REPORT ON BETTY – Betty had an MRI several weeks ago and a bone scan last week. When we saw the oncologist this Wednesday he said that her cancer was out of control. Friday she was to start a new chemo just approved by the FDA to see if it will turn things around but she was sick to her stomach all night and we had to cancel. I have rescheduled it for Tuesday. They haven’t told us of the potential side effects of this one yet but I suppose they will when we go in. Please pray for her, as it has been a long and discouraging battle.
MORE OIL – So much has been said by people fearing oil shortages. There is news coming out now that should relieve some of those fears if authorities will just take advantage of the opportunities. We started a church in North Dakota. Most of our people worked in the oil drilling industry. Though that has been a few years I often wondered why many wells were capped off rather than being used. There is some new news about their finding more oil in that area under a large lake and they are finding ways to drill outside the lake and then angled back into the reservoir under the lake. Environment issues were preventing drilling in the lake. Another item, my son Gary found a new item that you might find interesting to read about “seeping oil” that indicates there is far more oil around the world than first thought. If you are interested in learning about the growing amount of oil that contradicts the diminishing supply go to you will find it interesting reading. I’d heard some things along these lines before. The thought that comes to my mind is that when God created this old world He provided adequate resources to take care of the growing population if we but learn about and take advantage of His provisions. Could this be an answer to the present oil prices reaching up to nearly $113.00 a barrel? This is something to think about.
ELEMENTARY MASSAGES – Can you believe this? Fox News reported on 4/15/08 of a school that has provided a room for elementary children to go and give massages to one another. I didn’t catch the item in time to write down where this school was located but I suppose if someone wanted to know bad enough where it is they could check with Fox to find out. That is quite an addition to elementary curriculum that we might pray doesn’t catch on. There are too many schools failing to properly teach English and math without adding something of this sort. I’ve been thinking about going to a massage therapist myself to see if it would help the neuropathy caused by my diabetes but I haven’t quite gotten up my courage to give it a try yet. Guess I wasn’t given the right incentive for that sort of thing when I was in grade school. (Smile)
A REVEALING AD – A TV ad I hear repeatedly certainly reveals the worldview today. It made such an impression on me that I don’t even remember the product it advertises and I really don’t want to know. Here it is, “I want if all, I want it all and I want it now.” This is a greedy world and so many are seeking all they can get and they want it immediately. People are hell bound with all their greed and immorality, demanding attitudes and practices rushing to an eternal damnation. I recall a friend years ago when we were driving together from Camas, Washington to Woodburn and Silverton, Oregon. We would be driving the speed limit on curving roads, and cars would go speeding past us and he would say, “Rush on fool, hell is only half full!” People are rushing to a terrible end and not even aware they are doing so.
THE POPE’S WEEK – President Bush’s official welcome of the Pope was a moving event with all the pomp and circumstance, hymns and music, instrumental and vocal. All the news this week has been dominated by the Pope with much fanfare, speeches, masses and crowds of people, many of whom traveled some distance to be able to see the Pope. The repeated apology for the pedophile acts of priests was long overdue and a welcome appeal. Pope Benedict apparently is quite an intellectual and seems to be a humble spirit, up to a point. The messages of love, peace and forgiveness are also welcome words in the face of all the bad news that fills our airways day after day. Even knowing the Pope’s opposition to abortion in the face of millions of murdered babies is refreshing as we observe the continual stance of Obama and Hillary’s defense of the practice. Having said all this, these events do not nullify the many differences of Roman Catholicism’s doctrinal and historic inaccuracies or the many the church has martyred among believers over the centuries. Something that always strikes me is the contrast between all the adoration of the Pope and the Apostle Peter whom the Popes claim to follow. Recalling the “man lame from his mother’s womb” in Acts 3 when Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Compare that with all the expensive and colorful robes, crowns, etc. that was on display this week. Or, in Revelation 22 when John saw wondrous things the angel had shown him, John “fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he (the angel) said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, … Worship God.” Compare that with people bowing before the Pope and kissing his hand or ring. Even a mighty angel of God would not accept worship from man that belonged alone to God Almighty, yet the Pope accepts veneration from individuals and the gathered crowds. SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!
IMMIGRATION & OPPORTUNITY – I am opposed to the mass of illegal immigration from Mexico and elsewhere, believing they should follow the legal process of entering the country. At the same time I was reminded by the writings of Dr. Charles Woods this week of the opportunity that immigration affords us as Christians. We get so caught up in the political arguments relating to illegal immigration that we forget our responsibility to point lost souls to our Savior and the blessing of eternal life to all who will receive Him. In my mission challenges in numerous churches over the years I have made the point that with the dwindling of missionaries going abroad, God is bringing the masses to us in these United States that we might evangelize the world from right here at home. Baptist Church Planters is putting forth a real effort to reach Hispanics and to start churches through ministry to them. I would encourage you to check out this web sight: that David Whitcher has established as our mission representative to the Hispanics. He is doing a great job and you might email him and ask to receive his prayer letters at Churches should be considering starting classes that teach Spanish so that our people can seek opportunities to witness to Hispanics. When I first moved to Ohio you seldom saw any Hispanics, now we see them all around us. We need to get back to the business of reaching the lost for Christ.
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