such positions? Is it the wealth they expect to gain? We hopefully look toward the end after the election, but no, the same will continue as they fail to fulfill their election claims and lies after obtaining office! It is enough to make us cry out, “Come King Jesus!” All this will not end until He is enthroned.
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