Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September #1

PERSONAL ITEMS: Betty had a chemo treatment last week, the first after several months and is having some side effects from it causing some head pain and swelling. We do appreciate your prayers for her. / As for me, after attending all church services for years of ministry, I now feel a bit guilty of not attending any. The various problems I am having makes it difficult being out and getting around. The fuzzy headedness and diabetic neuropathy I’ve mentioned before keeps me in.

REMEMBERING A FRIEND; I met Henry while working at Boeings in Seattle. He had graduated from a Bible College and wanted to get into full time Christian work. We held lunch time Bible studies whenever we could find any interested parties. I was working to maintain my family along with starting my first church. Wanting an opportunity to preach I invited him to come and preach for me on a particular Sunday. He came and I introduced him to our little flock and turned the preaching time over to him. He had difficulty delivering his sermon and in less than ten minutes sat down and I got up and finished his message for him. It was quite an embarrassment for him. Though he couldn’t handle preaching, in time he was a lifesaver to us. The time came when I could no longer manage working at Boeing and keep the church going so I quit Boeing, taking a step of faith not knowing how I’d provide for my family. A man in the church told me of an older couple that needed their house painted which I did but the profit from that didn’t last long. About the same time Henry quit Boeing also and got a job that paid better by installing insulation in new homes. Whenever I needed help paying the bills, etc. Henry would let me work with him, being paid per foot of insulation installed. Though he was better and faster at it than I was he would split the days earnings with me. Many times Henry’s generosity saved the day for us. Sad to say, Henry is missed, having gone on to his reward early. It is amazing how God has raised up people to make our ministry possible. The list is long, many of whom are those who receive these “Musings.” Thank you for your prayers and support.

GOD IS IN CONTROL: As I listen to the news there are many troubling things going on and I wonder how it is all going to turn out. There is high governmental indebtedness, with more coming. Hardly a day goes by but what someone is murdered right here in Columbus. Whenever I get started thinking about such things, I have to remind myself that God is in control.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 2009 #1

PERSONAL: Betty is presently undergoing radiation each day for ten days to shrink a brain tumor that was causing severe headaches and affecting her left eye. The eyelid stays closed and hopefully this will correct as the tumor shrinks and no longer presses on a nerve that causes her problem. It is amazing how much she has had to go through. It seems there is no end to treatments, one thing after another. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE: Several times I have heard about “Christian homosexuals.” This is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one. How can these people claim to be Christians when they are practicing what God so clearly forbids? If God destroyed Sodom for the wickedness of homosexuality in the Old Testament why would anyone believe it is acceptable in the New Testament as a part of Christianity? A homosexual can repent of his or her sin and accept Christ and put their sin behind them but they cannot find the practice any more acceptable during this church age than it was in Old Testament.
SOCIAL SECURITY: Greta Van Susteran (spelling??) has reported on Fox a $700,000.00 dance and party in Phoenix, Arizona held for Social Security managers from all across the country having been flown in for this and put up in an expensive four-star hotel. How can this sort of thing be justified by our government in these economic times when so many are out of work and many others spend nine to twelve months trying to get signed up for their benefits. Someone needs to be fired.
LIFE AS A HOME MISSIONARY: If God should call you to be a home missionary plan to make many moves. As I look back over the years there were many moves to start churches and to minister to need works. Some moves were for short periods and others lasted two to five years. It is hard on the wife and the children. Wives like to put down roots and children don’t like having to make new friends. There are always adjustments to make. Thankfully I had a wife that stood behind me in those many moves. She use to say, “Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.” And she did. As hard as moving was we had the joy of many friends in many places across the country and when we traveled their were place to stop and spend a night. In time we were able to purchase a small motor home and latter travel trailers. They helped, giving us our own bed to sleep in wherever we traveled. Perhaps I’ll add to these thoughts another time

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 2009 #1

PRAYER FOR BETTY: Betty is presently going through radiation on her back & tailbone. She has had six days and has a total of twelve treatments, going into the oncologist each day. She has a lot of pain laying on the radiation table but it is a short treatment. Hopefully this will ease the bone pain she has been experiencing.

PREACHER OBAMA; Turn on the news (Fox) most any weekday late morning or early afternoon and you are more than likely to hear President Obama speaking. He is not preaching the Good News he is preaching more big government, a favorite topic of his. Bigger government, more power, authority, rules, agencies, czars, etc. are increasing government jobs. His stimulus package is not doing much to create new jobs abound the nation, only government jobs. The reality is that our children and grandchildren will be working for the government for many years to come to pay the tax bill. / The media is still entranced with Obama, even when his swift hand kills an annoying fly, great news stuff. If that doesn’t catch your fancy keeping watching, you will get to see the family dog or his rushing out with a caravan of limousines to purchase hamburgers. He even brought some back to those who weren’t in the caravan. I never did see who paid for the hamburgers. / The taxpayers did get to pay thousands of dollars for dinner and a play in New York. Can you imagine the flack President Bush would of received had he done the same when he was in office? / We haven’t seen anything yet, just wait until Obama gets his socialized medical plan passed that is similar to what Canada and England has. My son John was under that plan when he and his wife Ethel served as missionaries in Canada. He had gall bladder problems and writhed in pain on the floor at times because the government declared the problem related to elective surgery. It took months of agony before he received surgical relief. If you have never had a serious gall bladder attack, believe me, it is something more than just an “elective” procedure. You would take a knife and cut it out yourself if you were able.

