SURGERY TIME – Thursday I had my pre-op testing and learned the actual time of the surgery, 7:30 A.M. Tuesday. That means being there two hours ahead of time. I hate those early appointments, as I normally don’t function too well that early anymore. Actually I never did, I worked swing shift at Boeing Aircraft a number of years. That is my excuse anyway. They had pictures to show me of what was done to prepare me and it was nothing more than what I pretty much knew anyway from all the hospital visitations I have done over the years. I hate all the tubes, etc. and being a bit claustrophobic adds to that. My daughter Patty Armitage is flying in on Monday to be here and to help out, something for which I am very thankful. I also have Gary and Donna nearby; it is always comforting to have family near at times like this. I also appreciate all the emails many have sent to be an encouragement and tell of their many prayers on my behalf.
BETTY’S TREATMENTS – I had Betty to the oncologist on Friday but they didn’t give her a treatment as her blood count was down. They want to take more bone scans, etc., to see if things have changed, something they did about four months ago. I always have concerns about all the radiation as that is not a good thing either. They gave her last month off on her chemo because she has been so tired from all of this. Your continued prayers for her are appreciated.
THE CONVENTIONS – Both the Democratic and Republicans Conventions are over and I was able to hear the major speeches. I would have liked to have heard some of the earlier speeches too but Fox News managed to talk over them, very frustrating. Though I have not been a great fan of John McCain, I do have a better opinion of him than previously and adding Sarah Palin to his ticket, as vice president was a shrewd move that should give him a better standing with conservatives. It has been interesting to see and hear all the flack the liberals gave Palin but she stood out well as she spoke, pretty well revealing how little they really knew about her. She gives a whole new and refreshing perspective to the campaign for the remaining two months. Then won’t we be glad it is all over?
BLOGSPOT – I haven’t mentioned it before that I do have a blog that you can go to and read previous “Musings.” My grandson Tim started one many months ago for me. Now my granddaughter Laura Lee keeps it up for me, adding the new “Musings” as they go out. So, if you want to tell others about them they are easy to get to at Isn’t it nice to have grandkids that help you? It is hard for us oldsters to keep up with all these modern opportunities.
MATTER FOR CONCERN – I print out far more information than I get around to commenting on, having trouble keeping up with it all. An IBD Editorial reported back in April 10, 2008 of a Minnesota Madrassa. “Islamofascism; As school officials and secularists turn a blind eye, Muslim radicals in Minneapolis take a publicly funded charter school and turned it into a madrassa. Flagrantly violating the constitutional ban on state promotion of religion, the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, or ITZA, herd’s children into bathrooms to perform ritual Islamic cleansing before leading them in the school gym to pray to Allah each day. In three visits to the K-8 school, the Minnesota Department of Education never noticed a problem, even though the tax funded school is located at a mosque. And the ACLU didn’t bother until a Minneapolis columnist exposed the madrassa earlier this week.” The article told of a daily scheduled prayer led by an imam, classroom instruction in the Quran, compulsory “after-school” Islamic Studies (busses don’t leave the school until after Islamic Studies is over), Halal cafeteria food, observance of Islamic holidays and early release for Friday mosque. “The school, named after an 8th century jihadist who invaded Spain, shares the headquarters building of the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota, whose mission is “establishing Islam in Minnesota.” The FBI says MAS, based in Washington, D.C., was founded by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.” Can you imagine tax monies paying for this? Do these things upset you? One thing is certain, Islam is quietly making it’s inroads into our nation and one of these days we will wake up to some very serious threats to our freedoms. Just try to get those same privileges established for Christianity in our public schools that have removed prayer and the Bible. God save us!
MISSING CHURCH – I’ve missed a lot of church lately and it leaves me feeling that things aren’t quite right. For nearly sixty years I have attended every service. That was true before I was in ministry and since. I’ve always felt the need for hearing more of God’s Word and fellowshipping with His people. Professing Christians who seldom attend church has often puzzled me. How do they manage spiritually? How do they feed their souls? How do they obtain healthy fellowship? Don’t they sense something lacking in their lives? The reality is, they don’t give much thought to spiritual matters and they find their fellowship in the world. They are either carnal Christians or they were never truly saved. True Christians, as they get older, and are physically handicapped, have a keen sense of loss from their earlier days when they experienced regular edification and sweet fellowship. I wonder how professing Christians will handle heavenly fellowship when they have rejected it throughout their lives? Some may well wake up surprised, finding themselves at a different destination. Some may find my evaluations wrong but one thing is certain, something is out of order for those who so profess but don’t seem to possess.
