“Musings” - June 22, 2007 - By Leslie G. Newell
(Sharing Thoughts from the past & present by a Home Missionary past his Prime)
I GOOFED: I had Betty proofread last weeks “Musings” and then failed to make the corrections as I was trying to talk on AOL with my son while working on it and I sent it out without the changes. I hope you managed to see through or understand the typos.
TOWER OF BABEL: Do you remember God’s comment when He went down to see the city and tower the people had built and were building? Genesis 11:6, “Now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.” This verse came to mind as I watched the Discovery Channel on June 17th. The topic was “Building The Future,” with several segments. (1) Japan has built tunnels and a huge underground, tiled cavern to catch the floodwaters from typhoons in order to protect Tokyo and millions of people. (2) Plans are being made to destroy a large asteroid that is 300 million miles away aligned to hit the earth in 2029. (3) Mexico has built the tallest glass building in their country on the same ground where earthquakes have destroyed buildings previously. It has been designed with a flex system and hydraulic absorbers to offset the shock. It has already proven effective in a 7.9 Richter scale earthquake. It is designed to withstand a 9.0 earthquake. (4) London, England has built huge barrier gates to protect the Thames River from rising sea water levels that could destroy great numbers of people in a storm. All of these are amazing and huge projects of human ingenuity to protect from horrific damage by natural disasters. I found these undertakings to be almost unbelievable. (At least they would have been in past generations.) But, when I read the Book of Revelation and the terrible judgments of God against humanity and their rejection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, nothing that man can do with his modern ingenuity will protect them. Since the Tower of Babel man has made great progress in his capabilities as God had prophesied but he will never be able to counterbalance what God has in store for the earth.
DEATH BY CHOCOLATE: Driving to the bank this week I saw a bumper sticker on the car ahead of me that said, “If I must die, let it be death by chocolate.” I’ve heard many people call themselves chocoholics and the driver of the car must have been one of them. With the increased number of diabetics in this country they may well be dying of chocolate. I use to eat Reese bars when I’d get a sugar low and I loved them. That was the only real opportunity I had to enjoy them. Then, when I went to the endocrinologist she told me that was the wrong thing to do because chocolate has a tendency to run your blood pressure up and I was already on medication for that and I have been for years. If you are a chocoholic be warned, you just might become diabetic from all the sugar and also increase your blood pressure, both can contribute to death. I can just hear some of you responding, “But I’ll die happy.” Enjoy, we all have to die sometime, just be sure you know the Savior before you do!
SOMETHING BIBLICAL TO THINK ABOUT: Recently I was sitting in a Bible study dealing with Genesis 3. The pastor was making a point relating to the different responses of Adam and Eve when God was dealing with their sin and the involvement with the serpent. As you recall God spoke first to Adam who blames God and the woman whom God had given him. Speaking to Eve, she blamed the serpent. Then God spoke to the serpent and placed the curse upon it. Then God spoke to Eve revealing the curse upon her, first the sorrow or pain of childbirth and then second, making her subject to her husband. Then God dealt with Adam and his curse had to do with cursing the ground for Adam’s sake. Requiring the toil of labor for food all the days of his life, complicated by adding the thorns and thistles to the equation. Thus reminding Adam that he would labor by the sweat of his brow to provide food for himself and his family. Now, the thoughts that came to me that I want to share with you: All these curses or judgments continue to this day. For Eve the consequence related to childbirth and subjection to her husband. To man his curse related to his labor to provide food for himself and his family. Eve’s penalty related to birth and care of the family in the home. Adam’s penalty related to his labor in providing for his family outside the home. I personally believe it was God’s intention that the woman would pay the price of taking care of the children and husband in the home. Man’s responsibility was to labor outside the home to meet his family’s needs. Stay with me. Today we have large numbers of married women working outside the home, as do their husbands. All the while we hear a great deal about the disparity between the wages between what a woman gets paid and what a man gets paid. Often the woman is paid less for the same work than a man does, with a lot of news and complaint related to it. Personally, I believe in equal pay for equal work, whoever does it. But, the controversy continues. My question is this… “Is it possible that the disparity continues because of the breakdown of God’s purpose relating to the different curses placed on Eve and Adam and His intent for the family?” I believe it does. It is something to think about. What do you think?
