QUILT – THANKS: I have a patchwork quilt on my bed. I got this out of a missionary cupboard some time ago. Ladies of the church had made it to help their missionaries. As I lay there in my bed I remember getting a lot things from these cupboards over the years. I even started these cupboards in churches that I had started to help other missionaries. As I lay under that quilt I got to thinking back through the years of God’s people making my ministry possible. There were love offerings, gifts for speaking in the churches and faithful monthly support, some of which continues today helping me in retirement. God’s people have been very gracious to me. A passage that comes to mind is I Timothy 6:17-19, “the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life.” You have given and shared with me and you certainly share in any fruit that has been borne. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
SALVATION: A young man that has been attending the church the past few months received Christ a couple weeks ago. I have so enjoyed visiting and sharing with him. Praise the Lord!
TAYLORS: My granddaughter Christen and family have finished their four-year term in Brazil and are home now. We have been doing some sightseeing with them this week before they start reporting to their supporting churches. Pray they will be safe in their travels and that they will regain lost support.
NASA: NASA was one of the places we went to. I’d been there years ago and I was surprised that they had a lot of kids things to play that had nothing to do with what NASA is all about. We did see something about the moon and planets. I guess the kids things draws in families.
FATHER’S DAY: Many this month are celebrating their fathers. Fathers are special people, having a great input in the lives of their children. My father was a hard working man and I never knew him to be without work, even during the Great Depression when so many were out of work. He always managed to find something to do. I remember him coming home and laying on the living room floor for an hour or so and going out to work again. Though my father had godly parents those principles never showed through in his life. Any spiritual impact in my life had to come from my grandparents on both sides. I asked my dad one day if he had ever received Christ as his Savior and he claimed to have done so when he was young but I never saw any indication of it. I will have to wait and see in glory.
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