REAL SPIRITUAL WORK: “John 6:29, Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.” Too often we apply or claim wrong things as spiritual work. There is no spiritual work done by us until we start from this point, knowing first that we belong to the Savior, then we can serve him and know we will receive His reward.

Friday, June 5, 2009

May 2009 #1

PERSONALS: It has been some time since I sent out a Musings and many are asking what happened to the “Musings”?. Between Betty and I doctoring and not feeling the best I just haven’t felt up to writing or doing much of anything, other than over using my recliner night & day. Further, my vision had declined making reading very difficult. / Betty has developed double vision and been to the eye doctor a number of time and had MRI’s taken to try and find out what is causing the problem, including a minor surgery to check the blood vessels at her temple. Nothing was found so she is seeing the eye doctor regularly to keep tabs while wearing an eye patch over one eye.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: I turn eighty on the 18th and the kids planned a big celebration for me over the Memorial Day weekend. There were 24 of us sharing a joyous time together. Patty can early and stayed for two weeks that has been a rich blessing. My what a great sacrifice on their part coming from as far away as Oregon. I never expected such an honor and blessing. Nor did I expect to reach this age but God has graciously allowed it and I take things as they come.

TATTOOS: I wrote previously about tattoos and someone responded with the following: “Do you really think tattoos are a mimicry of satanic practices in modern-day culture: A lot of mandates God set in the Old Testament for the Israelites aren’t applicable – times change along with cultures. A tattoo that can spark a conversation about faith in Christ doesn’t seem like a negating thing to me.” I don’t want to give a lot of space and time to this topic but here I go. The Ten Commandments come to mind and I find it interesting that nine of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, with the exception of keeping the Sabbath. They were good for Israel and they are good for the present age as well. The Old Testament sets the stage for the New Testament and it is valuable for us today, else God would not have preserved it for us. Therefore we learn from it and find it applicable in so many ways. Old or New Testament, as a Christian I choose to forgo tattoos believing that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and not to be so abused. Anyone who chooses differently, that is between them and their Lord but I find it difficult as a believer to do so. Further, the God of the O.T. is the same as the God of the N.T. and what was wrong or immoral in one period is wrong and immoral in the others. Culture should not amend God’s standards.

GAY QUEEN: Can you believe this: A gay male in a Los Angeles high school was voted to be their prom queen. What a slap in the face for girls of the school. I think if I had been the prom king I would have stepped down from the position. For that matter I would have skipped the prom. Sodom and Gomorrah here we come.

FEWER POLICE & FIREMEN: Economic problems are causing the firing of police and firemen, endangering our communities. We desperately need to see a turn around or we are going to see an increase of criminal activity. Do you find it interesting (or a sad day) that Obama is increasing the size of government, hiring new czars, etc. rather than a true stimulus that increases employment for society at large?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 2009 #2

PRAYER REQUEST FOR BETTY: You would think that Betty has had enough afflictions without adding another but here is a new one. Several weeks ago she started having double vision. We took her for an eye exam and the doctor ordered a brain MRI to make sure there were no brain tumors involved, considering her other cancer problems. Thankfully no tumors were found. Apparently sets of nerves are causing the double vision. Usually after about six months or so they correct themselves. She is wearing a patch to help avoid the double vision for now. Please pray this condition will correct itself in a short time, as it is quite difficult to deal with. She doesn’t complain and takes all these things in stride.

PATTY SURPRISE: My daughter Patty gave us a pleasant surprise this month and flew in for a few days. What a joy and a delight having her help and presence from Tuesday through Sunday and returning home on Monday. Then on Thursday she & Al had to drive out to Kansas to be there for the birth of a new grandchild early on Saturday morning by “C” Section, Abigail. Lynne Lee (ALL). Pray for Laura as she heals from the surgery. She and Mark are going to have their hands full with three small children, each fourteen months apart. I think that makes my 10th great grandchild, plus two on Betty’s side.

NOTRE DAME & OBAMA: Notre Dame has schedule conferring an Honorary Doctorate on President Barack Obama in May. Many alumni and others are up in arms over this. Notre Dame is a highly esteemed Catholic University representing their faith as well as high academic standards. Obama’s early on decision to approve funding international abortions and lifting the ban on stem cell research is contrary to Catholic faith and is thus raising serious questions in the minds of faithful and church leadership. Without a question it is seen as hypocritical and many are having a problem understanding the Universities decision. I am sure cancellation of conferring this honorary doctorate is out of the question but certain should be cancelled as a rebuff of President Obama’s immoral stance.