REGARDING THE ABOVE: I worded the above in the context of married couples. I understand that single ladies have to work for a living, as do many singles and divorced with children. They should receive equal pay for equal work. I am old fashioned enough to believe that a man should provide for his family while the woman cares for the family in the home. If there are no children or the children are all raised, then it comes down to the couples decision as to whether the wife works outside the home or not. I don’t want to start a war of words, knowing we are living in a different day and it is difficult to maintain and family on one income. Still, parenting is an awesome task and when both parents work outside the home it leaves a great deal lacking for the children, even when a good babysitter or childcare center is used. Nothing replaces a mother’s care of the children, with a working, loving father to back her up. Scripture seems very clear to me in this matter but many do not want to follow a Biblical pattern. God bless those mothers that sacrifice to stay home and raise their children. The Second World War changed this standard practice and things will probably never get back to such a protocol.
OFF TO BRAZIL: My granddaughter Christen, her husband James Taylor and their three children will leave for Brazil as missionaries on June 26th. Your prayers for them to arrive safely on the field along with the 45 boxes already packed and shipped. Pray that customs will go easy on them and that things will arrive safe, not broken or stolen. Pray for Christen as she works to learn the language and as they get settled into a vital soul winning and church-planting ministry. Their work is needed for far fewer foreign missionaries are going out today as compared to just a few years ago
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Musings 6-16.07
“Musings” 6-16-07
By Leslie G. Newell
(Sharing thoughts from the past & present by a Home Missionary past his prime)
PRAYER PRACTICES: Thinking back over the years relating to prayer I recall when the men use to gather for prayer and kneeling as they did so at prayer meetings and prior to services. These old knees no longer find it easy to get down on them so other acceptable positions are taken, but God understands. Those kneeling men manifest their respect for God in humbling themselves in that manner. Aside from that, it was always my practice over the years to have the deacons or several available men to gather with me prior to the morning service to pray and ask for God’s blessings on the service, for decisions among those gathered and for the pastor as he preached. This always gave me a sense of God’s presence as we worked our way through the service and delivered the message. Reading about Charles Spurgeon it was his practice to have a group of men in another room praying for him as he preached. It is little wonder that his ministry was so effective and that his books of sermons are still printed and read today. Pastor’s need prayer support as they preach and work through their workweek. I wonder how many pastors still gather for prayer prior to preaching that morning message. Customs and times are changing.
FRIGHTENING MAIL: I don’t know how it is with you but I always dread getting letters from the IRS and the State Bureau of Taxation. I received such a letter this week telling me I owed over $800.00 plus three months interest on last year’s taxes. I still have to work through this but for some reason they have not credited me for my estimated taxes paid during the year. I wondered why I hadn’t received my tax return yet. It always makes my heart beat a little harder when such notices come and I am sure many of you have similar occasions. It makes you wonder why Israel of old wanted a king like other countries, knowing they would be taxed to maintain his realm. I always dislike tax time when all those papers have to be filled out and I am relieved when the task is done. Even then you never know but what mistakes or disagreements will arise so we continue to live under the heavy hand of government. Death is the only escape and then the relatives have to wrestle with it. I recall the ignorance of some people. Someone once asked me what I did for a living and when I told the man (I won’t call him a gentleman) I was a missionary pastor his response was, “Oh, you are one of those people who don’t have to pay taxes.” I wish!
NEWS MAGAZINES: Years ago when I attended Candidate School with F.B.H.M. one of the recommendations they made was that we subscribe to U.S. News and World Report since it was the more conservative news magazine. It is certainly more conservative than the liberal bent of Time or Newsweek magazines. Through the years I have subscribed and kept up with a broad view of news and often found some good illustrations I could use in my sermons. A much more helpful news magazine today is World, a news magazine with a Christian worldview. I have subscribed for a number of years and also occasionally given gift subscriptions. Occasionally there will be an article that I don’t find myself agreeing with but even those make me think which is a worthwhile exercise. Try it I think you will like it.
