TEACHING PROVERBS – The small group class that I assist in teaching is into a new series of studies in Proverbs dealing with assorted topics found within the book. This past week the youth pastor that teaches it had to be out of town so I taught the lesson on “Ticked Off!” that dealt with anger, it’s dangers and ways to overcome it. It was a good lesson for me to study and teach as it really dealt with some personal issues reminding me anew of areas in my own life. Frustrations, impatience and various things that often lead to anger and possibly violence. Christians have the advantage of the Holy Spirit dwelling in their lives to give control in these circumstances. Still, our human natures get us off track and into situations we’d rather not be in. Hopefully, as we mature in our faith we improve in our relationships at home, in the church and at work. Often people make the excuse when they lose their tempers, “I couldn’t help myself.” The point was made that we can help it, because we all do control our anger, depending upon the circumstances and the damage it might cause, even the loss of a job, etc. Therefore, we can help and control our tempers with God’s help in assorted situations. Some of the verses considered were: Proverbs 10:12; 17:9; 15:1; 16:32; 17:1; 17:14; 19:11 and James 1:10-20. If you want a good Bible study and some personal help in this area take time to read and medicate on these verses. They reiterated areas we all need reminders of.
DAVID GIVES ME A GOOD REMINDER – As I read Psalm 73 again today I received a much-needed reminder. This is the chapter where David was envious of the seeming prosperity and successes of the wicked in the face of his own difficult circumstances. I think we have all been there. We listen to lying politicians and observe the greed of CEO’s, with all their prosperity, and the wicked world leaders and their uncaring attitude toward their own people and we wonder how they can hold and maintain such power while living such immoral lives with no seeming consequences. We need to take the same pause David took in verses 16 & 17 as we observe these conditions and feel sorry for ourselves, “When I thought how to understand this, it was too painful for me—until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end.” We have all eternity ahead of us to enjoy the prosperity of God’s provisions in the new Heaven and the new Earth, while the wicked will be suffering the consequences of their rejection of God’s standards. Look up and rejoice, praise our Savior for His forgiveness that turned out lives around, keeping us from destiny of the wicked.
REMEMBERING A SATANIC MOMENT – I have not told the following story many times over the years, not knowing if people would believe me, but it was an experience I will never forget, though it may be one you might question, it was very real and frightening to me. I use to deliver telegrams for Western Union during my junior year in high school. I was living with friends in Baker, Oregon and paying $30.00 a month for room and board (an amount far less than it was worth at the time because teenagers eat a lot). As kids will often do, I was questioning in my mind the things I had heard about God, Satan and such matters, as I was delivering my last bundle of telegrams before going home. It was dark and about 8:00 p.m. as I rode my bicycle through the streets delivering the last telegrams of the day. In those days street light were hung on telephone/power poles at street corners and they were simply large open light bulbs, unlike today’s vapor lights. The thought going through my mind was this: “If Satan is so powerful, why doesn’t he prove himself by making that street light just ahead go out.” The thought had no sooner crossed my mind than that large light bulb exploded, not just burned out. That event made such an impression on my mind that I never again tested the devil and his capabilities with such a question. I was convinced then and I am to this very day, that Satan wants to use his powers to control and use people in his war against God. He will work his miracles to deceive, mislead and empower people who might want power by being willing to follow his will. Laugh or scoff if you will, but the Bible is very clear in it’s teachings about the reality of Satan and his demons who is workings to keep people from God and to do his vile biddings, even as he tempted the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness prior to His public ministry. Beware and be sure that you have accepted and know Jesus Christ as your personal redeemer. There is a coming world ruler that will be empowered by Satan to lead the world in a battle against the Savior when He returns with His own to establish His Kingdom on Earth.
REUTERS NEWS ITEM JUNE 6TH – Yahoo’s News reported an article from Reuters, “Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister” by Dan Williams said, “An Israel attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks “unavoidable” given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s deputies said on Friday.” “It Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective.” Transport Minister Shaul Mofax told the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahrononoth newspaper.” You might recall that Israeli planes destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981 and apparently they are poised to do so again with Iran. We haven’t seen this reported in most of the news media but we have to know we are living in a very unstable time when hostilities could very quickly break out in the middle east, preparing the world for biblical prophetic events. Treacherous times are ahead. Keep looking up.
KID STUFF FROM THE PAST – Kids today entertain themselves with TV, videos, digital games, etc. When I was a child none of these things existed and we had to find different ways to entertain ourselves, often requiring a bit of imagination. Spending most of my junior age years in eastern Oregon, lumbering was the major industry. There were many sawmills that turned the huge logs brought down from the mountains to be milled or cut into various sizes of lumber, such as 1 X 12 boards, 2 x 4’s, 4 x 4’s, etc. Consequently we used to burn a lot of “slab wood” from the bark cut off from the logs prior to cutting the boards. Often the slabs would be maybe 10-12 feet long and perhaps 6-12 inches wide, depending on the size of the log they were cut off of. As boys we would take these long slabs and build 10 or 15 foot tall, four sided forts, to play cowboys and Indians or maybe from which to have rock fights on these wood lots. There were also other opportunities to make play things from board ends. When the mills planed off the various lengths of boards to the specified lengths that would leave a lot of extra wood that was often sold for firewood. It made great kindling, especially if it had some pitch in it. These board ends were great to shape like boats to play in water (or puddles), swords to do battle like knights of old. Sometimes we cut out play guns and nailed a clothespin to the handle. We could then shoot circles of half-inch wide rubber from old inner tubes. Those were far different days, providing fun with inexpensive and hand made toys.
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