FOREVER STAMPS; Be sure to stock up on the Forever Stamps before the postage rate goes up so you can save a couple cents on postage for a while. These rate increases hurt Christian mailers as well as others and speaks to the trouble the U. S. Postal service is in. They are laying off more people and are talking of ending Saturday delivery of the mail. Times are changing and the cost of living and ministry is going up

ONE WORLD MONEY; China, France and other countries are calling for new money for the U.S.A. and others that would destroy the dollar. Such a move would also move us closer to the One World Order setting the stage for the Anti-Christ. Hopefully our government is smarter than that but I am beginning to wonder. Obama has just left for the G20 Summit meeting in an effort to get other countries to go along with his plan to spend their way into a stronger economy. One British parliamentarian has strongly condemned Obama and Brown for their financial plans. Thankfully a few are crying out.

MORE ON TATOOS; My son Gary sent the following: “I saw an article about a youth pastor who encouraged his students to go with him to get “Christian” tattoos, like the ones he proudly displayed, covering his own body. I guess he didn’t know that his actions and his tattoos were a form of idolatry, a mimicry of satanistic practices, as well as an act strictly forbidden by God.”

“Moses wrote in Leviticus 19:28: “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, NOR TATTOO ANY MARKS ON YOU. I AM the LORD.” (NKVJ)

“I guess he was more interested in gaining a following for himself, rather than leading his students into gaining a personal knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ.”

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 2009 #1

BAD PARENTING: A co-missionary reminded me of problem we seldom hear much about, parents who teach their children to steal. One of my “Musings” brought it to his mind which in turn reminded me of an event many years ago when I managed the Sprouse Reitz Variety Stores. I was transferred to manage the store in Camas, Washington not long after the II World War. We had a lot of junk merchandize to clear out after the war. We had a large stock of men’s sox without elastic tops. Rubber was scarce during the war. I had marked down a lot of men’s sox and placed them on an end counter. Some were marked down more than others, being of better quality. In those days we had price tags held on by wire pins. I was up in my balcony office overlooking the store when I notice a mother and her two daughters at that end counter of sox. It was obvious what they were doing, switching price tags from the lesser valued sox with those that were of greater value. The mother was having her girls help make the switch. So, I went to the register to take the place of the clerk running it and waited for them to bring the merchandise to the check out. I quickly recognized what they had done and called them on the switch and told them to leave the store and to never return. I probably should have waited until they were outside the store, stopped them and called the police but that was too much hassle at the time. It is hard to believe parents would so teach their children to steal but apparently it still goes on. Parents will stand accountable before God for so teaching their children. We teach our children by example for good or bad and if you question that just observe how early small children pick up fowl language or slang when we don’t guard our tongues. Surely you have observed that.

CHANGING TERMS: Do you remember when the term “thousands of dollars” was used as a common term? Then we thought “a million dollars” was a lot of money. That has all changed as they now talk about multiplied “billions of dollars” and “trillions of dollars.” Have you noticed the change? Sad to say, most of us can’t even begin to comprehend what these new financial terms mean. I grew up at a time when a nickel bought a double scoop ice cream cone and a quarter bought a very large hamburger, a double tall glass milkshake and left over a nickel to buy a candy bar. It is hard to imagine our government giving away billions of dollars that when it is all said and done we won’t know what it bought. Our government has lost its compass and I am afraid we will have lost the Capitalism that made us great and exchanged it for European Socialism. Hang on; we are headed down the road of weakness and despair while setting the stage for Russia and the Arabs to move against Israel and ushering in the Great Tribulation. Call me a pessimist if you like but it has to come eventually and we should be rejoicing at the nearness of the coming rapture.

RELIGIOUS TRENDS; In case you missed it in the news there is a new report out now on religion that is causing quite a bit of discussion. (1) Catholics are now the largest religious group in the United States of America; (2) Baptists make up the second largest religious group; (3) Unbelievers have increased from 8% of our population to 15%; (4) More people now prefer not to identify themselves by any particular denominational group. This should concern true Christians for we are losing the battle for souls. We are also failing to make clear doctrinal distinctions. To reject a particular denomination group also means the lack of doctrinal beliefs because the various denominations held up certain Biblical beliefs. Those distinctions or beliefs are no longer important to people. For example, Baptists had convictions relating the importance of baptism and the autonomy of the local church; Methodism held up certain biblical beliefs based on the teachings of the Wesley brothers. Various founding beliefs have now been discarded for personal likes and dislikes rather than acceptance of biblical authority. These changes are moving to conditions that will make it easier for the anti-Christ to foist his anti-biblical positions upon the world. The further the churches move away to biblical authority the more susceptible people will be to the anti-Christ’s God denying leadership. Keep looking up.

OBAMA’S HYPOCRISY: President Barack Obama made promises while running for office that are rapidly being denied. He is finding it easier to make promises while seeking office than to fulfill them while facing a Democratically controlled Congress. Earmarks were suppose to go with his promises to scrutinize bills line by line, yet he just signed an omnibus bill with some 8,000 earmarks in it. Recognizing his own failure he refused to sign the bill publicly but did so behind closed doors with only a few present for the signing. Keep watching, this will not be his last showing of hypocrisy, there is no way he can keep the long list of promises made to his followers prior to the election. I wonder how long it will take those who voted for him to recognize their mistake.