ISLAM’S EFFORT TO PROMOTE SHARIAH LAW: There is a reason we keep hearing reports in the news about Muslim taxicab drivers refusing to drive people who have been drinking or are transporting their bottles. There is also a reason behind their efforts to get special foot washing basins in airport restrooms. Or Muslim girls trying to force tax payer funded universities (and private colleges) to accommodate “Muslim Interest Living Communities” rather than just single sex dorms. Every time you read of these and similar events know that is an effort to gradually force conformity to Islamic practices of Shariah Law. Don’t let such efforts be forced upon our society, voice your objections! I’ve read of public elementary schools teaching and practicing Muslim chants or prayers to teach their culture while denying Christian prayer. A double standard for sure but these are all efforts to gradually prepare us for the day when Islamic law will prevail over democratic governments. We need to be much in prayer that God will deliver us from these efforts. / If I were a cab driver I wouldn’t like driving drinkers around either but that is better than drunks driving their cars and endangering others. Even their supposed opposition to alcohol is hypocritical and I find it interesting that some of those that caused so much destruction on 9-11 were known to have spent some of their last hours in bars. Could it be possible they were trying to drown their own consciences before their vile deeds?
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Churches all over the country will be conducting V.B.S. in the next few weeks. This is a vital and effective ministry to reach children and parents. Many children are saved every year through this ministry. It has always been a highlight of my church planting ministry as we saw children saved and hiding God’s Word in their hearts. Our church will be conducting V.B.S. the week after next and we were out distributing invitations this morning. I quickly found out I am not up to very much of that walking anymore but it is always a joy to serve our Lord.
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: I don’t ever remember the candidates out in force this early before. I suppose with the sitting president going out and a new one to come in has stirred up a lot of hopefuls. With the long list of contenders there are still two more that may throw their hats in the ring, Fred Thompson with his TV persona sounds like he is going to do it and Newt Gingrich will decide in October or November whether he will run or not. I consider myself a conservative in politics and religion alike and at this point I am not too excited about any of them. Both of these come closer to catching my interest if they should run but even for their conservative political positions they have some of the same marital problems of the others. That seems to be the condition of these days as Scripture tells us it will be. It looks like we will be right back where we have been for many years voting on the least of two less than desirable. President Bush was a breath of fresh air after the Clinton presidency but he has not carried through in so many areas we had hoped he would. It is my personal view in the light of prophecy that this country is on the downward slope that will be essential to setting the stage for world conditions to put the antichrist in place. What do you think?
By Leslie G. Newell
(Sharing thoughts from the past & present by a Home Missionary past his prime)
PRAYER PRACTICES: Thinking back over the years relating to prayer I recall when the men use to gather for prayer and kneeling as they did so at prayer meetings and prior to services. These old knees no longer find it easy to get down on them so other acceptable positions are taken, but God understands. Those kneeling men manifest their respect for God in humbling themselves in that manner. Aside from that, it was always my practice over the years to have the deacons or several available men to gather with me prior to the morning service to pray and ask for God’s blessings on the service, for decisions among those gathered and for the pastor as he preached. This always gave me a sense of God’s presence as we worked our way through the service and delivered the message. Reading about Charles Spurgeon it was his practice to have a group of men in another room praying for him as he preached. It is little wonder that his ministry was so effective and that his books of sermons are still printed and read today. Pastor’s need prayer support as they preach and work through their workweek. I wonder how many pastors still gather for prayer prior to preaching that morning message. Customs and times are changing.
FRIGHTENING MAIL: I don’t know how it is with you but I always dread getting letters from the IRS and the State Bureau of Taxation. I received such a letter this week telling me I owed over $800.00 plus three months interest on last year’s taxes. I still have to work through this but for some reason they have not credited me for my estimated taxes paid during the year. I wondered why I hadn’t received my tax return yet. It always makes my heart beat a little harder when such notices come and I am sure many of you have similar occasions. It makes you wonder why Israel of old wanted a king like other countries, knowing they would be taxed to maintain his realm. I always dislike tax time when all those papers have to be filled out and I am relieved when the task is done. Even then you never know but what mistakes or disagreements will arise so we continue to live under the heavy hand of government. Death is the only escape and then the relatives have to wrestle with it. I recall the ignorance of some people. Someone once asked me what I did for a living and when I told the man (I won’t call him a gentleman) I was a missionary pastor his response was, “Oh, you are one of those people who don’t have to pay taxes.” I wish!
