A SPECIAL NOTE: The Baptist Church Planters office has reminded me a number of times and I need to pass the information on to you. The mission is no longer using the P.O. Box address in Elyria, OH. Please send all mail and support checks to Baptist Church Planters, Inc. 36830 Royalton Road., Grafton, OH 44044. Thank you.
A PERSONAL BEARD STORY – I have never really wanted a beard or mustache. Recently, due to time in the hospital and trying to recoup at home I haven’t been too concerned about shaving. A kind nurse did shave me one day in the hospital. Anyway, this reminded me of the time when we took a couple weeks vacation to try and fix up and clean up around our mobile home and five acres in Arkansas. I thought it might be a good time to see if I could grow a beard so I didn’t shave. Immediately following the vacation we were scheduled to participate in a missions conference in Iowa. We arrived at the pastors home (a dear friend of ours) and waited for the arrival of the other missionaries to have dinner together on Saturday. I had fully intended to shave off the scraggly beard before the Sunday service but my plan changed. Another missionary arrived from a different mission board and he began chiding me for my unshaven condition and telling me how his mission would never allow a missionary to so conduct himself, wearing a beard. I must admit the old nature kicked in and I had a talk with the pastor about it to see if he would mind if I wore my new beard during the mission conference. He said he didn’t mind and that there were several men in his church who had beards. So, in my stubbornness and in response to the criticism of a foreign missionary I wore that beard (that I didn’t even like) all through the conference. Isn’t it strange the way we react to criticism from others? All this was probably a reaction to the years when long hair was being an issue, etc. When you really stop to analysis the matter biblically, many Bible characters wore beards, as did our Lord and Savior. Yet, sometimes people become legalistic in their attitudes without biblical authority. We often react to criticism in a manner even contrary to our own preferences. There must be a little flesh mixed in there someplace.
MUMBAI KILLINGS – Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who have been murdered. The news has been full of the details the past several days. I don’t want to seem unsympathetic toward those families who lost loved ones but a thought does come to mind. One man and his daughter that was killed had gone there as a part of a group that were attending a seminar on meditation. Why in the world would anyone have to travel so far to learn about meditation? This reveals to me that the meditation movement is another form of religion. Why else the dedication? Why else put such dedication into it? I am not minimizing the importance of meditation if it is focused on the right thing. Most of us as believers probably fail to meditate as much as we should on the Scriptures and on our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Shame on us! But a form of meditation that takes people to an extreme that makes it another form of religion surely cannot be of God. We have a world filled with people whose minds are concentrating on something other than the True God. What say you?
HOME NURSE – One of the home nurses that come 2-3 times a week is quite a talker. Especially when it comes to politics, particularly prior to the election. I usually try to get the discussion turned toward religion. She was very fearful of the outcome of the election and the possible effects upon her family. At one point she even talked of moving out of the country if Obama were to be elected. I tried to assure her that God was in control and nothing would transpire except as God allows. I finally had an opportunity when no one else was around to ask her the big question, “Have you ever received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?” She assured me that she had, for which I was thankful. I was then able to assure her that before the terrible things she fear that would come upon her family and the world, we would be taken away by the Rapture. It is amazing how many people belong to churches that have never taught them about God’s program relating to the Rapture, Tribulation, etc. How thankful I am for those early years when the pastor taught those matters and also for the Scofield Bible that had such good helps regarding these matters. I knew of these important truths early in my Christian experience. Too many pastors are failing in their responsibilities of teaching the basics of faith. Further, people are not being directed to purchase Bibles with proper helps so they can study these matters for themselves. As individual Christians we need to seek opportunities to help people get on the right track and know there are good helps available in this area of understanding the Bible. So many professing Christians today are lacking vital doctrinal truths and we should be ministering to them in these basic doctrines. Every born again Christian has a God given responsibility to share these matters of faith. If more took on this responsibility they would be leading others into their Biblically sound churches as they share these truths.
THANKSGIVINGS OVER – At least the day of Thanksgiving is over, but the spirit of thanksgiving should continue on in our hearts and attitudes. I am fearful that we place a lot of emphasis on this matter as a special day but forget to express the same in our every day living and attitude. Attitude says a lot to those around us. If we are seen and known for a thankful, grateful attitude I believe it will draw others to us, giving us new opportunities to share our faith. You might find Colossians 4:1-6 helpful in this regard. In verse four Paul said, “that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” To do so requires “prayer” with “thanksgiving” “that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ.” The verse 6 “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” It is a great passage worthy of much meditation and consideration to help with our witnessing..