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 2009 #3

REMOVING TATTOOS: What in the world does tattoo removal have to do with the stimulus package? How can this create jobs and get people back to work? Congressional leaders and their followers all need to have their heads examined, especially the one who added this to the list of perks in the stimulus package. You have to know our government passes bills without reading them, something they all admitted to when things like this show up. God have mercy on us. Just think, our children and grandchildren are going to have to pay the taxes on this stimulus bill that this generation has foisted on them.

NO BEAUTY OR MANLINESS HERE: It goes beyond my comprehension why anyone would so mark the bodies with tattoos. I have seen women parading themselves with their bodies being covered with tattoos exposed in their skimpy summer apparel. God created women beautiful and only pagans could think that tattoos add to their appearance as an improvement. Nor do tattoos add to the manliness of men. Many a man, once he matured and particularly having become Christians, have bemoaned the tattoos of their youth.

THE AMAZING GRACE OF GOD: The various books of the Bible repeats the historical events of Israel. Psalm 100 is an example of this. In verses 6 & 7 we are reminded of their repeating the sins of their fathers. Then we read verse 8, “Nevertheless He saved them, for His name’s sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.” Israel was unworthy of God’s grace and we are unworthy of God grace, yet for the sake of his covenant with Israel and his promise of eternal life to believers, He still bestows His grace upon us. Praise His holy name, we don’t thank Him enough for His grace.

LOOKING BACK TO WARMER DAYS: Cold wintery days with the snow, wind and cold rains turns the heart back to warmer spring and summer days. I did many different things to meet the needs of the family and to make it possible to minister to a little church that couldn’t afford to adequately provide for the pastor. One of the ladies who attended our church had a husband who worked for the city to maintain its parks. Through that connection I was able to get the job of mowing the several city parks. I spent many a day mowing around trees, shrubs and picnic tables and sharpening the mowers blades. Actually, it was a good job because I could enjoy the outdoors and it gave me plenty of time to think about the lessons and sermons I had to prepare. Mowing didn’t require a lot of thinking, so often thoughts relating to the sermon were dwelt upon. Being out in Gods creation and enjoying the warmth of His sun was time well spent and though I wasn’t at my desk studying the task was eventually accomplished. Looking back on that special time warms my heart. I often wonder if the people ever appreciated the many things I had to do in order to minister to their spiritual needs. God knows, it was to His glory. Pastors who are able to give their full time to minister are fortunate and no doubt able to put more into their pastorates than I was able to do. Still, the small churches and the development of new churches is an important work too. He knew I was not equipped to minister to larger churches and He had me where He knew I fit best.

THE ODD JOBS; In that same local I did a lot of odd jobs besides mowing. Here is the list: (1) I hauled manure from the fee lots to the fields to fertilize them; (2) I used a shovel digging ditches; (3) I worked in a drug store setting up new counters and shelving; (4) mowing; (5) we had the distribution of a couple different newspapers; (6) I was a substitute mail carrier; and (7) I worked in a variety store. I think I am missing something but it gives you an idea of the things I did for the privilege of pastoring one small church. This of course was before I was with a mission agency and had raised support to do the church-planting ministry. I hope this wasn’t repetitive, I don’t recall whether I shared this before or not.

ILLUSTRATIONS: As difficult as the variety of jobs was while ministering, there was an advantage. I know of some pastors who struggled with finding illustrations for their sermons and lessons. The variety of jobs did provide ample materials for illustrations. When I was less experienced I remember buying a book of illustrations and it was always difficult trying to find an illustration that would fit. It didn’t take me long to learn that the best illustrations come from personal experiences and dealing with people and the circumstances of life. You really don’t need to look any further than that. The sooner a young pastor, evangelist or missionary learns that lesson the easier his task will become. There is no better way to relate to the congregation than out of the pool of life experiences.

NEXT MUSINGS: Parents teaching children to steal.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 2009 #2

WORTH CONSIDERING: In recent days I have been considering how fortunate I am to have experienced God’s forgiveness through faith in Christ in the light of the Ten Commandments. God has been merciful to me, deserving eternal condemnation. So it is with all the redeemed. The Ten Commandments condemns us all. When I evaluate each of the commandments I am guilty of breaking them all in the light of Christ’s definition of the their meaning. Though I have never murdered anyone, through anger or hatred I am guilty of murder in my heart. So, it goes down through the list.
When I consider my unworthiness in the light of God’s justice I am indeed fortunate and blessed to have God’s forgiveness, wiping the slate clean through Christ’s cleansing blood. Thus giving me the blessing of a cleansed life along with the promise of one day entering His Heavenly Kingdom. There was a time when I considered myself a pretty nice person, not understanding God’s holiness. Now I understand that I really wasn’t a nice person. I have met and talked with so many people about their need of God’s forgiveness only to have them tell me how they think they are okay and expecting to make it into Heaven when they die. They have never grasped God’s evaluation of sin as defined in the Ten Commandments and by Christ’s definition. They have never viewed them, based upon their heart condition. As a true believer, rejoice in what you have been forgiven of and enjoy the peace that God alone can give. God’s grace, unmerited favor, is ours through faith in Christ. Rejoice!

