Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 2009 #1

PERSONAL: Betty is presently undergoing radiation each day for ten days to shrink a brain tumor that was causing severe headaches and affecting her left eye. The eyelid stays closed and hopefully this will correct as the tumor shrinks and no longer presses on a nerve that causes her problem. It is amazing how much she has had to go through. It seems there is no end to treatments, one thing after another. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE: Several times I have heard about “Christian homosexuals.” This is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one. How can these people claim to be Christians when they are practicing what God so clearly forbids? If God destroyed Sodom for the wickedness of homosexuality in the Old Testament why would anyone believe it is acceptable in the New Testament as a part of Christianity? A homosexual can repent of his or her sin and accept Christ and put their sin behind them but they cannot find the practice any more acceptable during this church age than it was in Old Testament.
SOCIAL SECURITY: Greta Van Susteran (spelling??) has reported on Fox a $700,000.00 dance and party in Phoenix, Arizona held for Social Security managers from all across the country having been flown in for this and put up in an expensive four-star hotel. How can this sort of thing be justified by our government in these economic times when so many are out of work and many others spend nine to twelve months trying to get signed up for their benefits. Someone needs to be fired.
LIFE AS A HOME MISSIONARY: If God should call you to be a home missionary plan to make many moves. As I look back over the years there were many moves to start churches and to minister to need works. Some moves were for short periods and others lasted two to five years. It is hard on the wife and the children. Wives like to put down roots and children don’t like having to make new friends. There are always adjustments to make. Thankfully I had a wife that stood behind me in those many moves. She use to say, “Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.” And she did. As hard as moving was we had the joy of many friends in many places across the country and when we traveled their were place to stop and spend a night. In time we were able to purchase a small motor home and latter travel trailers. They helped, giving us our own bed to sleep in wherever we traveled. Perhaps I’ll add to these thoughts another time

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