SUPPORTIVE CORRESPONDENCE – We don’t receive a lot of correspondence or emails from supporting churches and individuals but when we do, it is a great encouragement to our hearts. This past week we received a brief letter from our sending church, Rustic Hills Baptist Church in Colorado Springs. There was just a brief paragraph informing us that the people signing it were praying for us. Then following that paragraph were the signatures of the various church members. A great idea for other churches to consider in letting their missionaries know they are praying for them.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
November 2008 #1
IN AND OUT AGAIN – A week ago Thursday my cardiologist cancelled my appointment as he was overloaded with emergencies. His nurse did told me I should get a chest x-ray. So I called my internist and they squeezed me in. After hearing my complaints and checking my x-ray he suggested that I check into the hospital. I refused, not wanting a return session. He wrote me prescriptions and I headed home. By the time I got home (without picking up the prescriptions) I felt so bad I called him back and asked hime to get me checked in. I gathered up a couple things and Betty’s daughter Kathy drove me to the hospital. That evening more x-rays were taken and the following afternoon they drained more than 1 and a ½ litres of fluid off my left lung and I spent the next days, through this past Wednesday in the Hospital. There was a lot of juggling of meds to try and get my blood pressure balanced out. This was one more day than when I was in for the heart by-pass surgery. Anyway I am back home, dragging my feet and feeling rather weak. Next week I am to get more x-rays and see how things are doing. The home care nurse was here today (Saturday) checking me out. I am so thankful for that and the assistance of Betty and her daughter Kathy. I am also thankful for all you prayers and faithfulness to the Lord and to us.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR – Are you waiting for the undertaker or the Upper-taker? My son John, who passed away in January, followed the news very carefully, particularly things that were happening with Israel. The several months prior to his passing he was so convinced that the Rapture and meeting the Upper-taker would take place before the New Year, as he observed the things taking place in the world in preparation for the one world government, anti-Christ and the Tribulation. Much to our sorrow the undertaker came first, but praise the Lord, he is already with the Savior (the Upper-taker). I just wonder about those of us who remain, are we waiting for the undertaker or living expectantly for the Upper-taker? - Why am I asking such a question? What is my point? Consider the following information and take up John’s viewpoint and watch for the Upper-taker.
RAPID EVENTS BUILDING – So many things are taking place. Obama took up the cry for “Change” as his slogan to gain his election to be our next President. The people must have similarly sent up the same cry and made him our President elect. I don’t believe any of them can even begin to imagine the great changes that are coming in relation to Globalism, One Worldism and the coming the one world government of the anti-Christ, so clearly defined in The Book of Revelation. Like my son John, I believe we are seeing the development before our very eyes, the things that are leading up to those Biblical prophecies. Hopefully your memories are better than mine to fill in the details I am not going to be able to fill in as finely as I would like. I remember President John F. Kennedy wanting to unite the U. S. Military with that of the military of the United Nations. He failed in the effort. It seems to me that nearly every president from that day to this, with the exception of President Reagan, have added something to the mix of moving toward Globalism. Our current president, George W. Bush, has been trying to develop the Amero Dollars (and all that involves) between the United States, Canada and Mexico. (A disastrous plan in my personal view!) This would match the Euro that is presently binding Europe together in One Worldism. When Barack Obama spoke to the thousands in Germany, while endeavoring to be elected president, his message was strongly and very clearly a message of Globalism. Unless he changes his plans so clearly defined during his candidacy from the pressures of the present financial crisis, he is headed our country toward a liberal socialism. Then, just today (Saturday) the twenty richest countries in the world met with President Bush to try and find an answer to the financial crisis to resolve the problem for not only the United States of America, but also the world. One of the suggestions tied in with all of that was a call for a world control of interest where a decision would be made for all irrespective of our differing economic circumstances. On and on it goes. Do we see a pattern here? Add to this the so called “Bailout” that congress passed in recent weeks, also detrimental to our historical free society of success and failure that has made us the greatest economic and military power in the world. In the midst of all that our Congressmen (and women) are debating and trying to change the rules after the fact and there is utter confusion. Bailing out Wall Street, A.I.G. and the Banks is raising a cry to the government to also bail out G.M. Ford and Chrysler. Cities and States are also all trying to tie themselves in with the same feedbag. We are headed for a disaster of all disasters that will so weaken our nation that we will be approaching that day I have repeatedly spoken of, when we will be so weakened that Russian and the Arab countries will feel free to make their move on Israel, scheduled for the Tribulation period. Hang on, we are in for one of the roughest national rides we have ever had. I am not a prophet (as I have said before), nor am I a date setter as some have tried to be. It is just that what we are seeing take place seems so clear to those who believe in the Bible. Am I being a fear-monger? No, I am rejoicing that God is allowing us see things being set in place. I can cry out, “Look up, the Upper-Taker will appear sooner than many think, and some of us will experience the Rapture before we meet the undertaker. Who knows? I am just praising the Lord for the “hope” He has placed within us. Join with me.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR – Are you waiting for the undertaker or the Upper-taker? My son John, who passed away in January, followed the news very carefully, particularly things that were happening with Israel. The several months prior to his passing he was so convinced that the Rapture and meeting the Upper-taker would take place before the New Year, as he observed the things taking place in the world in preparation for the one world government, anti-Christ and the Tribulation. Much to our sorrow the undertaker came first, but praise the Lord, he is already with the Savior (the Upper-taker). I just wonder about those of us who remain, are we waiting for the undertaker or living expectantly for the Upper-taker? - Why am I asking such a question? What is my point? Consider the following information and take up John’s viewpoint and watch for the Upper-taker.