THE MILO EVENT: when we lived in Ogallala, Nebraska Christmas was approaching and we were very short on funds for Christmas gifts. Kathy was making centerpieces to give to people. We drove outside town to try and find some vegetation that she could use in making the centerpieces. Of course the harvest of Milo was long over but they often miss a few straggling stocks along the edge of the field. I pulled off the edge of the road and proceeded to get a few stalks of Milo for her to put in her centerpieces. When I turned around there was a car stopped behind ours writing down our license plate. I went to the car behind us to see what was going on. The lady was very harsh and informed me that this was her farm field and told me I had no business being on it. It was an unpleasant experience as I tried to explain what I was doing. I also took down her license number and then looked up her address. We decided to have Kathy make up a centerpiece for the lady, made of Styrofoam, little figures and including a sprig of the Milo I had gotten from the field. I then delivered it to her home and handed it to her when she answered the door and quickly left. The next day one of our church men worked at the same place this lady worked and he had told us how embarrassed she was and telling how badly she had felt in being so harsh with me. It was an interesting experience in giving to someone who had been so harsh with me over nothing, collecting a few stalks of Milo after harvest time. Much like the Bible told farmers to leave a little grain to be gleaned by the poor and needy.

THE STIMULUS DEAL: The stimulus for nearly $800 trillion dollars is just about a done deal for President Obama to sign. This is the largest ever governmental give away in the history of our nation and all at the tax payers expense that our grandchildren will be paying off years down the road. From what I have heard and understood there is very little in the package that will do much to create jobs. It is full of goodies that politicians are giving away to benefit their own districts. Will it work, help or hurt, that is the big question. All Republicans, with the exception of three, have refused to sign the bill since they don’t feel of good conscience to put their name on it. Will they be hurt or eventually justified in their rejection? Time will tell. Hopefully it won’t turn out to be a goof up like the first half of the TARP give away that had no accountability attached to it.

CRIME & THE ECONOMY: The bad economy is causing changes in our law enforcement and fire departments. Police and fireman are being laid off, causing a real threat to community safety. Recently Columbus laid off twenty-six police recruits two days before graduation because the city couldn’t afford their salaries. National news is now reporting the increase of assorted crimes in a number of states and large cities. The questions that come to my mind relates to people who are now out of work. Are some of them resorting to crime to try and care for the needs of their families? Or, are criminals now becoming more active because they know the police are short handed and therefore they are less likely to get caught. I was too young during the Great Depression to think about these matters but I wonder if criminal activities increased then as they are starting to do now.

SUPPORT CONCERNS: I have been informed this week of a church dropping my support after many years standing with us. Hopefully the economy isn’t going to create financial problems now for missionaries. Please pray for us, and others that may have similar concerns relating to their support.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 2009 #1

PERSONAL ITEMS: I am getting slower getting these out but I want to try and get a new one off to you. I have been going to a rehab place to get some exercise that hopefully is helping a little with getting about. Further, though I am hesitant to bemoan my circumstances, my vision and this foggy headedness and other things are creating so much anxiety I can’t accomplish much. Hopefully, getting my mind on writing will ease that a bit. I know it all heightens my longings for the Savior’s return to set things right.

STIMULUS PACKAGE: I am getting rather tired of hearing all the banter about the stimulus package, but the longer time passes without it’s passage the more aware we are becoming of the reality that it is a pork package rather than something that will stimulate the economy. The list grows by the day of the stupid things the Democrats are endeavoring to indebt our nations future with. I won’t try to give a lengthy list, just a few items: (1) honeybee insurance; (2) the arts; (3) expanding high speed internet; (4) forty billion for healthcare, though needful it should be dealt with as a separate issue; and the list get wilder and more people are getting upset over it all, wondering what is going to be done to actually create jobs. The TARP (of which only half, some $350 billion) was given away in the fall has only made the bankers richer by paying more ridiculous multi-million dollar bonuses, rather than opening up loans that could stimulate business and employment. But, get use to it, the Pandora’s Box has been opened and everyone is trying to get a piece of the gravy train that does nothing to help the jobless. Congress, under the control of the Dems is proficient at spending and growing government
OBAMA’S ETHICS PROBLEMS: President Barack Obama promise to take the ethical high road has turned out otherwise with his selection of leaders in his government. His choice of Timothy Geithner as the 75th U.S. Secretary of Treasury proved problematic. Though he had problems in overlooking owed taxes he was still confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury. I wonder if the Treasury will be as lenient with others with tax problems. Then there was the appointment of Tom Daschle to the Department of Health and Human Services He too had tax problems and eventually removed himself from running. The same day anther lady stepped from her running for an appointment. I guess the President decided one such embattled appointment might make it difficult getting through the confirmation process. Still there were defenders of these people, seeing nothing wrong with such circumstances. I wonder how many more appointments will be problematic. I am sure there are some men and women in politics (government) who are good, moral people but politics is a dirty business and there are many with whose ethics that only marks them as sinners in the sight of a holy God. So it goes for all of humanity and but for the grace of God none of us would make it to glory.

