Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 2008 #2

TIMES HAVE CHANGED & SO HAVE I – A week or so ago I was walking toward AAA where my daughter-in-law works. As it turns out the door was locked as they had closed earlier than I expected. Donna was still inside and she saw me coming and opened the door to see what I wanted. As she opened the door she told me what her co-worker had said, “I wonder what that old man wants that is coming here?” That really marked me as I was walking in my slow gait. Between my sore joints, balance problems and white hair, this old man has slowly arrived to a time of slow motion. Moving on with the thought that struck me as I learned of that reference to “that old man,” I never referred to my Father as “the old man.” I always thought it disrespectful when people referred to their fathers as “the old man.” Until later years most fathers are active, still doing their job, etc. and I don’t think the term fits. I don’t think my own children have ever spoken of me in that manner and have always shown the respect do to a father or parent and so it should be. When you evaluate the biblical, patriarchal system the father was highly regarded. Elders are always referred to in a respectful manner, recognizing authority or their wisdom and care they have provided the children when they were growing up. Too much of that seems to be discounted and disregarded today. My father professed to have been saved as a young man but never lived as though he was all the years I knew him, but I still respected him as my father. I guess I should have saved this one for Father’s Day rather than right after Mother’s Day. Since Mother’s Day has just passed I will acknowledge the same respect attitude toward my mother even though I know she lived far from a believer’s life all the years I knew her. It is so strange that both my parents had godly parents and made early professions but did not end up living the life. They paid a price for turning their backs on their moorings but still, I respected them and never used the “old lady” or “old man” terminology that some do.

ISSUE ORIENTATION – When I started out in ministry Dr. Robert Ketchum was the head of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. He kept the issues of ecclesiastical and personal separation before the fellowship and the world at large. Modernism, Neo-evangelicalism and the various doctrinal issues such as the Virgin Birth, a literal interpretation of Scriptures that included revealing those who denied the miracles found in the Bible. I often wonder where his counterparts and others like him are today. The young pastors in evangelical and fundamental churches stick real close to their expository preaching (teaching) and issues are seldom if ever raised. If that is too broad a stroke please let me know but I believe the statement is generally true. If the issues of sin, false teachings and movements are not mentioned how do we expect young Christians to be on guard and protected from the wiles of the devil? If issues are not dealt with in today’s preaching, why not in writings? The “old timers” preached on these things and wrote about them both. Expository preaching doesn’t have to be neglected while dealing with the issues. They can be intermingled, believe it or not! Have issues relating to sins and areas of separation departed from our midst? I think not! Sin continues on an ever-growing scale, as do biblical and moral issues. What is happening is that the prophetic events of the “falling away” as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 are taking place. We are fearful people will no longer listen to the truth if we don’t stay on a non-confrontational positive presentation. Are we yielding to events of the last day apostasy as mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that ends with “Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth?” Or perhaps those described in 2 Timothy 4:3 when people “will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears?” I guess I have gone to preaching now but I fear we have taken a considerable departure from yesterdays preaching. One of the benefits of expository preaching is that as you systematically work through you can hit on all the sensitive topics without being accused of preaching at particular people, that is if you give the issues and opportunity to come through, illustrated with current events. There are times when topical preaching is needed but often those areas of need can be fit into the expository messages.

ILLUSTRATIONS – I remember leading one of our church plants through the process of call their first regular pastor. We continued to live in the area and attend the church when we were at home. Sometimes my wife and daughter attended while I was traveling. The young man always had a good Biblical outline but they were a little flat but I said nothing. One day when I was home the pastor called on me and asked my advice on how to find illustrations for his sermons. Since he asked I was free to tell him what he needed to know without offense and I gave a bit of advice that really changed his messages from flat to interesting. I remember having the same problem years earlier. I bought a couple books of illustrations but they didn’t work too well as they were mostly from another age and didn’t fit too well. I finally dumped the books of illustrations having learned there are ample illustrations in every day life. I shared with the young pastor that as he goes about his business, doing his visitation etc., he would have plenty of illustrations if he would just open his eyes to them. He was sharp and began using natural everyday events (and issues) to illustrate his sermons. When you live your life among people as you minister the illustrations will come. Of course you have to be careful to not let what you observe come through as personal, involving individuals that might be hurt or embarrassed.

OBAMA’S TAX BILL – There is not much in Barack Obama’s brief Senatorial experience for him to point to that helps build his case toward elect ability this fall. Recently Barack has sponsored the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) that will force U.S. taxpayers to fork over as much as 0.7 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product or $845,000,000,000.00 on welfare to third-world countries. This could come up for a vote as early as May 24th. U.S. citizens need to wake up and scream to the high heavens about the terrible disaster this would bring on our nation. While your complaining about this one, remember the other tax increases he is for and if your planning to vote for this man this fall, you’d better find someone far better to vote for. Check out Human Events and The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF.ORG) if you want confirmation about this Senate Bill. We aren’t doing too well on many welfare issues that already exist here at home without adding this to monies already going abroad to nations that hate us.

DECLINING DOLLAR – The decline in the value of the dollar is adding to inflation in this country and making it difficult for our missionaries to continue their ministries of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be much in prayer for them.

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