PREVIOUS HOSPITAL STAYS – (You can tell where my mind is these days.) Thinking back over previous hospital experiences I have found other patients or hospital staff people who were Christians. I have also found those who were not. I shared a room one time with a man that when he found out I was a Baptist preacher he asked to be moved to another room. I don’t even recall having said anything spiritual to him. Once I was in the University Hospital in Omaha for about 10 days for some tests to find out why I was having some stomach pain. On that occasion several different patients came through my same room. One was a longhaired young man and I had the privilege of leading him to Christ. You always wonder how real such decisions are. About two years later some of his family visited my mission church and thanked me for leading him to Christ and told me he had gone on living for the Lord and was now a deacon in his church. Sometime you have an opportunity to encourage others in their time of difficulties. So, as Christians, God allows the events in our lives to carry out His purposes. Please pray God will give me such an opportunity again.
Monday, September 8, 2008
September 2008 #1
ANOTHER ISSUE – In the last “Musings” I shared some issues from the past that has taken up a lot of time and debate. There was another that needs to be added to the list, that of the Charismatic Movement and particularly the gift of tongues. I am not hearing so much about these as in the past, though I know many Christians are still caught up with it. A lady that attended our home Bible studies and the class at Fellowship Baptist Church in Dublin when I was teaching the series on Comparative Religions, brought to our attention a ladies group she had attended that was involved in charismatic issues. So, I know they are still around, though not as strong as they once were. I remember when I was doing the Interim Relief Ministry for the mission and relieving our missionary in Schuler, Nebraska, getting caught up in a debate with some of them. A number of people involved in the movement had visited he mission church and while I was out calling in the community I knocked on a door where a group of charismatic’s were having a Bible study. I was invited in and had a lengthy discussion with them relating to spiritual gifts and the gift of tongues in particular. Shortly after that when I was starting the church plant in Clarinda, Iowa I had a couple visit our V.B.S. program that their children had attended. During the refreshment time the gentleman started questioning me on the subject as he was asking about our church. I made it very clear to him that we taught God’s truth as found in the Bible and if he was interested in attending in order to do that he would be welcome. If, however, he wanted to bring the tongues issue into the work they had better find a church that was so involved. We didn’t need that kind of divisiveness in our small church. They never came back. I have had many run in’s with the movement over the years. Consequently, it was a common practice for me, in my various church plants, to teach what the Bible says about spiritual gifts. I did so in order to prevent the abuse of spiritual gifts and the confusion that is so often created by those who were so involved, endeavoring to prove their salvation based upon having spoken in tongues.
EARLY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES – God put special people in my life during my early days of spiritual growth that gave me practical experiences in witnessing. Though I was saved as a boy, there wasn’t any encouragement relating to church and spiritual matters from my parents or stepparents and I walked afar off. After I was married, a Baptist pastor helped me get back on track with the Lord and he also led my wife to Christ. The pastor’s teachings and by taking me with him on visitation, gave me experiences in calling and witnessing. Also at that time there was a man by the name of Pat Patterson who took me under wing, an elderly and retired gentleman who taught me much about witnessing and soul winning by taking me out calling with him. I would observe and run interference while he took people through the Scriptures relating to salvation. In time, he would say, “Les, now you do it while I run interference.” Using the term “interference” had to do with keeping any children entertained and avoiding any distractions while the other witnessed and shared the Scriptures. Pat had started out studying to be a doctor but his education was interrupted and he spent the years in real estate, being a police officer and various sales ventures. He knew how to deal with people and I learned much from him. It was a time of tutoring in ministry in that little church where I was given many opportunities to learn and serve. There was another such man in that church by the name of Ted Anderson who also helped me along spiritually and answered many questions that came to mind as I read my Bible. Serving with him as a young deacon he guiding me through many areas of church ministry. I worked for him in a feed store and it was not uncommon for us to witness to the farmers and other customers that came into the store to purchase feed or eggs. Life was simpler in those days and people had more time for one another. Meals and snacks around kitchen tables or occasionally in a restaurant were filled with considering Bible truths or doctrines as we fellowshipped. It is important for Christians to learn their Bibles and how to answer people’s questions from Scripture and to know how to take people through the plan of salvation.
MORE THAN THE PRACTICAL – It did not take me long to learn that there is more to being able to answer peoples questions and taking them through the Biblical plan of salvation. I have had my converts who said “Yes” to get rid of me and then went on their same sinful paths. For all our answers and a clear Biblical plan for salvation, without the working of the Holy Spirit, the results are meaningless. Unless the Holy Spirit works in a life, the rest is just words. We have to learn to let Him guide, open doors and to bring the real results. The work is God’s and not ours and a polished presentation of the Gospel is empty without His workings. Witnessing is more than a sale’s like presentation, it requires patience, being a long process of ministering to needs while loving people and establishing relationships that prepares hearts and opens doors. I fear that street corner witnessing and preaching is often very empty and does not really reach people very effectively. I suppose there will be people who will disagree with me but my years of experience have brought me to this conclusion. Rare are the decisions of people based on first time contacts. They do happen but they are few and far between.