A MORE PLEASANT TOPIC: I was recently reading the 104th Psalm. It starts our, “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed in honor and majesty.” Then all the way through the chapter God is extolled for His creative handiwork. What a shame that it was stained by the fall, making us all to come up short of His glory. Yet we need to recall that His creation was for our benefit. Verse fourteen says, “He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth:.” We are so undeserving, yet God provides for us. You can’t help but feel good, thankful and grateful as you read through this wonderful chapter. Read it again for yourself and have an uplifting day.

IMPORTANT FAMILY TIMES: Little moments with your kids are important and often more likely remembered by them than by us as parents. I say this because they remind me from time to time about things from the past. When I pastored the little work in Ogallala, Nebraska the boys were in the late junior age and early teens. Being the pastor we were always the last to leave the church. The church was just two blocks from the parsonage and the boys would decide they’d like to give old dad a run for his money. So, they would race me home to see if they could out do dad. They were always a bit disappointed because I could still out race them. Still, the challenge was fun and they have reminded me of those days. Children need those times with their parents. - A MAY DAY EVENT; It is a little early to think about it here in the middle of bitter winter weather but the previous item reminds me of this, talking about racing. We were living in Federal Way, Washington in the parsonage on the opposite end of the five acres the church was on. The kids always enjoy making paper May Day Baskets and then go pick wild flowers to put in them. On the occasion I am remembering they hung their baskets on the front door, rang the doorbell and when their mother came to the door they would run and she would go after them to give them a kiss. Knowing their mother was about to catch them they climbed up a tree to escape. Much to their surprise mom climbed up the tree after them. Fun times.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 2009 #3

INSIGHTS INTO OUR NEW PRESIDENT – This morning I was watching a program dealing with the topic of abortion from a Christian perspective. I didn’t had a pencil in hand to record the quote verbatim but my paraphrasing will give you a clear enough picture. Obama said, “I have two girls and we are trying to raise them to do what is morally right, but if they should make a mistake, I don’t want them to be punished …” In other words he didn’t want them burdened by an unwanted pregnancy and an abortion would be acceptable. Then, as one of his first acts as president was to nullify President Bush’s orders that forbade any federal funds to be spent to pay the for act of abortion. Obama has now made it all right for federal funds to be used to pay for abortions. Barack tells us he is a Christian, yet he takes this unchristian stance, manifesting a lack of high regard for the life of the unborn. He certainly does not hold the view of King David when he said in Psalm 139: 13-16, “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb….”. Keep your eyes and ears open, we are likely to observe a lot of biblical inconsistencies in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

A TRUE BUT SAD STORY – As I reread Psalm 103:12 “As far as the east is from the west; so far hath He removed our transgressions from us” I recalled a true story. I had included this verse in my sermon and following the service a young man came to me asking if this passage was true. I assured him that it was true and he literally departed, skipping joyously down the aisle. I had had the joy of leading him to Christ and now he was rejoicing in another reality of his new found faith. Some time later this same young man called me on the telephone late one evening from a bar and it was apparent that he was drunk. I asked him where he was and told him I would come get him. I had to ask someone else the location and I finally found him and drove around the city hoping he would sober up and tell me what had caused him to get drunk. It was not long until I heard his confession of a past life that was haunting him, he had murdered a man in a drug confrontation elsewhere. The burden was so great that he had broken under it. It was little wonder he had skipped down the aisle learning his sins had been removed as far as the east is from the west when he had received Christ as his Savior At the same time, during the days that followed I became a bit fearful, not knowing what his reaction might be, knowing he had made such a confession to me. I didn’t have enough details to go to the authorities nor did I feel it was my responsibility to do so in the light of his confession to me as his pastor. Within two weeks God had dealt with the matter, as a work accident had ended his life. My dilemma and fears were ended as God took the matter into his own hands. Still, my heart breaks to know the burden that weighed so heavily upon him even after his confession of faith. I have never had a similar experience and hopefully I never will. Not knowing how to deal with such circumstances it is comforting to know that God does and He watches over His servants. I have left details out of this story, not wanting to be burdensome to those who might be hurt by my sharing it, so please don’t call or write asking for more information as to names, places or further details. I just wanted to share some of the burdens that can fall on pastors as they endeavor to minister to others.

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 2009 #2

POLITICAL PROMISES – I remember when Jimmy Carter run for president, promising whatever was popular with the particular crowd he was speaking to. Now we have Obama with his promises involving the spending of billions of dollars that we do not have in order to turn the economy around. Though I was too young to have heard and remembered what FDR promised, trying to move the country out of the Great Depression by various spending programs, I have read and heard of those efforts. The facts are, they didn’t work and it was entering World War II that finally brought us out of the Great Depression. Will it work this time? Wait, watch and see, we are in for a great ride down the path of spend, spend , spend. The first half of the TARP program started in the fall and the money was misused, wasted. Many think we would have been better of to let those banks and insurance companies go through bankruptcy and saved the money. I am far from being an economist but simple observation is a good educator. The sad part is, that we often fail to learn from our experiences.