NEWS MAGAZINES: Years ago when I attended Candidate School with F.B.H.M. one of the recommendations they made was that we subscribe to U.S. News and World Report since it was the more conservative news magazine. It is certainly more conservative than the liberal bent of Time or Newsweek magazines. Through the years I have subscribed and kept up with a broad view of news and often found some good illustrations I could use in my sermons. A much more helpful news magazine today is World, a news magazine with a Christian worldview. I have subscribed for a number of years and also occasionally given gift subscriptions. Occasionally there will be an article that I don’t find myself agreeing with but even those make me think which is a worthwhile exercise. Try it I think you will like it.
ISLAM’S EFFORT TO PROMOTE SHARIAH LAW: There is a reason we keep hearing reports in the news about Muslim taxicab drivers refusing to drive people who have been drinking or are transporting their bottles. There is also a reason behind their efforts to get special foot washing basins in airport restrooms. Or Muslim girls trying to force tax payer funded universities (and private colleges) to accommodate “Muslim Interest Living Communities” rather than just single sex dorms. Every time you read of these and similar events know that is an effort to gradually force conformity to Islamic practices of Shariah Law. Don’t let such efforts be forced upon our society, voice your objections! I’ve read of public elementary schools teaching and practicing Muslim chants or prayers to teach their culture while denying Christian prayer. A double standard for sure but these are all efforts to gradually prepare us for the day when Islamic law will prevail over democratic governments. We need to be much in prayer that God will deliver us from these efforts. / If I were a cab driver I wouldn’t like driving drinkers around either but that is better than drunks driving their cars and endangering others. Even their supposed opposition to alcohol is hypocritical and I find it interesting that some of those that caused so much destruction on 9-11 were known to have spent some of their last hours in bars. Could it be possible they were trying to drown their own consciences before their vile deeds?
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Churches all over the country will be conducting V.B.S. in the next few weeks. This is a vital and effective ministry to reach children and parents. Many children are saved every year through this ministry. It has always been a highlight of my church planting ministry as we saw children saved and hiding God’s Word in their hearts. Our church will be conducting V.B.S. the week after next and we were out distributing invitations this morning. I quickly found out I am not up to very much of that walking anymore but it is always a joy to serve our Lord.
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: I don’t ever remember the candidates out in force this early before. I suppose with the sitting president going out and a new one to come in has stirred up a lot of hopefuls. With the long list of contenders there are still two more that may throw their hats in the ring, Fred Thompson with his TV persona sounds like he is going to do it and Newt Gingrich will decide in October or November whether he will run or not. I consider myself a conservative in politics and religion alike and at this point I am not too excited about any of them. Both of these come closer to catching my interest if they should run but even for their conservative political positions they have some of the same marital problems of the others. That seems to be the condition of these days as Scripture tells us it will be. It looks like we will be right back where we have been for many years voting on the least of two less than desirable. President Bush was a breath of fresh air after the Clinton presidency but he has not carried through in so many areas we had hoped he would. It is my personal view in the light of prophecy that this country is on the downward slope that will be essential to setting the stage for world conditions to put the antichrist in place. What do you think?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Musing 11-21-06
A GOOD ANSWER: In my last musing I raised the question regarding helpful responses to those who use blasphemous (oaths) language. I only received one response that I will share as briefly as I can. A friend shared how her husband, who before they met was unsaved and accustomed to taking God’s name in vain. One day while checking out a tool at work he swore using the name of Jesus Christ. The man checking out the tool to him said, “So, you know my Friend?” Rather than criticizing the man for taking the Lord’s name in vain this simple question was asked. Not understanding the man responded, “What friend?” This opened the door for witness and over a period of time and gracious dealings my friend’s future husband was led to Christ. I liked this story (abbreviated), rather than the usual harsh responses that we might make when we hear people blaspheming out Lord. It sounds more like the type of response our Savior would have made rather than taking offense.