RAPID EVENTS BUILDING – So many things are taking place. Obama took up the cry for “Change” as his slogan to gain his election to be our next President. The people must have similarly sent up the same cry and made him our President elect. I don’t believe any of them can even begin to imagine the great changes that are coming in relation to Globalism, One Worldism and the coming the one world government of the anti-Christ, so clearly defined in The Book of Revelation. Like my son John, I believe we are seeing the development before our very eyes, the things that are leading up to those Biblical prophecies. Hopefully your memories are better than mine to fill in the details I am not going to be able to fill in as finely as I would like. I remember President John F. Kennedy wanting to unite the U. S. Military with that of the military of the United Nations. He failed in the effort. It seems to me that nearly every president from that day to this, with the exception of President Reagan, have added something to the mix of moving toward Globalism. Our current president, George W. Bush, has been trying to develop the Amero Dollars (and all that involves) between the United States, Canada and Mexico. (A disastrous plan in my personal view!) This would match the Euro that is presently binding Europe together in One Worldism. When Barack Obama spoke to the thousands in Germany, while endeavoring to be elected president, his message was strongly and very clearly a message of Globalism. Unless he changes his plans so clearly defined during his candidacy from the pressures of the present financial crisis, he is headed our country toward a liberal socialism. Then, just today (Saturday) the twenty richest countries in the world met with President Bush to try and find an answer to the financial crisis to resolve the problem for not only the United States of America, but also the world. One of the suggestions tied in with all of that was a call for a world control of interest where a decision would be made for all irrespective of our differing economic circumstances. On and on it goes. Do we see a pattern here? Add to this the so called “Bailout” that congress passed in recent weeks, also detrimental to our historical free society of success and failure that has made us the greatest economic and military power in the world. In the midst of all that our Congressmen (and women) are debating and trying to change the rules after the fact and there is utter confusion. Bailing out Wall Street, A.I.G. and the Banks is raising a cry to the government to also bail out G.M. Ford and Chrysler. Cities and States are also all trying to tie themselves in with the same feedbag. We are headed for a disaster of all disasters that will so weaken our nation that we will be approaching that day I have repeatedly spoken of, when we will be so weakened that Russian and the Arab countries will feel free to make their move on Israel, scheduled for the Tribulation period. Hang on, we are in for one of the roughest national rides we have ever had. I am not a prophet (as I have said before), nor am I a date setter as some have tried to be. It is just that what we are seeing take place seems so clear to those who believe in the Bible. Am I being a fear-monger? No, I am rejoicing that God is allowing us see things being set in place. I can cry out, “Look up, the Upper-Taker will appear sooner than many think, and some of us will experience the Rapture before we meet the undertaker. Who knows? I am just praising the Lord for the “hope” He has placed within us. Join with me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
October 2008 #2
PERSONAL UPDATE – You have no doubt been wondering, praying but hearing nothing. I just simply have not felt up to sitting at the computer answering e-mails or writing. If I haven’t answered your e-mails, please forgive me. / For all my surgeries I have never been this slow bouncing back and I am still dragging. The home nurse and therapist both said today that my color has greatly improved, whatever that means. They didn’t tell me what color I am (smile). They have been coming 2-3 times a week. My pulse and blood pressure are still jumping all over the place. The nurse called the cardiologist about it last week and he had me come in on Thursday and he made some adjustments in my medication and reminded me again of how long this was all going to take. / I have a cough that they say goes with all this that is driving me crazy. Just washing up and getting dressed each day leaves me exhausted. I have some exercises and walking I am to do each day and they are getting easier. I know I am improving but I guess (know) I am impatient. I will see the surgeon for a check up on November 13th and learn what restrictions will or will not remain. I am in no hurry to be running around or driving. Thank you for your faithful prayers.