UNIONS – I do not consider myself a union man. There were times as a young man when I had to belong to a union in order to obtain or hold a job. Of course all that went by the side when I entered into the ministry. If I were involved in secular work today I would not be very happy about the present discussions relating to “open ballots” the unions are try to get passed in place of secret ballots when it comes to deciding whether or not to become a union shop or business. This flies in the face of a pure democratic process, as far as I am concerned. I feel for those who have to be so involved these days.

REHAB – This week I have started rehab, about an hour twice a week. It’s a long walk after getting into the large building where this is done. I wasn’t too bad going in but coming out after being on one of those pedal and handle machines that work both you arms and legs. I was moving a little slower. Hopefully this will build my strength back up. Next week they have scheduled me to talk to a dietician. That should prove interesting because I have very little appetite. The doctor has given me a pill that is supposed to help that but I really haven’t noticed much difference. So it goes with this old man following bypass surgery.

BUILDING PROJECTS – Last weeks “Musings” talked about home missionaries being involved in building churches and being involved in the carpentry trade, whether they are carpenters of not. I got to remembering back to the first church we helped build. It was all volunteer work and some knew what they were doing and some didn’t but they were learning. I remember one dear brother who decided to deal with the plumbing. He would get instructions from a plumber friend as to how to plumb the toilets and washrooms. He would do a little work and then go back for further instructions. When it came time for inspection we managed to get an inspector that was Catholic and it was apparent he didn’t like Baptists. He really gave our dear brother a hard time and kept refusing to pass the plumbing. Poor Willie would go back to the plumber friend for new instructions to make the proper corrections. In one instance the plumber told Willie that what the inspector was requiring hadn’t been done for several years with new changes in the code. The inspector was simply giving us a hard time based on his personal bias. Of course it didn’t help when an unlicensed and non-union man was doing the work. We did finally get the plumbing approved but it was one difficult task. The next church project we hired a plumber to plumb the kitchen. I remember one day come into the new addition and found the plumber gone and having left the fire on under the lead pot he was using to melt the lead to seal some of the joints. I turned the gas torch off, not wanting to chance a fire while the plumber was finding his way back to finish his project. Even licensed plumbers have their goofs. At least I’d consider that a goof, it could have been a rather disastrous error.

A FAMILY RUN CHURCH – One church I took on had been started by someone else. A domineering family, a father and three married sons controlled every detail of the church and had run off the founding pastor. I was not smart enough to fully recognize the problems in those learning years but soon learned how difficult a situation it was. They had formed a constitution and then didn’t follow their own guidelines when it suited their whims. The constitution clearly stated that all teachers had to be members of the local church in order to teach but they continued to use a lady that refused to join the church. (This was one of many battles fought.) After numerous attempts to get the lady to join us I finally took the matter to a church business meeting. You couldn’t imagine the animosity this event stirred up. The church membership had grown and when we brought this matter up the domineering family lost the battle and we voted to remove the teacher from her class as a teacher. The four families, the father and three married sons, all left that church that night and never returned. (The teacher, her daughter and mother also left.) An interesting side note, this family liked to be seen for their giving. During the building project the father had asked to speak to the church when we had run out of funds to complete the project. He proceeded to have what I called a fund raising auction. “I’ll give the first amount of so many dollars, who will add their gift to this?” What I found interesting, for all their pretense of being major supporters of the church, after they left the church the giving in the church increased rather than being diminished. How do you figure? This is just another of many experiences of a pastor/home missionary. Thankfully most ministerial experiences are more pleasant.

A MIRACLE – What could have been a tremendous loss of life turned out to be a miracle of lives saved when the U. S. Air flight 1549 came down in the Hudson River just minutes after take off The accident was caused by geese being sucked into the planes engines. All 155 lives including passengers and crew were saved with only minor injuries. I’ve heard the testimonies of a number of people that went through the experience acknowledging the miracle. I’ve heard people telling of praying, etc. but I have not heard one person acknowledge God’s miracle working hand in all this. Hopefully, as time goes by, there will be some who recognize God’s miraculous hand in all of this. I’ve heard praise of the pilot, the flight crew and the many rescue workers and boat captains on the river that rescued people, and rightly so. It will be interesting to hear the testimonies of more people as this story unfolds to see if God is mentioned as giving wisdom and skill in what is an amazing event.

