FAMILY REPORT – It has been a couple weeks since I have gotten a “Musings” off to you, having made the trip to Oregon because of my son John’s death. My son John’s wife Ethel became ill and ended up having surgery for an intestinal blockage before funeral arrangements could be completed. Most of the burden of making funeral arrangements fell to my grandson Timothy. He did an excellent job dealing with a difficult situation. They had decided to have a graveside service on Friday and the memorial service on Saturday. On Thursday evening Tim had not received a response from the man that was to have the graveside service so I told him I would do that service if they would be patient with my emotions. I’ve known men who have conducted family funeral services but I never felt I’d be able to do so because when emotions are high and tears come I get choked up and lose my voice. But the Lord gave grace and enabled me to get through that as difficult as it was. My son Gary was a great assistance in writing a last minute poem about his brother to also include at the graveside service. He was also asked to repeat it at the memorial service. Many people were moved by the poem it as it so clearly described John’s love for the Savior and his love for the outdoors and fishing. My son in law Albert closed the graveside service with prayer. For the memorial service on Saturday the church was packed out with several hundred people and another room was set up with sound and video. The service lasted two hours with special music, the pastor’s very personal message and people sharing thoughts or stories of their ties and experiences with John. It was a very moving experience. He had touched a lot of people. The church provided refreshments following the service. / As for my grandson Ben, he will remain in the hospital hooked up to several IV’s until a heart is found. His wife Meaghan is almost continually with him and friends are caring for the two children, bringing them up every couple of days. Logan starts his weekly chemo treatments this week hoping to stop the growth of the brain stem tumor.
THANK YOU – We have received many cards and flowers of condolence because of my son John’s death. We are grateful for your many prayers, expressions of concern and love during this time for sorrow. It is such a blessing to have so many friends and co-workers in the Lord. Thank you so very much; you have touched my heart upholding the family before the Lord. I am also very thankful for my son Gary going to Oregon with me. I am not sure I’d have made it back without his help, considering all his driving while there and then the great distance between gates in changing flights in Houston.
CHILDREN-FRIENDS – When we start our families we have to raise, correct and provide for them as children, enjoying them of course, but calling for and expecting obedience and respect. There are sometimes difficult teen years, dating and the beginning of their families. Fortunately our relationship has always been close and in due time they became more than children, they are also my friends. What a wonderful transition and joy to visit and spend time with them and to have regular communication and sharing even when they are great distances apart. Scattered from Ohio to Texas, Oregon and places in between. That even includes a granddaughter and her family in Brazil as missionaries. God has been very good to me to allow my children to also be my friends. I will greatly miss those short and long visits with John over AOL every day or two, often in the wee hours of the morning because of the three hour time difference. How sad it is when families go their separate ways divided by disagreements and assorted problems. Add to that the joy of knowing one day we will continue those family ties and friendship in glory in the presence of our God and Savior. We have a great hope and my heart goes out to those families that don’t have the same ties, relationships and the hope of eternity together. I often wonder how people survive the circumstances of life without that wonderful hope. So much for family thoughts as I now turn to other things.
THE OBAMA’S & THE ELECTION – The events and news in recent days are quite revealing. While so many seem to be taken in by rhetoric and personal appearance of Obama I have some concerns. There is a picture that has made the circuit several times in my e-mail of Clinton and another saluting the flag of these United States while Obama stands there with his hands to his sides. Senator Clinton has her hand over her heart, as does the other person but not Obama. Why doesn’t he show respect for the Flag? He also refuses to wear a flag pin on his lapel as many do and when he is asked about it he makes an excuse of not wanting to use it to make or not make (which ever it was) a political issue over it. I don’t have the exact quote but you get the picture. Then in recent days his wife Michelle made the statement regarding her husbands success in running as a candidate for the presidency, “For the first time I now have something to be proud of as an American.” (I hope I have stated that properly.) Until her husband was running for president she didn’t have any reason to be proud of America? She made the statement twice and because of all the flack she has been getting over it, she has been trying to explain the gaff away. He doesn’t salute the flag and refuses to wear a flag pin and now his wife couldn’t find anything to be proud about America. Where are these people coming from? Is there a secret agenda? Knowing he attended Muslim schools as a boy and that Muslims can say or go to any extreme to make a gain for their cause, I wonder if that is in his agenda. I would like to hear a denial of his having any Muslim ties. Further, he belongs to a black African only Christian Church and I really wonder if he is truly a Christian or is it just a matter of knowing that it is pretty much the norm for those running for the presidency to be thought of as a Christian. Belonging to an African only church I wonder if he has some racial prejudice while trying to appeal to whites to vote for him? I would really like to have some answers to these things before he is elected president of this nation. At the moment it looks like he is going to end up as the Democratic candidate for the office. As much as I’d hate to have Senator Clinton as President, I believe I’d rather take my chances with her. In reality, I won’t be voting for either one of them.
THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE – It appears to be nearly over with McCain being the choice. I don’t see him as the conservative he claims to be. I’ve never forgotten his attacks on Bush and Bob Jones University for his speaking there in the 2000 election. I know he has since apologized to the University and spoken there himself but I am not convinced of any change of attitude. The list is long that conservatives have put together in opposing his candidacy. People like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, James Dobson and several others have marked him pretty well as not being a true conservative. Dobson has actually said that this will be the first time in his lifetime that he has not voted in a presidential election because of his opposition to McCain. That will be a difficult choice and if many make that same decision we will have a liberal for president. That would be a tough choice.
A WITNESS IN FLIGHT – As Gary and I returned from Oregon to Houston a young woman sat with us. She was Catholic and her husband was from a Mormon family. She seemed open to conversation about these matters so I shared the realities of the origin of Mormonism since she had mentioned having received instruction from Mormon missionaries that she had been impressed by. She them asked me the differences between Roman Catholics and Baptists that I was glad to share with her. I offered to send her further information and she gave me her mail address. To start with I have mailed her my lessons from the Comparative Religion Course I taught last year. I will follow that up with a book and other materials. Please pray for Anne that she might come to a true knowledge of Jesus Christ.
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