BAPTISM – I was baptized following salvation as a junior aged boy at Brookings, Oregon. I was baptized a second time with my wife when she was saved, better understanding it’s meaning. Baptism should be the first act of obedience after being saved. Sadly, many Christians put it off and such should not be the case. Baptism identifies us with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and becomes our testimony of faith in Christ. If you profess to be a Christian you should be baptize and not put it off any longer. Through the years whenever I baptize someone I also required them to become members of the local church. It never made sense to me to be obedient in baptism and not be a member of Christ’s visible body, the church. I had people refuse baptism because I also required church membership. But half obedience didn’t make sense to me either.
SOMETHING DIFFERENT – I never imagined that my son-law would be my pastor. It is the first time in many years that I have had a pastor. He (Albert) is presently preaching an interesting series on Heaven. Did you ever think about having a job in heaven? Interesting!
GOOD NEWS CLUB – Patty will be starting this up in the school soon and I will go with her and try helping by listening to children say their verses and counsel those who respond to an invitation for salvation. It has been a long time since I have done this. Pray for boys and girls to be saved.
DOCTORING – I am getting established with new doctors, eye, heart, podiatrist and urologist. As a boy you had one doctor, now they all specialize. Yesterday I had an interesting experience as we were in the waiting room. An elderly man asked how old I was and then told me he was 98 years old. His 52 year old wife was with him. He told me he had been married 11 times and this was his 12th. He told me he had been a millionaire and lost it all on lawyers. He was an interesting character.