LOOKING FOR A CHURCH WITH EVERYTHING: Over the years of church planting one of my greatest frustrations came when people would visit our little group that I followed up with a call in the home and I was told, “We are looking for a church that has ____________.” And they would fill in the blank such as “a youth group,” “a senior citizens ministry,” or “a Sunday School class my child’s age,” or perhaps “a choir.” New church plants are often hurting for lack or a well-rounded program that fits everyone’s need. We would be praying for teenagers to start a youth ministry and a family with several teens would visit but we didn’t fit their need. My response was usually along these lines, “You are right and we have been praying for God to provide the ability to have that kind of ministry. Why don’t you become the nucleus to make that a reality, helping to develop that kind of ministry?” My memory is not the best but I do not recall one instance where such a family would say, “I’ll do that for the Lord.” Most Christians want a ready made church with a full program that meets their every need. There doesn’t seem to be a sense of personal ministry and commitment these days! LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT. With this kind of attitude how can we ever plant new churches? I’ve always thought that God called us to serve rather that to be served. I am wondering how comfortable some of these same people will be in Heaven when we are told in Revelation 22:3, “and His servants shall serve Him.”
PREFERENCE OR DOCTRINE: As I think back over the years, there have been a lot of cultural changes and debates as to what a Christian should or should not wear, do or go. There were times when I found myself caught up in those struggles. Sad to say, there were times when I was guilty of “legalisms” or Christian preferences that we are hard pressed to find Scriptures that give us a doctrinal position to back them up. I want to be guarded here as I do not want to start a spiritual war with anyone but let me give you one example that comes to mind. I have always felt I should wear my “Sunday best” when I go to church. For me, that was a suit and tie, with shoes shined, even before I became a missionary-pastor. I haven’t gotten over it, dressing down, which is common today doesn’t feel quite right to me. After all, we are entering God’s house, a place of worship and we should present ourselves in a respectful manner. Right? Would we dress down if we were invited to the Whitehouse to meet President Bush? I don’t think so! But can I make a doctrine of this? It is a preference.
Should I criticize a man who wears “Wranglers” and or cowboy boots to a worship service? I can find Scripture that teaches modesty, particularly for the ladies (though I believe an application can be made for the man as well). But, I cannot find a Bible passage that tells me to wear a suit, tie and shined shoes. I had a man in one church I pastored that never wore a tie, suit or sports jacket. If you were to ask him why he would tell you, “I use to be an alcoholic and I attend Alcoholics Anonymous. I invite those men to church hoping they will be saved and should they come, I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable because they are not wearing a suit as others are.” I couldn’t argue with that, maybe you can, but I couldn’t. It was a non-issue! In another instance, the man that taught me how to be a deacon and a soul-winner use to wear blue-stripped bib overalls to church on Wednesdays. That is what he wore to work but he always put on a clean pair to come to church on Wednesdays but did wear a suit on Sundays. Do you suppose that disqualified him from being a deacon, Sunday school teacher, and a discipler? Not in my eyes. In another instance, my son John wore cowboy boots, as did most people in North Dakota where we lived at the time. When he went off to Bible College cowboy boots were all that he owned as footwear but the college wouldn’t let him wear them while attending college. – I still wear a suit and tie on Sunday mornings while sitting in the congregation, though few do. I have finally condescended to forget the tie and jacket on Sunday evenings and Wednesdays. I still wear my tie when I teach in our home Bible studies but not my suit. I guess I’ve slipped a little.
LOOKING FOR A CHURCH WITH EVERYTHING: Over the years of church planting one of my greatest frustrations came when people would visit our little group that I followed up with a call in the home and I was told, “We are looking for a church that has ____________.” And they would fill in the blank such as “a youth group,” “a senior citizens ministry,” or “a Sunday School class my child’s age,” or perhaps “a choir.” New church plants are often hurting for lack or a well-rounded program that fits everyone’s need. We would be praying for teenagers to start a youth ministry and a family with several teens would visit but we didn’t fit their need. My response was usually along these lines, “You are right and we have been praying for God to provide the ability to have that kind of ministry. Why don’t you become the nucleus to make that a reality, helping to develop that kind of ministry?” My memory is not the best but I do not recall one instance where such a family would say, “I’ll do that for the Lord.” Most Christians want a ready made church with a full program that meets their every need. There doesn’t seem to be a sense of personal ministry and commitment these days! LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT. With this kind of attitude how can we ever plant new churches? I’ve always thought that God called us to serve rather that to be served. I am wondering how comfortable some of these same people will be in Heaven when we are told in Revelation 22:3, “and His servants shall serve Him.”