GOOD HELP – My daughter Patty Armitage came and stayed for three weeks, such a blessing and help. Betty’s daughter Kathy has been staying with us and she has been a tremendous help as well. Don’t know what we’d do without her. I guess I’d be in a rehab center of some sort so God has been gracious. Betty has been trying to be helpful as well, even with her own struggles.
POLITICS – I have been watching a lot of Fox News and the political scene, not being able to do much else as my vision and ability to read is very limited. I am gravely concerned; as it appears that McCain is losing the battle even with all that Palin has added to the ticket. Obama is leading the race if we are to believe the polls and the liberal press and we may be in for a rugged four years. To realize that the liberal agenda will control the House, Senate and White House, is a frightening thought. All the checks and balances of the past will be gone. We need to be praying vigoursly. I listen to all the rhetoric and the promises, along with the lies as we are promised the whole world, knowing they cannot be delivered. I remember Carter doing the same thing and he was elected, delivering nothing but one of the worst economies the country had ever experienced with interest rates up in the 19-21% range. After four years the country was glad to be rid of him. I am not sure we will be able to recoup from the socialism that Obama and his cohorts will gender. The slide down the slippery slope may well lead us into the decline that will one day be necessary to prepare the way for the prophetic events of Russia and the Arabs turning on Israel, leading up to the Great Tribulation. I am no prophet but I do know what God’s Word tells us about what will eventually take place. Forgive me if I sound repetitive.
HALLOWEEN – As I think back over the years to my formative days and beginning efforts in ministry, without a formal training and little direction regarding Christian proprieties, I recall having Halloween parties with the youth. As time passed and I developed better guidelines and practices I came to realize that Halloween has no place in true Christianity. Halloween is not hallowed and portrays everything that opposes Christian Biblical values. May God forgive me for those earlier days. More and more people decorate for Halloween and many Christians fail to realize how satanic and devilish the occasion is as it displays anything but a Biblical point of view, dressing children as devils, ghosts, ghouls, etc. Sending children out to go begging for goodies that aren’t good for them and are occasionally tainted by twisted minds. A true Christian spirit should be instilling love and giving into the hearts of our children. I wish there were some way to turn these present practices around into an entirely different and positive direction.
GOOD HELP – My daughter Patty Armitage came and stayed for three weeks, such a blessing and help. Betty’s daughter Kathy has been staying with us and she has been a tremendous help as well. Don’t know what we’d do without her. I guess I’d be in a rehab center of some sort so God has been gracious. Betty has been trying to be helpful as well, even with her own struggles.
POLITICS – I have been watching a lot of Fox News and the political scene, not being able to do much else as my vision and ability to read is very limited. I am gravely concerned; as it appears that McCain is losing the battle even with all that Palin has added to the ticket. Obama is leading the race if we are to believe the polls and the liberal press and we may be in for a rugged four years. To realize that the liberal agenda will control the House, Senate and White House, is a frightening thought. All the checks and balances of the past will be gone. We need to be praying vigoursly. I listen to all the rhetoric and the promises, along with the lies as we are promised the whole world, knowing they cannot be delivered. I remember Carter doing the same thing and he was elected, delivering nothing but one of the worst economies the country had ever experienced with interest rates up in the 19-21% range. After four years the country was glad to be rid of him. I am not sure we will be able to recoup from the socialism that Obama and his cohorts will gender. The slide down the slippery slope may well lead us into the decline that will one day be necessary to prepare the way for the prophetic events of Russia and the Arabs turning on Israel, leading up to the Great Tribulation. I am no prophet but I do know what God’s Word tells us about what will eventually take place. Forgive me if I sound repetitive.
HALLOWEEN – As I think back over the years to my formative days and beginning efforts in ministry, without a formal training and little direction regarding Christian proprieties, I recall having Halloween parties with the youth. As time passed and I developed better guidelines and practices I came to realize that Halloween has no place in true Christianity. Halloween is not hallowed and portrays everything that opposes Christian Biblical values. May God forgive me for those earlier days. More and more people decorate for Halloween and many Christians fail to realize how satanic and devilish the occasion is as it displays anything but a Biblical point of view, dressing children as devils, ghosts, ghouls, etc. Sending children out to go begging for goodies that aren’t good for them and are occasionally tainted by twisted minds. A true Christian spirit should be instilling love and giving into the hearts of our children. I wish there were some way to turn these present practices around into an entirely different and positive direction.
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