THE IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR CHURCH ATTENDANCE – Dedicated Christians realize the importance of regular church attendance as the source of their spiritual development. The collective study of God’s Word prepares us with a good knowledge of the Bible and the various methods of ministry or service. This, along with our own personal Bible study equips us to be faithful witnesses in answering peoples questions and how to deal with them spiritually. Christmas and Easter Christians cannot expect to be able or qualified to lead their families, friends and acquaintances to Christ and to share the glories of eternity with our God and Savior. I know it is sometimes difficult in many areas to find a good church to attend but I’ve always believed it behooves believers to find one or start one so that this need might be fulfilled in their lives to serve the Savior adequately.
SURGERY DATE – The cardiac surgeon’s nurse called today to set the date of September 9th which was alright with me as I want to get this over with as soon as possible before any complications can take place. This still had to be cleared with the hospital to make sure that worked for them as well. I have not heard back so I assume that is okay and they will be pulling my records to see if any additional testing is needed and will let me know. I am so appreciative of your prayers. I dread the thought of a ventilator and tubes, etc. as I am a bit claustrophobic. I understand they keep you well sedated during that period so maybe I won’t know anything about it, hopefully.
EARLY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES – God put special people in my life during my early days of spiritual growth that gave me practical experiences in witnessing. Though I was saved as a boy, there wasn’t any encouragement relating to church and spiritual matters from my parents or stepparents and I walked afar off. After I was married, a Baptist pastor helped me get back on track with the Lord and he also led my wife to Christ. The pastor’s teachings and by taking me with him on visitation, gave me experiences in calling and witnessing. Also at that time there was a man by the name of Pat Patterson who took me under wing, an elderly and retired gentleman who taught me much about witnessing and soul winning by taking me out calling with him. I would observe and run interference while he took people through the Scriptures relating to salvation. In time, he would say, “Les, now you do it while I run interference.” Using the term “interference” had to do with keeping any children entertained and avoiding any distractions while the other witnessed and shared the Scriptures. Pat had started out studying to be a doctor but his education was interrupted and he spent the years in real estate, being a police officer and various sales ventures. He knew how to deal with people and I learned much from him. It was a time of tutoring in ministry in that little church where I was given many opportunities to learn and serve. There was another such man in that church by the name of Ted Anderson who also helped me along spiritually and answered many questions that came to mind as I read my Bible. Serving with him as a young deacon he guiding me through many areas of church ministry. I worked for him in a feed store and it was not uncommon for us to witness to the farmers and other customers that came into the store to purchase feed or eggs. Life was simpler in those days and people had more time for one another. Meals and snacks around kitchen tables or occasionally in a restaurant were filled with considering Bible truths or doctrines as we fellowshipped. It is important for Christians to learn their Bibles and how to answer people’s questions from Scripture and to know how to take people through the plan of salvation.
MORE THAN THE PRACTICAL – It did not take me long to learn that there is more to being able to answer peoples questions and taking them through the Biblical plan of salvation. I have had my converts who said “Yes” to get rid of me and then went on their same sinful paths. For all our answers and a clear Biblical plan for salvation, without the working of the Holy Spirit, the results are meaningless. Unless the Holy Spirit works in a life, the rest is just words. We have to learn to let Him guide, open doors and to bring the real results. The work is God’s and not ours and a polished presentation of the Gospel is empty without His workings. Witnessing is more than a sale’s like presentation, it requires patience, being a long process of ministering to needs while loving people and establishing relationships that prepares hearts and opens doors. I fear that street corner witnessing and preaching is often very empty and does not really reach people very effectively. I suppose there will be people who will disagree with me but my years of experience have brought me to this conclusion. Rare are the decisions of people based on first time contacts. They do happen but they are few and far between.
THE IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR CHURCH ATTENDANCE – Dedicated Christians realize the importance of regular church attendance as the source of their spiritual development. The collective study of God’s Word prepares us with a good knowledge of the Bible and the various methods of ministry or service. This, along with our own personal Bible study equips us to be faithful witnesses in answering peoples questions and how to deal with them spiritually. Christmas and Easter Christians cannot expect to be able or qualified to lead their families, friends and acquaintances to Christ and to share the glories of eternity with our God and Savior. I know it is sometimes difficult in many areas to find a good church to attend but I’ve always believed it behooves believers to find one or start one so that this need might be fulfilled in their lives to serve the Savior adequately.
SURGERY DATE – The cardiac surgeon’s nurse called today to set the date of September 9th which was alright with me as I want to get this over with as soon as possible before any complications can take place. This still had to be cleared with the hospital to make sure that worked for them as well. I have not heard back so I assume that is okay and they will be pulling my records to see if any additional testing is needed and will let me know. I am so appreciative of your prayers. I dread the thought of a ventilator and tubes, etc. as I am a bit claustrophobic. I understand they keep you well sedated during that period so maybe I won’t know anything about it, hopefully.
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