Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 2008 #1

AFRICAN AMERICAN, NOT – A couple of “Musings” back I used the term “African American” and a dear friend and fellow B.C.P. missionary set me right when he told me, “I am not an African American, I am a Black American, born here in the U.S.A., not Africa.” He made it adequately clear that had he been born in Africa the title would fit but it does not since he was born here in the States. I also learned that people like Jessie Jackson and others had started the term African American as the politically correct term to use. His suggestion made sense to me and I stand corrected. What I would like to know, if a poll of blacks in this country could be taken on this subject, how many would prefer Black American in contrast to how many may have bought into the African American pitch by the liberal circle of Jessie Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s and others?

OUR SHRINKING GLOBE – I am not a world traveler, nor were my parents or grandparents. Please understand I am not using the term in any political sense. As far as I know my parents and grandparents probably never left this country. I have been in Canada several times and on one occasion did park on this side of the Mexican border and walked into a small sleepy town right on the border to visit a few shops and the sights of Mexican’s on a sleepy afternoon who were slowly setting up the area for some celebration for some time in the future. We walked in because we didn’t have Mexican insurance for the car, knowing they wouldn’t accept our insurance if there should be an accident. Younger family members are becoming world travelers. My son-in-law did some computer work for hospitals on a couple of West Indies Islands and Patty went with him on occasion. My grandchildren, while in Bible College traveled abroad with their singing groups. Now, my granddaughter and her family are missionaries in Brazil and her mother has just returned from visiting them. Other missionaries travel back and forth to whatever country God has called them. People of means now take vacations in all sorts of places around the world and our politicians as well. The military travels great distances around the world in very short periods of time. Truly, our world has shrunk, considering the rapid means of travel by air. A generation or two ago most people could only dream of other lands they might read about. Our world has really changed and the stage is being set for all the prophetic events that the Bible tells us about. Wow!

ANGRY REPORTERS & WASTE – You probably heard the news this week as I did, telling how Barack Obama had a secret meeting with Hillary Clinton while reporters sat on a plane expecting Obama to return to the plane and fly to Washington D.C. Instead of Obama returning for the flight the plane flew all the reporters to Washington D.C. without him. They were told Obama had not returned, they had simply assumed he had. I think I would be angry too after such a wait and then needlessly being flown to a destiny where they could not continue their reporting assignment. On top of that, just image not only the waste of the reporter’s time but also the waste of expensive flight fuel without cause or reason! Obama is known for his inexperience and now you can add his wastefulness of expensive fuel to the list of his shortcomings. I wonder if this will affect reporters seeming approval of Obama as their choice for the presidency? (Smile)

PRESIDENTIAL IGNORANCE OF ISLAM – I don’t know if you have heard of President Bush’s orders to prevent offending Muslim Jihadists. Quoting Robert Spencer’s article, “No Jihadis Here!” in Human Events for May 5th, 2008: “Fantasy-based policy making is never wise. Yet that is what the Bush Administration has embarked upon – yet again, years after the President proclaimed Islam a “religion of peace” – with these Orwellian new directives.” This was said in relation to, “Last week the State Department, the department of Homeland Security and National Counter Terrorism Center issued new guidelines forbidding personnel from using the words “jihad” or “jihadist” in reference to Islamic terrorism and its perpetrators. A Homeland Security report tellingly titled “Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations from American Muslins” explains that this initiative comes from a concern not to offend moderate Muslims. By calling the terrorists “Jihadists,” American officials could be “unintentionally portraying terrorists, who lack moral and religious legitimacy, as brave fighters, legitimate soldiers, or spokesmen for ordinary Muslims.” Using the term “jihad” may not be “strategic.” Why not? “Because it glamorizes terrorism, imbues terrorists with religious authority they do not have and damages relations with Muslims around the world.” American officials “should not concede the terrorists’ claim that they are legitimate adherents of Islam.” – The reality is, jihad” is the Koran’s term that their believers are to practice in the process of converting unbelievers to their faith that includes the murder of unbelievers if they fail to convert or to yield to a special taxation. This is a real part of their religion. Someone needs to educate the President and the nations liberals to the reality of what Islam believes and practices, the destruction of any who do not convert to their religion. There are no real “Moderate Muslims” if they believe their own Shari’ah Law, the Koran and their faith. Such misunderstandings are going to lead our nation down the rose strewn path to destruction if they don’t wake up before it is too late! Some serious reading and study would lead the President and the liberal media to the truth rather than listening to the American Muslin Council.

OBEDIENCE TO PARENTS – Scriptures give a promise of long life (Eph. 6:1-2) to those who obey their parents. Sometimes children think their parents are tyrants that are trying to keep them from enjoying life. In reality, the majority of parents want the best for their children, even hoping and praying they will be far more successful in life than themselves. There are times when a parent’s warnings or “don’ts” are for their children’s protection. My daughter Patty could testify to the following incident that was for her own protection and she wisely listened to what we told her, even though we were not free to express our reason for the warnings or direction at the time. A young man in one of our churches took an interest in her and would drive her from church to home and also took her out to lunch or dinner several times. I had learned things about the young man I was not at liberty to share at the time and I had asked Patty to very carefully break off seeing him and to no longer let him drive her home after church, etc. Many girls would have argued, rebelled and maybe sneaked around to continue seeing the boy, thinking I was trying to keep her from enjoying the company of a friend and needlessly interfering in her life. She chose to obey her parents and in time she understood our instructions. The young man had not only stolen from us but from others. In time he ended up in trouble with the law and was eventually sent to prison. By obedience Patty was spared some dangerous circumstances and what could have been a life of heartbreak.

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