PREFERENCE OR DOCTRINE: As I think back over the years, there have been a lot of cultural changes and debates as to what a Christian should or should not wear, do or go. There were times when I found myself caught up in those struggles. Sad to say, there were times when I was guilty of “legalisms” or Christian preferences that we are hard pressed to find Scriptures that give us a doctrinal position to back them up. I want to be guarded here as I do not want to start a spiritual war with anyone but let me give you one example that comes to mind. I have always felt I should wear my “Sunday best” when I go to church. For me, that was a suit and tie, with shoes shined, even before I became a missionary-pastor. I haven’t gotten over it, dressing down, which is common today doesn’t feel quite right to me. After all, we are entering God’s house, a place of worship and we should present ourselves in a respectful manner. Right? Would we dress down if we were invited to the Whitehouse to meet President Bush? I don’t think so! But can I make a doctrine of this? It is a preference.
Should I criticize a man who wears “Wranglers” and or cowboy boots to a worship service? I can find Scripture that teaches modesty, particularly for the ladies (though I believe an application can be made for the man as well). But, I cannot find a Bible passage that tells me to wear a suit, tie and shined shoes. I had a man in one church I pastored that never wore a tie, suit or sports jacket. If you were to ask him why he would tell you, “I use to be an alcoholic and I attend Alcoholics Anonymous. I invite those men to church hoping they will be saved and should they come, I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable because they are not wearing a suit as others are.” I couldn’t argue with that, maybe you can, but I couldn’t. It was a non-issue! In another instance, the man that taught me how to be a deacon and a soul-winner use to wear blue-stripped bib overalls to church on Wednesdays. That is what he wore to work but he always put on a clean pair to come to church on Wednesdays but did wear a suit on Sundays. Do you suppose that disqualified him from being a deacon, Sunday school teacher, and a discipler? Not in my eyes. In another instance, my son John wore cowboy boots, as did most people in North Dakota where we lived at the time. When he went off to Bible College cowboy boots were all that he owned as footwear but the college wouldn’t let him wear them while attending college. – I still wear a suit and tie on Sunday mornings while sitting in the congregation, though few do. I have finally condescended to forget the tie and jacket on Sunday evenings and Wednesdays. I still wear my tie when I teach in our home Bible studies but not my suit. I guess I’ve slipped a little.
Musing 12-19-06
CHRISTMAS 2006: Dare a man of years express his concerns about Christmas? As a boy it seemed Christmas would never come. Now, sadly I almost wish it would not come because it has become burdensome. Don’t misunderstand me I still cherish the true meaning of Christmas as it reminds us of our God and Savior Jesus Christ Who took on human form that He might give His life for the redemption of our souls. I still relish the anticipation of family gathering together to celebrate the occasion, but…
· The decorating is colorful and beautiful and I enjoy the observation. But what does all this have to do with the real meaning of the season. Oh, I know the thought expressed relating to the lights and remembering that Christ is the “Light” of the world but how many really understand that? What about those large lighted balloons of snowmen, some with assorted scenes within, some are Santa Clauses who supposedly comes from the North Pole?
· The running to purchase gifts is stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy giving, I do! But, too often we buy because it is the thing to do. We have little idea of what is really needed because the family is so scattered and we seldom get to see their real circumstances or need. The children may have grown a foot taller than the last time we saw them and we really don’t have any idea of their sizes. You can ask but the answers are difficult to obtain, everyone is so busy.
· So, like many we have taken up the process of obtaining “gift cards” that we hope and pray are not lost or discounted due to time lost in their belated use. It seems so impersonal and without the usual thought of picking a choosing just the right gift.