DOES GOD WORK IN CIRMCUMSTANCES – I believe so. Once while driving from Camas, WA, a dog ran in front of our car and I hit it. Stopping to see how the dog was it ran off into the woods and we went on our way. As we drove into Vancouver, WA we came to a green light at an intersection and as we were about to go through the crossing a car came speeding through the red light. Had we been there a minute or seconds earlier we would have been broad sided and perhaps killed. I’ve always believed that God caused that brief delay by that dog crossing our path to save us from what could have been a terrible accident. Coincidence? I prefer to believe that God intervened.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 2009 #1

JEOPARDY – Betty enjoys watching Jeopardy so I watch it with her, but it is not my favorite game show. As I observe the contestants answering questions so easily makes me feel stupid. The massive number of books they need to have read to be able to give correct answers amazes me. I know their education must be very broad to even be able to get on the program. I understand they have rigid testing to even qualify for consideration. It all makes me feel rather inadequate. Then comes to mind what Paul said (and he was a well educated man for his day), “For I determined not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (I Cor. 2:2) Then I feel better in all my ignorance. I know what is important to know and it will take me all the way to His glorious presence for all eternity. Then you and I will have a knowledge that surpasses all the human knowledge of this life. REJOICE! / (I much prefer watching Wheel of Fortune as it is easier dealing with words and phrases.)

FOGGY HEADEDNESS – There is something I haven’t talked much about except with family and my assorted doctors. For a long time now I have been afflicted with what I call a “foggy headedness,” that is very frustrating. I have talked with my internist (I have doctored with him for all the years I have been in Ohio) and he had no answers. He sent me to a ear doctor and no answers. He then sent me to a neurologist and they took brain scans but no answers. I went to a homeopathic doctor and she claim to be able to solve the problem with her little remedies at $100.00 a month but she didn’t help either. I’ve mentioned it to my eye doctor but no suggestions. Last month I believe my cardiologist defined my problem for me. He told me that as the heart blockages caused assorted problems for me, it also cut off the amount of blood needed for my brain and this is what has caused this problem. The sad part is that there is nothing that can be done about it and I am stuck with it. This is very discouraging and disheartening. I can still think clearly enough but this fog gives me a boxed in feeling (I don’t know how else to define it). I think it adds to my balance problem that goes with my diabetic neuropathy. I don’t know anyone else with this problem but surely there must be some if the doctor’s explanation is correct. I’d like to hear from others that may have the same problem. Your prayers for grace and enablement to deal with it will be appreciated. One thing is certain my longing for the Lord’s return when all these physical complaints will be resolved is heavy upon my heart. I know I am not alone in this same cry, even the young who lack the physical limitations, but love the Lord and hate the evil days we live in. Repeatedly in Revelation the Apostle John wrote of the Lord Jesus saying, “I come quickly.” May it be so!

ISRAEL HAMAS WAR – This new conflict between Israel and Hamas causes our attention to be drawn again to prophecy. Who can blame Israel for attacking Hamas after years of their lobbing rockets on them? We are told that Iran and possibly Syria are providing the arms to Hamas. Watching the development of all this is interesting and makes the believer wonder how close we may be to the Rapture of the Church. This is something we cannot know but it does turn our thoughts toward the second coming of Christ. So, we keep looking up expectantly, praying for Christ’s second coming

NORTH AMERICAN UNION – I don’t know if you get this kind of mail coming to your house or not. “The Conservative Caucus” is endeavoring to inform people about the NAU efforts to create this movement and the development of the “Amero” or common money and coinage for the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. This is something President Bush was working on at one point. Now that he is about out of office, hopefully Obama won’t take up the same cause. I can only imagine the terrible consequences of merging our money in with the low valued pesos of Mexico. We don’t hear much about this in the news. We heard a little about it the last time President Bush met with them about a year ago. As far as I am concerned we don’t need a North American Union or an Amero dollar like the European “Euro.” We should be praying this never takes place.

REHAB – Today, Wednesday the 7th, I went in to start a rehab program that I hope will help be get my strength back. I will have to go twice a week, I think for about 12 weeks. I am not sure how I will hold up under this but hopefully it will prove helpful. The way things are, I am not good for much of anything so I need to try. Your prayers in this regard will be appreciated.

COMMENTS – I have been receiving a number of comments back on these “Musings” which are much appreciated. This is an encouragement to me, though it seems to me to be such a limited form of ministry. Especially with a partial intent of providing information about my past ministry as requested by my kids. Why they should want to know is a puzzle to me but also a humbling delight. I only hope they don’t prove too boring to the rest of you.. If so, they are easily deleted.

BUILDING EFFORTS – Nearly every church I have started or been involved with have included the need for some building project. Home missionaries are regularly involved in some building effort. I am not a carpenter or builder but thankfully God always provides those who can help us through these projects. As a result, my first church plant included the purchase of land and the erection of a church building. Someone else started my second church but continuing the work required an addition to provide badly needed classroom space as well as a kitchen and fellowship area. One older church I had needed remodeling work in the basement to provide classrooms. The next work required the remodeling of a house to provide a worship area while other rooms provided classrooms. Later in this same work we purchased land and built a church. A fire had destroyed the house we had remodeled for our church. One work we were involved in the initial organization activities and we moved on before the building phase. The next church did not require a building project, as we were able to lease an already existing church that had merged with another. So it was with the next as the building was already in place and we took that work on as a rescue mission. Following that work ended up erecting a church building. So it goes in missionary work, you find yourself using a shovel, hammer, saw and paint brush, etc. A man who once in his ignorance told me that preachers don’t have to work had no idea of what he was talking about.