Have I become cynical? No, I don’t think so, just frustrated in not being able to do what we once did due to circumstances beyond our control. The care of Betty, trying to keep up with all the shopping, laundry, cooking (mostly out of cans for myself as Betty has lost her appetite), doctoring, etc. changes the perspective. It gives a different meaning to what is important, necessary or fulfilling. What is the answer? Prayer, trusting in our God and Savior, looking for the peace that is provided by the Prince of Peace that cannot be found by the world’s standards of Christmas.
My son John, who is not able to work because of heart problems and his wife Ethel, share some of the same frustrations and have come to a decision they discussed with their son and family nearby as well as Tim who lives in the Wheaton/Chicago area. They are only buying gifts for the small grandchildren or children. Their emphasis is going to be on the family gathering and enjoying one another’s company. Attend the Christmas Eve service, reading the Christmas story, sing songs of praise and joy, drink eggnog, and share a meal (and snacks) while simply enjoying each other’s company.
Wouldn’t the merchants howl if all made the same radical change to let being together as a family and rejoicing in their Biblical (Christian) heritage be the center of their gathering rather than the rush of running to and fro for gifts or gift cards, etc. Wow!!
If my understanding is correct, the early church did not celebrate the virgin birth of Christ. They acknowledged and taught the doctrine and its importance but the cross of Calvary and the resurrection was the point of emphasis and proclamation. Years of religion and tradition have grown into something far more than what God had intended. We’ve nearly lost the value of family and faith in the hurry and scurry of the season.
Please don’t be too harsh with my personal “Musings,” concern and frustration.
Have A Very Merry Christmas &
Enjoy Your Family & Faith!
· The decorating is colorful and beautiful and I enjoy the observation. But what does all this have to do with the real meaning of the season. Oh, I know the thought expressed relating to the lights and remembering that Christ is the “Light” of the world but how many really understand that? What about those large lighted balloons of snowmen, some with assorted scenes within, some are Santa Clauses who supposedly comes from the North Pole?
· The running to purchase gifts is stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy giving, I do! But, too often we buy because it is the thing to do. We have little idea of what is really needed because the family is so scattered and we seldom get to see their real circumstances or need. The children may have grown a foot taller than the last time we saw them and we really don’t have any idea of their sizes. You can ask but the answers are difficult to obtain, everyone is so busy.
· So, like many we have taken up the process of obtaining “gift cards” that we hope and pray are not lost or discounted due to time lost in their belated use. It seems so impersonal and without the usual thought of picking a choosing just the right gift.
Have I become cynical? No, I don’t think so, just frustrated in not being able to do what we once did due to circumstances beyond our control. The care of Betty, trying to keep up with all the shopping, laundry, cooking (mostly out of cans for myself as Betty has lost her appetite), doctoring, etc. changes the perspective. It gives a different meaning to what is important, necessary or fulfilling. What is the answer? Prayer, trusting in our God and Savior, looking for the peace that is provided by the Prince of Peace that cannot be found by the world’s standards of Christmas.
My son John, who is not able to work because of heart problems and his wife Ethel, share some of the same frustrations and have come to a decision they discussed with their son and family nearby as well as Tim who lives in the Wheaton/Chicago area. They are only buying gifts for the small grandchildren or children. Their emphasis is going to be on the family gathering and enjoying one another’s company. Attend the Christmas Eve service, reading the Christmas story, sing songs of praise and joy, drink eggnog, and share a meal (and snacks) while simply enjoying each other’s company.
Wouldn’t the merchants howl if all made the same radical change to let being together as a family and rejoicing in their Biblical (Christian) heritage be the center of their gathering rather than the rush of running to and fro for gifts or gift cards, etc. Wow!!
If my understanding is correct, the early church did not celebrate the virgin birth of Christ. They acknowledged and taught the doctrine and its importance but the cross of Calvary and the resurrection was the point of emphasis and proclamation. Years of religion and tradition have grown into something far more than what God had intended. We’ve nearly lost the value of family and faith in the hurry and scurry of the season.
Please don’t be too harsh with my personal “Musings,” concern and frustration.
Have A Very Merry Christmas &
Enjoy Your Family & Faith!
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